Sebastian Rogers
Seth Robert Rogers Interviews
Feb. 25, 2024: Sebastian Rogers is last seen by his mother, Katie Proudfoot, and stepfather, Chris Proudfoot, before going to bed. .
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation along with Police in Sumner County, Tennessee, issued an Endangered Child Alert . According to the alert, Sebastian Rogers had been seen early morning hours on February 26, 2024 in Hendersonville, Tennessee, wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and glasses.
More than 200 searchers are sent out to search for the missing teen, including K-9 units, mounted officers, drones and helicopters.
Seth Robert Rogers Interviews
- 3/11/2024 – Pascal –
- 3/11/2024 – NewsChannel 5 –
- 3/14/2024 – Pascal –
- 3/18/2024 – Terri Lynn –
- 3/20/2024 – Nancy Grace –
- 3/21/2024 – The Lab –
- 3/22/2024 – JLR Investigates –
- 3/25/2024 – NewsChannel 5 –
- 3/29/2024 – Fox Nashville –
- 3/29/2024 – Dolly Vision –
- 3/30/2024 – The Pascal Show –
- 3/31/2024 – T-Rev 757 –
- 4/02/2024 – CJ Crime Concept –
- 4/03/2024 – Justin On TikTok
- 4/03/2024 – Nancy Grace
- 4/04/2024 – Novesity
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV/Julie
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV/Vinnie
- 4/05/2024 – The Pascal Show –
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 4, 2024
Host: hey you on the mic with the Pascal show what’s your name and where you calling from
Seth: calling from Clarksville Tennessee my name is Seth Rogers Seth
Host: first thank you so much for calling in um let me just say that first off um thank you so much for calling in how are you doing
Seth: about as best as I can my son’s missing and I wanted to tell you thank you because you’re getting this out to more people we’ve been passing Flyers out we’ve got all the way to Chatanooga we’ve got Billboards all the way up to Memphis reach out the balls to see if we can get Flyers out there to try to find him and I want to tell you thank you everybody just helped me try to find my son I appreciate it
Host: of course uh I mean well you know of course we’re we are only here to bring your your son back home you know of course home to safety um you have a second of course you called in and again I know that you’re really busy what what have you been up to uh all day today so far can you give us like a little bit of a breakdown of what the day has been been so far for you guys out there
Seth: I’ve been out because it’s it’s me and some of his extended family have been doing flyers and stuff so I’ve been passing out flyers and everything. I’ve been going to businesses passing out flyers in my town in Clarksville, everybody knows and everybody’s seeing it. tomorrow I have a trip planned um I’ve got seven different locations I’m going to see if I can find anything that and put more flyers up. I’m doing I’m going to the south side of Nashville tomorrow to put flyers up everywhere you know
Host: I understand that, have there been any leads any any leeway any semblance of any type of Hope in finding Sebastian in your search
Seth: I always have hope I always have hope um I just I always have hope I got to have hope because I can’t believe that he’s dead
Host: yeah if you mind me asking
Seth: I get up every morning and I hit the road I drive around you know put flyers out and I hope that I get to see him, I hope I get to make a left hand turn and he’s there or I jump on the interstate right he’s walking himself to me yeah I just keep praying.
Host: of course and and we’re all praying with you trust me brother we are all praying with you um if you if you mind me asking what what when where were you when you got the phone call that he was missing
Seth: well I just got off work at 7:00 in the morning, and I turned around, and I got to my vehicle got in there and there was a text message from stepfather call me it’s 911, and I called him and he told me that my son was missing. and I left from there and drove straight to his mom’s house.
I was there all day waiting for something some type of information. I saw them bring the dogs in, I was sitting there watching police come in and out, ask questions and they asked those questions, the first thing they did is where were you? and I’m like I’ve been at work the last 12 hours, you know, they turn around they they took our phones make sure that everything that we stated was verifiable.
Host: Sebastian’s not known to just go and wander off or or just to just to run off the way he that he did correct?
Seth: correct he’s never been one to do that sort of stuff
Host: when you went into the house was there anything different or anything off, maybe in the house when you were there?
Seth: no I walked in the house it seemed normal, everything was clean everything was pristine like it normally is, except for his his room.
Host: I gotcha except for his room okay okay.
Host: Have the stepdad and the mom have been out searching at all or have they just stayed home?
Seth: from my understanding, and my talks with Chris and Katie, they’ve been out putting flyers and posters in the ground
Host: okay okay I do have another question um because you did make a statement it was in an article um it it wasn’t I don’t know if it was in this uh video that we just watched this interview which by the way there’s a longer version of this interview right
Seth: I haven’t seen the interview I mean okay I was interviewed but I haven’t seen it yet
Host: there is something that you said in the interview that was actually put into an article, you said something about there being no scent, okay like the dogs weren’t picking up a scent but one dog followed a scent out into a construction site and then it disappeared could you maybe expand on that or explain a little bit more about that?
Seth: one of the Dog Handlers told me first day Monday, that the dog popped into a trail and they followed it and it went all the way around and it ended in a construction site, but it just ended that it’s like there was nothing. that leads me to believe that well if it ends normally the thing ends when you stop traveling on foot, from my understanding that would mean that he got into a car
Not Sharing Information with Seth:
Host: if he got into a car just so I understand the construction site itself was did the scent stop in the middle of the construction site or did it stop on the side of the road
Seth: they did they didn’t tell me. I’m not part of that sheriff’s department so yeah they’re not going to share information with me, on top of that I’m emotionally attached, so they don’t want me involved in the investigation. so everything I do is pretty much on my own. if I go search somewhere I’m under or uh I’m under pretty much orders to turn around and call TBI and tell them where I’m going, so that they know because they know I’m searching by myself and if I come up missing they want to know where I was because they don’t want me coming up missing and my un missing
School issues:
Host: you were still very tight you’re still very tight with Sebastian so I’m curious did he tell you of any issues at school did he have any you know did he have any was he dealing with any type of bullies enemies anything like that at school?
Seth: not that I am aware of I am tight with my son, I moved from California to Tennessee, so I could be close enough to go pick up my son not far enough that when I pick him up he. I don’t want to be in her backyard right because she’s she’s not my wife
Online and games:
Host: was there any online forums or anything of that sort did he game a lot did he could he have been online somewhere talking to people
Seth: yeah he play games at my hous, my PlayStation is pretty much locked down for my own sake. Because if I don’t know you, I don’t want you popping in to talk to me so it’s like everybody on my PlayStation that are on my friends list, I know personally, so there’s no way that he would have been talking to somebody without me knowing because they’re my friends they’re not his friends. yeah no I mean they would call me up and be like you know your son’s on your account right I’m like yeah sitting next to him he’s in his recliner I’m in my recliner
Host: right right you guys are spending time together
Seth: he’s playing there and I’m on my phone playing Call of Duty and he’s on the PlayStation playing Modern Warfare, you know I mean I know what I know what he’s doing because I’m I’m right next to him yeah so it’s like any conversations or anything that he was he didn’t he didn’t have the headphones right so and it’s a PS4 it’s not a PS5 so it doesn’t you know it doesn’t pick up your stuff through the remote or anything yeah so it’s like only way he would have had contact with any of them is if he had had headphones on and I made him not wear headphones because you’re not going to talk to random people right you don’t know who you know and I explain to him you don’t know who these people are they could tell you one thing and they could be some guy that’s like in his 50s or something looking for some kid Link
Host: did he ever express any issues about his home environment at all
Seth: not at his mom, he never expressed anything about his mom and dad’s stepfathers, he liked the dogs, you know he was supposed to come live with me at the end of school, summer break he was supposed to move in with me full time
this is what I this this is what both me and him have wanted for years
Host: yeah yeah no I understand that and now now you’re out looking for him now
Seth: I gotta find it so he can come live with me
Host: yeah yeah I understand um of course you know I’m not I’m not trying to point any blame or anything of that sort um but you know the the the situation in which he just vanished Into Thin Air is very suspicious in in my personal opinion what are your thoughts as far as him Vanishing in the way that he did vanish
Seth: I’m missing something like I’ve stated since day one nothing none of this none of this makes sense yeah there’s something missing out of this puzzle and I don’t know what it is and I hope that law enforcement has has figured out the missing piece so that they can bring my son back to me right
Host: I totally understand that has there been any been has there been any that you’ve heard so far maybe maybe a piece of a clue or anything you said I know I understand that there’s pieces to this puzzle that are missing but did did they happen to give you at least something that could be some semblance of a piece to a puzzle
Seth: no they they they’re not including me in on they tell me what they do but they’re not including me in on what they find.
Host: I understand, I do understand especially with your expert you know with your experience of course being a police officer as well I can only imagine
Seth: I am Deputy Sheriff, I take my oath to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Tennessee very very dearly to my heart as a deputy sheriff you know that’s that’s what we’re supposed to to do you know make
sure people don’t infringe upon people’s constitutional rights
Last conversation with Sebastian:
Host: When was the last time you had a conversation with Sebastian?
Seth: Thursday. Thursday before he left.
Host: before he disappeared or you mean before he left?
Seth: before he left, I mean because he’s he’s gone, I mean he’s gone he’s left so the house of his own free will or or he didn’t and you know if he went outside I don’t know what happened to him
Host: absolutely so then let me let me ask you this then do did you guys correspond or at least make phone calls often like was it a daily thing or would it be sporadic every once in a while you you get it chance to talk to Sebastian I’m just curious about the Rhythm here because it seems like Thursday and then it’s just Flat line no communication whatsoever so how often were you actually corresponding with your son
Seth: I called him Thursday and I don’t call him on Friday Saturday or Sunday because he’s with his mom, that way when I have him Friday Saturday and Sunday it’s just a mutual thing yeah other than that normally I would call him it every day or every other day at about 3:30 cuz he would be home from school by then and either be working on his homework or if he didn’t have any homework he was doing chores that his mom had him doing and I would call him to ask him how school was, normally we would talk for maybe two or three minutes. you know and it was just it was routine call him up how was a school you know did your mama leave you any chores
Host: but this was a Monday through through Friday type of thing but then the weekends you would leave him leave him be to spend time with Mom correct?
Seth: I would pick him up on Fridays on my weekend. I would pick him up I’d be waiting at their house, when he got out of the off the bus I see but this weekend was not your weekend but this particular weekend was not your weekend right no that was his mama’s weekend
Host: when did Chris go to to Memphis do you do you have any knowledge of that when he actually left for that job on on Monday
Seth: well I don’t think he left Monday I think he’d already been been there all week
Host: so he was out there all weekend from what you all
Seth: week normally if I have him yeah Sebastian’s mom would go to Memphis if I had Sebastian over the weekend she would normally go to Memphis
Host: so there’s that Friday Saturday and Sunday where he could have disappeared that could have been time somewhere around that that time
Seth: Sebastian disappeared sometime Sunday night Monday morning. there’s evidence there’s video proof of Sebastian with Katie Sunday evening.
Host: are there cameras in in the house or around the actual house
Seth: No, they went to dinner
Host: Seth do you have anything that you want our listeners to know about the the search about Sebastian anything that can help finding him
Seth: I just ask people keep your head up and your eyes open if you see him please call 911 yeah you know if he’s hungry give him some food if you see him outside your house do not let him in your house call 911 get him something to eat get him something to drink
Host: was there any possible medication that he took that could give him some sort of mental break or some sort of psychotic break where he would just wander off without shoes on in the middle of the night
Seth: I have no idea. I’ve asked TBI and Sumner County to check to see if that is and nothing
Host; and he’s never done anything like this before correct true
yes sir okay
When Sebastian mad at his dad:
Host: not out of spite or out of anger out of protest he’s never done anything like just leave or walk off or anything like that out of just being a teenager with angst you know
Seth: I love my I love my son and I love my son a lot and I have thoroughly aggravated him at at different points in times of course because I’m his dad. I was gonna say you’re not a dad if you’re not doing that you know what I mean and he has never once walked out my out my front door no matter how mad. I’ve made him, you know he has stormed off to his room, he has sat there and I don’t want to talk to you and I’m like well you can get over it and I’m going to talk to you whether you want to talk to me or not. you giving me an attitude, go load the dishwasher right you know your attitude a going to stop the fact that you live in this house and there’s things need to be done. you know I I’ve taught him don’t let people get get you mad or angry you know that that’s that’s you losing control and them having control over you. you know don’t be like that, be better than that. he you know because I understand that he’s autistic I love him no matter what but I also understand that kids are cruel especially in schools that they are we all we all de with that if you want the popular one you can be made fun of or whatnot and then I wanted him to already have an understanding that those people that do that are just insecure and they’re wanting control or power over you and you getting angry gives them that but if you look at them and just smile and and brush it off yeah because it ain’t worth it their opinion is not worth it kill them with kindness
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 4, 2024
Host: Are there updates to the search?
Seth: No, nothing that I’ve been told.
Host: Have you had a conversation with LE
Seth: Nope
Host: How are you feeling
Seth: Same as yesterday, once the goal in mind is to find Seb
Host: You threw a lot of Accusations and Serious Bombshells
Seth: I really was so tired and exhausted that I don’t even remember the podcast
Host: Wow, really? I mean, I get it, sleep deprived, and you were on many broadcasts, correct?
Seth: Yes, Everyone wanted a piece of me. I felt like the pie was empty.
Host: But still, no matter what, nonetheless, there was a conversation you did have. You did drop some very big pieces of information. Whether you said those things beforehand or after, it still doesn’t matter. This was live. This was after. This shocked a lot of people. So let’s talk about it.
Seth: Does this have anything to do with Sebastian?
Host: Yes
Seth: Mr. Proudfoot, Chris, people were asking why he didnt want my son around his daughter, and he kept telling me that if people are going to keep asking that question, he is going to answer. So, he turned around and stated that if he told the people, then people would stop looking for Sebastian.
Host: Really? Can I ask you something before you continue? I am curious: when this conversation was had, was this something on a podcast, or was it something between you guys behind closed doors?
Seth: yes
Host: so him sitting there and… I am sorry, what? What were you going to say?
Seth: it was over the phone
Host: so him saying if people will start asking why I don’t want Seb around Faith they won’t go looking for Sebastian.
Seth: if they find out that people won’t go look for my son. I told him you don’t want to go down that route
Host: Did he say this between you and him?
Seth: Well Katie Was on the phone too
Host: So Katie Was on the phone as well?
Seth: Of course
Host: What was this conversation like was this a regular conversation
Seth: and I’m sitting here trying to put pieces back together my my whole issue about that is if you cared that much for my son as you do that your daughter that you don’t want my son around because there’s a possibility why weren’t you thinking about that when he’s under your roof no doubt that’s
Host: I’m also very curious about it, and we’ll get to that in just a minute. What was the origin of this fight, argument, or discussion on this phone that would spawn him saying that in the first place?
Seth: What started this? What he said during podcasts, and Why he didn’t want my son around his daughter
Host: So this happened because, ok, people were asking questions, people were asking questions like the smart, intelligent people that they are go-ahead
Seth: You know people were asking Chris why don’t you want Sebastian around your daughter? I see people in chat that asked were asking me all the time why doesn’t Chris want Sebastian around her daughter there’s your answer.
Host: It’s interesting, so you’re telling me that he looks at Sebastian like some sort of predator. Wow, but why because of what happened to him in California under his supervision or under his and Katie Proudfoot supervision?
Seth: That and the fact that he hasn’t got the correct help in California. He was seeing a doctor by the name of Doctor Frannie at Balboa, and she didn’t appreciate the fact that I stood up and used a stern voice with her and told her she wasn’t doing anything for my son. She let him play with toys and choose what movie or, you know, he gets to watch when he gets out of the thing that that’s that’s not helping him that’s not the proper therapy I’m already researching this she wasn’t, so what I’m looking for she wasn’t qualified for that type of therapy because that’s a different type of therapy for traumatic sexual abuse and you that’s a different type of class.
Host: all right, you’re sure of that are you sure of that you know that she didn’t have the credentials to handle that type of therapy
Seth: yes
Seth: Can I interrupt you? This is the information that I’m giving is facts it’s not me trying to throw punches or whatnot, but this is the third time something major has happened to my child underneath their watch, and they need to own it they need to own the fact that they have ****** ** yet again and I don’t I’m sitting here being Sebastian’s voice ’cause right now he doesn’t have one until we find him find out what happened.
I’ve told everybody you’re innocent until proven guilty, right? That’s just the way the system works. There’s nothing I can do about that. That’s the way the system works, and that’s the way it should work. You’re innocent until proven guilty. Host: Alright, OK, I know that we’re doing a little bit backward, OK, but I do have a lot of questions that we gotta go all the way back a little bit, OK, so I understand that this happened in California. We got to dive into a little bit more, so we understand a little bit more of this information because you did drop this on Justin’s shout-out to Justin on TikTok, and it was shocking. OK, but you did say that in California? While they were while Sebastian was under Katie Proudfoot supervision
Host: Now I understand that you are I believe that you are telling the truth I don’t think you have why would you sit here and go out of your way, not spitting facts right, so it wouldn’t make any sense for you to just go out of your way to just talk wild suddenly out of nowhere and aimlessly in some sort of way and I don’t think what you’re saying right now what you’ve given to us is aimless or doesn’t have any clout doesn’t isn’t backed up with proof which of course I am very curious about some of these things as well but what I need to understand though is that this happened under her supervision in California is that right or wrong
Seth: that’s right
Host: Was Chris involved in that at all because I think that’s one thing that a lot of people are very curious about as well Chris was living with her, then ok, so who is this kid who is this 13-year-old kid if he was 13-15 whatever age he was who did this unthinkable thing to Sebastian who is the kid
Seth: I don’t know his last name sheriff’s wouldn’t give me his last name
Host: But why not?
Seth: California CPS child children under the age of 13 are actually protected. There’s nothing; they wouldn’t give me any information and weren’t allowed to let me do anything. The only thing they let me do was to ask him if I could contact the school psychologist and if he could sit there and tell the school psychologist that person’s name so that the other children that were around him would not become victims as well. I went as far as to find out, you know, the parents; from my understanding, the parents told Katie and Chris that their kid picked it up after watching YouTube. Personally, I’ve never seen like that stuff on YouTube.
Host: Neither of I, so what is he watching on the tubes that would give him a disturbing education like that that’s what I’d like to know as well, huh so you lose this with his age
Seth: I would have to say that somebody was abusing the child. It had probably been going on for a while for him to think that it was normal, so he did it to my son. That’s why I’m asking about my son having the correct therapy to get him back on track. I mean he’s autistic, he’s not mentally as old as he is physically, i mean he’s smart but, you know, delayed in learning he’s physically 15 and mentally, he’s probably 10 or 11, and he’s going through adolescence his body is producing hormones that he has no idea what’s about, and I don’t think I don’t think things are lining up in his brain like they’re supposed to because obviously he’s got a six a chromosomal deletion syndrome and he got autism
Host: understandable and i i get it that he’s what he went through is a lot to process no matter if he had autism or not being kid a 7 or 8 years old that’s a lot to process as a kid i can’t i can’t even imagine any child going through any of that but question though did you know of this said kid this we’re going to use thirteen years old i know Katie Proudfoot said he wasn’t 13 years old and i get that semantics or technicalities but i’m just going to call him the 13 year old kid from this point on ok so did you know anything about this 13 year old kid before you heard about this tragedy and this trauma that was inflicted upon Sebastian
Seth: i did not you had no idea about this child
Host: ok so then how did you find out because in the interview with Justin on tiktok, you said it made it you made it sound like you expressed some concerns about Sebastian hanging out with this 13 year old kid while he was about 7 or 8 years old and you were uncomfortable with it and then of course this tragedy and this trauma was inflicted so i want to get some clarity on that did you not know about or did you have an strange inkling about this 13 year old or did you find out after the fact from Katie Proudfoot that this trauma was inflicted upon Sebastian
Seth: who at that time was Katie Payne i found out from her she says she contacted cps on the other family therefore i found out from her and ps spoke to me and that’s when i started dealing with cps and the sheriff’s department
Host: ok ok ok ok me and Katie used to communicate a lot more than we do now we’re going to talk about that in a second but real quick as soon as you found out about this tragedy that happened to Sebastian at 7 or 8 years old in California what did you do
Seth: i immediately contacted the sheriff’s department. i wanted to find out what was gonna happen to the child, i wanted to you know what they were going to do to protect my son, protect this child that more than likely has been a victim already and what they were going to do to prevent it and i don’t think sheriff’s department did anything another time that the law has failed our children
Host: because i know that you said it on the interview as well that you couldn’t do anything because of the state because the state that you’re in because of the state of California that you couldn’t press charges on this 13 year old kid can you explain to me why you couldn’t press charges on this kid he just committed a crime allegedly so why couldn’t you press charges on this 13 year old kid?
Seth: because of his age 13 they won’t press charges against the 13 year old for that what was told to me by the sheriff’s department. you know my son got upset ’cause i didn’t tell him i knew thought that his mom hadn’t told me that, he got upset one day and i was like son i do know and if you ever want to talk to anybody you can, but at the same point in time i was trying to take care of things on my end you know.**
Host: i get it i think it’s crazy to me that you couldn’t do anything it doesn’t make any i don’t get it i mean i don’t live in California and California and i don’t know the you know the the law out there but i i am still very shocked what were you saying
Seth: i said but you wear la gear all the time
Host: i do i really do i really really do maybe I’m you know I’m trying to manifest something you feel me but will right but still i am quite curious as to why that seems so odd to me that you couldn’t do anything in the state of California when a crime was committed against your son during that time it still does blow my mind but when you found out going back to it when you found out from Katie Proudfoot at that time can you tell me where was your mindset how did that feel
Seth: really don’t want to state that in public ok fair enough just had his innocence taken from him i it took me it took me a minute to digest and it took me a minute to figure out the proper way to go about it instead of you know someone just hurt my my baby
Host: of course i get that and i know that you were i mean when you talked about it the other day we all saw that emotion we all know and i think we also second that emotion as well if we were in those shoes as well we would be just as shocked
Seth: there is no apology for my behavior i got upset i was mad I’m exhausted and it takes a while for me to get to that point i first of all i don’t like people trying to hold something over my head yeah something like you know happened under their watch and he needs help and you know we’re finally getting him to help him it late and now i gotta find him right
Host: you are absolutely right so then tell me then because i feel like you suddenly out of nowhere and understandably, i feel like you hit a wall you got emotionally exhausted. i mean of course if I’m putting words in your mouth or emotions in your head that weren’t really there please stop me when i while i continue but i feel like at some point you hit a wall you were at wit’s end you had enough you were tired of being diplomatic tired of being the nice guy and you said you know what f it I’m going to rip the band-aid off everyone’s going to hear this truth because you know what i don’t where he is and these other two are not supporting or helping me in the search for Sebastian am i anywhere near close to why maybe you started to put this information out for everyone to hear
Seth: my son is a victim and if victims don’t get the proper help so you do preventive maintenance and you get him the help needs and there’s multiple different ways but if you’re not certified in the proper way to get him help you’re just gonna make it worse
Host: yeah no i get that i fully get that so then ok you had a conversation a not so pleasant conversation with Chris Proudfoot and Katie Proudfoot on the phone Chris Proudfoot said something along the lines of people are asking about why i don’t like having Sebastian anywhere near faith and if you keep on pushing me I’m about to air everything out i’m about to air all this dirty laundry whether you like it or not and guess what no one’s gonna want to support or try to find Sebastian am i correct?
Seth: I’m sorry what was that
Host: well that was a long thing that just said that was a lot of work no i got you i got you but you were reading something my bad i wanted there’s a lot of people here that want to know the truth and understand what’s going on so i’m going to repeat it one last time
Seth: OK so you had made this is the last time out bro
Host: hold on hold on but what I’m trying to understand here so that every one understands as well is that you had a not so pleasant conversation on the phone with Chris and Katie Proudfoot and during this argument or this conversation Chris said something along the lines of everyone keeps on asking me why i don’t like having Sebastian anywhere near faith and if and i i will air that stuff out if you keep pushing me and guess what’s going to happen nobody’s going to want to look for Sebastian because of his past am i correct wow
Seth: you cut out there bad
Host: OK
Seth: but you just the way you were saying sorry ’cause i lost everything on there, it it keeps freezing on my end yes me and Chris and Katie had a conversation and Chris asked me people are asking me this question if they don’t stop asking me this question there I’m going to have no choice but to tell them but now he can sit there and tell him the same point in time i know that Chris i know that his daughter faith face times with my son all the time and considers my son her older brother he considers faith his little sister and if he’s anything like his dad we’re supposed to protect the young ones we’re supposed to protect our sister we’re supposed to protect people and that’s one of the things I’ve been trying to instill with him to combat what has happened to him no
Host: I’m still trying to understand a little bit more about this too OK this tragedy happens to Sebastian against his will it’s not like he decided to have this crime committed against him it happened under Katie Proudfoot’s supervision and yet Chris is still trying to hold that over your head as if sebastian some sort of monster that doesn’t make any sense to me at all this is an innocent kid where this happened to him so i i don’t get that part
Seth: Chris doesn’t see him as innocent it would be the only thing i could say all right honestly i kno you know. my son has done some questionable things but at the same point in time he’s not understanding what’s going on and nobody talked to her about it so you know i don’t even know if it’s the same things in school that they taught us because we had sex education class you know this we had sex education we had human biology. i don’t know what they teach the kids in school anymore
Host: Seth so Seth go ahead sorry
Seth: no go ahead
Host: so Seth i got to ask you when you say questionable things that Sebastian has done some questionable things I’m not asking you to go into gritty details or anything of that sort but I’m wondering what are these questionable details that would make Chris not comfortable having Sebastian near faith can you expand a little bit on that and then
Seth: i don’t know if that violate YouTube or not but when when he pulls out his winner in the in the men’s bathroom and you’re like look this is mine what’s yours look like i mean that’s innocent kid **** right right i was a kid at one point in time so was i last i checked i mean no i might have been this age my whole life but but we have sex education classes we already knew you know things weren’t i don’t even know like when i went to school we saw pictures of vaginas and penises i mean it was like look this is sex education classes these are condoms these are studios this is what you get if you have unprotected set right as part of health education and and i mean i don’t even know if they teach that stuff in school anymore i mean they used to teach u.s. financial stuff in school so that we knew how to balance checkbooks take care i don’t know if they teach this stuff in the schools anymore i know my son hasn’t I’ve been helping him with history last time i was helping him with homework
Host: yeah mean at the end of the day it sounds like normal normal behavior from a regular kid that’s going through changes and growing and going through puberty and all those things that’s what it sounds like to me wouldn’t you say yeah so i am kind of curious go ahead go ahead
Seth: he has an issue with personal space as Chris has pointed out but like he has that issue with everybody right i mean it’s like son you need to stay back just a little bit so you can be you know ’cause the closer you get I’m gonna ask you to brush the teeth yeah
Host: i totally understand that sounds like an innocent kid to me if you ask me sounds like an innocent kid so it doesn’t make any sense that he would be like oh no like this like Sebastian has some sort of leprosy or something like that i i i think that’s a little bit a little bit extreme but we do need to talk about this and i appreciate you being here to clarify a lot of this etcetera one of the other things though too you know after everything that happened she called cps on the child on the child’s family and all that during that time why wasn’t there and i know a lot of people have asked this question why wasn’t there why wasn’t he taken away from that home that home at that time why couldn’t, why couldn’t you take him why couldn’t you take him
Seth: we were still in the middle of the divorce ok settled yet this didn’t happen after the divorce this was happening during the divorce so this happened during the divorce so when i was instead of being the worried father they turn around and pretty much said you’re the hateful ex-husband
Host: right so let’s talk about that for a second now i know that there’s been a lot of paperwork documents that were that were leaked out here in these internet streets describing you as just but just painting you and not a great light for lack of a better term and it all has to do with how you were handling your relationship with Sebastian ok for lack of a better term can we talk about that a little bit because i know that there’s been a lot of people talking about that some people side eyeing etcetera you know Sebastian was in a bad place no matter where he turned so on and so forth and i just wanted to air some of that information and and just kind of lay some of that to bed what’s up with that paperwork is any of it actually true what
Seth: if any of that was true California would not have given me joint legal and joint physical custody while i was homeless, the best thing they did was give keep me in the child’s life because i was able to find a place he was able to come over he was able to come to my house and i was i was renting a room you’ve never lived in California but when i was there for a one bedroom studio you’re looking at $2120 a month i don’t make that even out here as a deputy sheriff
Host: ok interesting so those allegations that were in the paperwork you never raised your hand to him or anything of that sort or any of the other
Seth: he hit me ok she hit me with the the domestic violence with Sebastian, Sebastian told i hit him in the head, now this whole day and this this took place in one whole day from the morning until it was time for me to go to bed in time for Sebastian to go to bed, Sebastian had two things he need to do, clean up his room and make his bed then i was gonna take him swimming it was that for tat, you do this we’ll go swimming my son likes to go swimming so let’s you know make the bed clean up your toys get them all off the off the floor and we can go swimming, like four or five hours have gone by i kept checking on him he wasn’t doing it. i was reminding him and then i go back downstairs that point in time i was playing i was really big in the computer games, so i played computer games turned around wait 30-45 minutes go back upstairs to check on him again just me and him in the house and he’s upstairs the last time he’s upstairs i walk up there there’s not a single toy in any of his bends they are all over the floor now legos there’s building blocks hot wheels action figures everything all over the floor my son is also stripped his whole entire bed a blanket sheet comforter even the fitted sheet for underneath there and his pillowcase is off of his pillow and he’s ******* naked play it on the wii i saw this and i was like ok walk to my room put on my swimming trunks grab my beach towel you’re not gonna clean up your room you’re not gonna make your bed you’re not gonna get to go swimming and i was going to prove the point i went and got ready to go swimming and he saw me walk by his room in my swimming trucks and my feet down and he was like i want to go swimming and i stopped and i turned i looked at him i looked at the floor i looked at his bed i was like none of your toys are picked up none of your bed is as strict completely in your ******* they can play in video games he came across the floor stomping his feet and he stomped on a hot wheel and he locked his balance and i put my hand in the door frame and his head hit my hand instead of the door front hmm my son has a pocket of fluid on the on the right bilateral part of his brain i don’t want him to get hit i’d rather him hit my hand then the door frame and he did so then outside Katie was already home at this point in time and i went to jump in the pool and do some laps ’cause that’s what i was using for exercise and Katie was out at the smoke section with all of her girlfriends and Sebastian put on some clothes ran outside and told her that i hit him she turned around and filed because we were in the middle of the divorce still living in the same residence she turned around and child abuse domestic violence and had in a move out order issued and they served it like 3 days late
Host: wow, and that’s when you got kicked out of the residence, correct?
– Seth: That is correct. I was living in my car and trying to figure out how to make ends meet. – in two months of not seeing my son
Host: But you still got Custody Still living, Go Ahead
Seth, I was homeless at that time, so they gave her custodial custody. She was still on active duty in the military and getting BAH, which also helps keep residence over your head. When she stated she was moving to TN, I wanted my son out of California due to California laws. I didnt have a problem with it.
Accusations of you being banned from the base:
Seth: Because I stood up and told the doctor she wasn’t helping my son get over what happened. If I decided to raise my voice, people would take it as violence; I am making a point. Did I put my hands on anybody? No. Did I threaten anybody? No. Did I stand up and raise my voice? He is my son, and he needs help. So he can actually go into society not thinking this fucking shit is fucking normal. 52:23 Do I blame her for this shit? Yeah, it happened under her watch. I already blame myself for some shit that happening. I cant go back and change it.
Seth: The abuse is a fact.
Host: I am curious if it is backed up by CPS; you called about a 13-year-old, etc. Do we actually have solid evidence of such, aside from you telling LE, Local about this?
– Seth: Local LE knew about it previously
Host: What really is a dynamics between you and Proudfoot’s? Lets be honest here
– Seth: I am Seth Rogers, they are Proudfoot’s. He is my son I named him. I haven’t wanted going to court. I wanted him to come live with me and I was getting what I wanted. Me and Him wanted. I wanted him to come live with me. Now he is missing
Did Katie had a problem for Sebastian to come and live with you? Yes or No?
– You have to ask her.