Sebastian Rogers
Seth Robert Rogers Interviews
Feb. 25, 2024: Sebastian Rogers is last seen by his mother, Katie Proudfoot before going to bed.
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation along with Police in Sumner County, Tennessee, issued an Endangered Child Alert . According to the alert, Sebastian Rogers had been seen early morning hours on February 26, 2024 in Hendersonville, Tennessee, wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and glasses.
More than 200 searchers are sent out to search for the missing teen, including K-9 units, mounted officers, drones and helicopters.

Seth Robert Rogers Interviews
- 3/04/2024 – Kaitlin Miller Fox –
- 3/11/2024 – Pascal –
- 3/11/2024 – NewsChannel 5 –
- 3/14/2024 – Pascal –
- 3/18/2024 – Terri Lynn –
- 3/20/2024 – Nancy Grace –
- 3/21/2024 – The Lab –
- 3/22/2024 – JLR Investigates –
- 3/25/2024 – NewsChannel 5 –
- 3/29/2024 – Fox Nashville –
- 3/29/2024 – Dolly Vision –
- 3/30/2024 – The Pascal Show –
- 3/31/2024 – T-Rev 757 –
- 4/02/2024 – CJ Crime Concept –
- 4/03/2024 – Justin On TikTok
- 4/03/2024 – Nancy Grace
- 4/04/2024 – Novesity
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV/Julie
- 4/04/2024 – CourtTV/Vinnie
- 4/05/2024 – The Pascal Show –
News Interviews
- News Channel 5 clip of Phone interview with Seth Rogers
- News Channel 5 at Prayer Vigil. Seth’s first television interview.
- Nancy Grace
- WSMV Channel 4 Seth Rogers searches for Sebastian Rogers in West, TN
- Jason Lamb, News Channel 5
- Fox 17 Frustrations surface in search for Sebastian Rogers
- Kaitlin Miller, Fox 17
- WSMV Channel 4 reports on case
- Court TV with Vinnie Politan
- Nancy Grace interview w/ Seth Rogers, Sebastian didn’t want to go home
- Nancy Grace interview with Seth, Cajun Navy
- Nancy Grace interview with Seth, polygraph
- Nancy Grace glasses found
- wSMV Michael Warrick
- WKRN reports on the Prayer Vigil
- Court TV with Julie Grant
- WKRN Vigil Coverage after 6 weeks missing
- WKRN Vigil Coverage after 6 weeks part 2
- WSMV reports on the prayer vigil
- News Nation interview with Seth Rogers and Heather Cohen
- Court TV with Julie Grant
- WSMV Channel 4 Michael Warrick, Interview w/ Seth at the park
- WSMV Light the bridge Vigil for Sebastian Rogers
- Nancy Grace, Seth Rogers polygraph
- Nancy Grace w/ Seth Rogers
- WKRN ch 2 Peyton Kennedy
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 4, 2024
Host: When was the last time you got to see Sebastian?
Seth: I was supposed to have him last weekend, but two weekends prior, he was at my house. I got to see him, and we played video games and watched TV. We had a great weekend.
Host: What is it like working with LE? Are they helping you with this search?
Seth: They are definitely doing everything that they can to find my son and I appreciated. I hope that they find him.
Host: He is autistic, does he have any tendencies he may have? Does he like hanging out in the trees or by water?
Seth: He loves to go fishing with me. But if he is in city limits he plays video games. He probably would be in the arcade. or something.
Host: Has he ever done something like that? Just leave the house?
Seth: No
Host: How much sleep have you lost since last week, walk me though what that experience is been
Seth: I haven’t sleep at all, I drink energy drinks
Host: Any particular places are you are looking he might be at?
Seth: I am looking everywhere. I am not from this area.
Host: You live in Clarksville right?
Seth: Yes
Host: But you’ve been out here in Hendersonville ares searching for him last week?
Seth: Everyday
Host: Are you in close contact with his mother and stepfather?
Seth: Not really. We are in communication at least once a day but that’s about it.
Host:Lots of speculations on Social Media whats your reaction?
Seth: I don’t have Social Media. Instead of being a keyboard warriors they need to be feet on the ground looking for my son.
Host: How well do you know stepfather and mother is there anything you would like to say about that? and How he just disappeared from the house?
Seth: I have nothing to say about that.
Host: Message to Sebastian
Seth: I love you son, I miss you body call 911 so we can find you.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 11, 2024
Host: hey you on the mic with the Pascal show what’s your name and where you calling from
Seth: calling from Clarksville Tennessee my name is Seth Rogers Seth
Host: first thank you so much for calling in um let me just say that first off um thank you so much for calling in how are you doing
Seth: about as best as I can my son’s missing and I wanted to tell you thank you because you’re getting this out to more people we’ve been passing Flyers out we’ve got all the way to Chatanooga we’ve got Billboards all the way up to Memphis reach out the balls to see if we can get Flyers out there to try to find him and I want to tell you thank you everybody just helped me try to find my son I appreciate it
Host: of course uh I mean well you know of course we’re we are only here to bring your your son back home you know of course home to safety um you have a second of course you called in and again I know that you’re really busy what what have you been up to uh all day today so far can you give us like a little bit of a breakdown of what the day has been been so far for you guys out there
Seth: I’ve been out because it’s it’s me and some of his extended family have been doing flyers and stuff so I’ve been passing out flyers and everything. I’ve been going to businesses passing out flyers in my town in Clarksville, everybody knows and everybody’s seeing it. tomorrow I have a trip planned um I’ve got seven different locations I’m going to see if I can find anything that and put more flyers up. I’m doing I’m going to the south side of Nashville tomorrow to put flyers up everywhere you know
Host: I understand that, have there been any leads any any leeway any semblance of any type of Hope in finding Sebastian in your search
Seth: I always have hope I always have hope um I just I always have hope I got to have hope because I can’t believe that he’s dead
Host: yeah if you mind me asking
Seth: I get up every morning and I hit the road I drive around you know put flyers out and I hope that I get to see him, I hope I get to make a left hand turn and he’s there or I jump on the interstate right he’s walking himself to me yeah I just keep praying.
Host: of course and and we’re all praying with you trust me brother we are all praying with you um if you if you mind me asking what what when where were you when you got the phone call that he was missing
Seth: well I just got off work at 7:00 in the morning, and I turned around, and I got to my vehicle got in there and there was a text message from stepfather call me it’s 911, and I called him and he told me that my son was missing. and I left from there and drove straight to his mom’s house.
I was there all day waiting for something some type of information. I saw them bring the dogs in, I was sitting there watching police come in and out, ask questions and they asked those questions, the first thing they did is where were you? and I’m like I’ve been at work the last 12 hours, you know, they turn around they they took our phones make sure that everything that we stated was verifiable.
Host: Sebastian’s not known to just go and wander off or or just to just to run off the way he that he did correct?
Seth: correct he’s never been one to do that sort of stuff
Host: when you went into the house was there anything different or anything off, maybe in the house when you were there?
Seth: no I walked in the house it seemed normal, everything was clean everything was pristine like it normally is, except for his his room.
Host: I gotcha except for his room okay okay.
Host: Have the stepdad and the mom have been out searching at all or have they just stayed home?
Seth: from my understanding, and my talks with Chris and Katie, they’ve been out putting flyers and posters in the ground
Host: okay okay I do have another question um because you did make a statement it was in an article um it it wasn’t I don’t know if it was in this uh video that we just watched this interview which by the way there’s a longer version of this interview right
Seth: I haven’t seen the interview I mean okay I was interviewed but I haven’t seen it yet
Host: there is something that you said in the interview that was actually put into an article, you said something about there being no scent, okay like the dogs weren’t picking up a scent but one dog followed a scent out into a construction site and then it disappeared could you maybe expand on that or explain a little bit more about that?
Seth: one of the Dog Handlers told me first day Monday, that the dog popped into a trail and they followed it and it went all the way around and it ended in a construction site, but it just ended that it’s like there was nothing. that leads me to believe that well if it ends normally the thing ends when you stop traveling on foot, from my understanding that would mean that he got into a car
Not Sharing Information with Seth:
Host: if he got into a car just so I understand the construction site itself was did the scent stop in the middle of the construction site or did it stop on the side of the road
Seth: They didn’t tell me, I’m not part of that sheriff’s department, so yeah, they’re not going to share information with me; on top of that, I’m emotionally attached, so they don’t want me involved in the investigation. So, everything I do is on my own. If I go search somewhere, I’m under pretty much orders to turn around and call TBI and tell them where I’m going so that they know because they know I’m searching by myself, and if I come up missing, they want to know where I was because they don’t want me coming up missing
School issues:
Host: you were still very tight you’re still very tight with Sebastian so I’m curious did he tell you of any issues at school did he have any you know did he have any was he dealing with any type of bullies enemies anything like that at school?
Seth: not that I am aware of I am tight with my son, I moved from California to Tennessee, so I could be close enough to go pick up my son not far enough that when I pick him up he. I don’t want to be in her backyard right because she’s she’s not my wife
Online and games:
Host: was there any online forums or anything of that sort did he game a lot did he could he have been online somewhere talking to people
Seth: yeah he play games at my house, my PlayStation is pretty much locked down for my own sake. Because if I don’t know you, I don’t want you popping in to talk to me so it’s like everybody on my PlayStation that are on my friends list, I know personally, so there’s no way that he would have been talking to somebody without me knowing because they’re my friends they’re not his friends. yeah no I mean they would call me up and be like you know your son’s on your account right I’m like yeah sitting next to him he’s in his recliner I’m in my recliner
Host: right right you guys are spending time together
Seth: he’s playing there and I’m on my phone playing Call of Duty and he’s on the PlayStation playing Modern Warfare, you know I mean I know what he’s doing because I’m I’m right next to him yeah so it’s like any conversations or anything that he was, he didn’t have the headphones right so and it’s a PS4 it’s not a PS5 so it doesn’t you know it doesn’t pick up your stuff through the remote or anything yeah so it’s like only way he would have had contact with any of them is if he had had headphones on and I made him not wear headphones because you’re not going to talk to random people right you don’t know who you know and I explain to him you don’t know who these people are they could tell you one thing and they could be some guy that’s like in his 50s or something looking for some kid Link
Host: did he ever express any issues about his home environment at all
Seth: not at his mom, he never expressed anything about his mom and dad’s stepfathers, he liked the dogs, you know he was supposed to come live with me at the end of school, summer break he was supposed to move in
with me full time this is what I this this is what both me and him have wanted for years
Host: yeah yeah no I understand that and now now you’re out looking for him now
Seth: I gotta find it so he can come live with me
Host: yeah yeah I understand um of course you know I’m not I’m not trying to point any blame or anything of that sort um but you know the the the situation in which he just vanished Into Thin Air is very suspicious in in my personal opinion what are your thoughts as far as him Vanishing in the way that he did vanish
Seth: I’m missing something like I’ve stated since day one nothing none of this none of this makes sense yeah there’s something missing out of this puzzle and I don’t know what it is and I hope that law enforcement has has figured out the missing piece so that they can bring my son back to me right
Host: I totally understand that has there been any been has there been any that you’ve heard so far maybe maybe a piece of a clue or anything you said I know I understand that there’s pieces to this puzzle that are missing but did did they happen to give you at least something that could be some semblance of a piece to a puzzle
Seth: no they they they’re not including me in on they tell me what they do but they’re not including me in on what they find.
Host: I understand, I do understand especially with your expert you know with your experience of course being a police officer as well I can only imagine
Seth: I am Deputy Sheriff, I take my oath to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Tennessee very very dearly to my heart as a deputy sheriff you know that’s that’s what we’re supposed to to
do you know make sure people don’t infringe upon people’s constitutional rights
Last conversation with Sebastian:
Host: When was the last time you had a conversation with Sebastian?
Seth: Thursday. Thursday before he left.
Host: before he disappeared or you mean before he left?
Seth: before he left, I mean because he’s he’s gone, I mean he’s gone he’s left the house of his own free will or or he didn’t and you know if he went outside I don’t know what happened to him
Host: absolutely so then let me let me ask you this then do did you guys correspond or at least make phone calls often like was it a daily thing or would it be sporadic every once in a while you you get it chance to talk to Sebastian I’m just curious about the Rhythm here because it seems like Thursday and then it’s just Flat line no communication whatsoever so how often were you actually corresponding with your son
Seth: I called him Thursday and I don’t call him on Friday Saturday or Sunday because he’s with his mom, that way when I have him Friday Saturday and Sunday it’s just a mutual thing yeah other than that normally I would call him it every day or every other day at about 3:30 cuz he would be home from school by then and either be working on his homework or if he didn’t have any homework he was doing chores that his mom had him doing and I would call him to ask him how school was, normally we would talk for maybe two or three minutes. you know and it was just it was routine call him up how was a school you know did your mama leave you any chores
Host: but this was a Monday through through Friday type of thing but then the weekends you would leave him leave him be to spend time with Mom correct?
Seth: I would pick him up on Fridays on my weekend. I would pick him up I’d be waiting at their house, when he got out of the off the bus
Host: But this particular weekend was not your weekend right?
Seth: no that was his mama’s weekend
Host: when did Chris go to to Memphis do you do you have any knowledge of that when he actually left for that job on on Monday
Seth: well I don’t think he left Monday, I think he’d already been been there all week
Host: so he was out there all weekend from what you know?
Seth: The weekend I have him Sebastian’s mom would go to Memphis. if I had Sebastian over the weekend she would normally go to Memphis
Host: so there’s that Friday Saturday and Sunday where he could have disappeared that could have been time somewhere around that that time. are there cameras in in the house or around the actual house
Seth: Sebastian disappeared sometime Sunday night Monday morning. There’s evidence there’s video proof of Sebastian with Katie Sunday evening.
Seth: No, they went to dinner
Host: Seth do you have anything that you want our listeners to know about the the search about Sebastian anything that can help finding him
Seth: I just ask people keep your head up and your eyes open, if you see him please call 911, you know if he’s hungry give him some food, if you see him outside your house do not let him in your house, call 911 get him something to eat get him something to drink.
Host: was there any possible medication that he took that could give him some sort of mental break or some sort of psychotic break where he would just wander off without shoes on in the middle of the night
Seth: I have no idea. I’ve asked TBI and Sumner County to check to see if that is and nothing
Host; and he’s never done anything like this before correct true
Seth: yes sir
When Sebastian mad at his dad:
Host: not out of spite or out of anger out of protest he’s never done anything like just leave or walk off or anything like that out of just being a teenager with angst you know
Seth: I love my son and I love my son a lot. I have thoroughly aggravated him at at different points in times of course because I’m his dad. I was gonna say you’re not a dad if you’re not doing that you know what I mean and he has never once walked out my out my front door no matter how mad.
I’ve made him, you know, he has stormed off to his room, he has sat there, and I don’t want to talk to you, and I’m like, well, you can get over it, and I’m going to talk to you whether you want to talk to me or not. You are giving me an attitude; go load the dishwasher right. You know your attitude is going to stop the fact that you live in this house, and there are things that need to be done. You know. I’ve taught him not to let people get him mad or angry. You know you are losing control, and they control you. You know, don’t be like that, be better than that.
I understand that my son is autistic, and I love him unconditionally. I also know how cruel kids can be, especially in school. We’ve all dealt with it—if you weren’t one of the popular ones, you might have been teased or made fun of. I wanted him to already understand that the people who do that are often just insecure and looking for control or power over others. Getting angry only gives them exactly what they want: power over you. Instead, I’ve taught him to look at them, smile, and brush it off because their opinions simply aren’t worth it. Kill them with kindness—it’s always the better choice.
He discussed scent that was picked up by dog on Monday and tracked to that construction site where it ended.
- Seth stated this typically means they got into a vehicle when scent ends abruptly like this.
- Seth also talks about Sebastian playing on PlayStation, but that he only plays under his account, with Dads “friends” on there, and doesn’t play with strangers.
- Said Sebastian never expressed anything about living with Mom and step-dad.
- He also stated that Sebastian was going to come live with him full time once summer started.
- Says he is not getting any specific info from LE Last conversation he had with Sebastian was Thursday the 22nd.
- Usually talked a few minutes during the week and picked him up Fridays on his scheduled visitation.
- Said to his knowledge, step-dad had been in Memphis all week working.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 11, 2024
“With the information that I’ve gotten from Sumner County and TBI and the fact that dogs aren’t 100 percent, they’re not picking up his scent,” he said.
“One dog tracked him to a construction area over there and it just disappeared and it’s confusing. There’s missing pieces to the puzzle and I’m having difficulty solving this.” Mr Rogers added that it makes “absolutely no sense there’s been no trace of him.” “I’m hoping he’s still alive,” the father said. “That is my main hope right now.”
On Sunday, dozens of people from the community gathered for a prayer vigil at Beech High School in Hendersonville, near where Sebastian was last seen, just down the street from his home. They wore green, Sebastian’s favorite color.
Sebastian’s mother and stepfather were not at the vigil, but provided a statement that was read aloud:
“We want to let the community know that we don’t have words to express our gratitude for the support for have received in searching for our son. We pray that everyone continues to help search and pray that we find him and bring him home safe.”
“In order for him to do something that’s out of the normal, something would’ve had to happen that he felt like he just couldn’t deal with it anymore,” Mr Rogers told [ WTVF] in his first interview during a prayer vigil on Sunday.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 20, 2024
On the morning, Sebastian went missing
- 6:40 am Stepfather Chris called and sent messages to Seth.
- 7:00 am Seth had just gotten off work
- 7:20 am he got to his car when he noticed had a missed text message from 6:40 am and a call from the stepfather Chris. He called the stepdad and was told Sebastian was missing. He didnt know what had happened. He got in his car and went straight to the mom’s house
- 8:00 am he arrived to the house and was there the entire day.
- Seth stated that the mom’s house was clean, like always
- Seth Rogers doesn’t know if anything was stolen from the home
- Sebastian mother said they are missing a key chain flashlight that’s that’s it his key chain flashlight.
- In Seth House all Sebastian has an upper Drawer in his house for his items.
- the police searched his house they looked through the Upper Drawer where his house key wallet “everything in his Upper Drawer house key wallet everything in his Upper Drawer.”
- Sebastian goes to Beach High School 0.6 miles away from home.
- Sebastian rode a bus to school
- Sebastian is in Why We Try Program it’s for the special needs children where they are doing the same tasks that the mainstream does but they get a little bit extra time. In that program when everyone have 30 questions then Kids in the program get 20 and they get extra time.
- Sebastian is very intelligent, he is very smart, he just lacks social skills in reading of reading of people’s body language.
- Sebastian likes things to be in a routine he likes to control his environment.
- He doesn’t know how Sebastian would be with strangers as he never seen seen him have to deal with this. Most of the time if he’s with Seth he gets his information from from him about interacting with people
- When Seth meeting new people he tells Sebastian “son you can introduce yourself if you would like if he does he does, if he doesnt want I dont force him.
- Seth sees him every other weekend.
- Seth gets him whenever he is not in school except weekdays
- The last time he had Sebastian was two weeks prior to Sebastian’s disappearance
- The last time Seth spoke with his son was on Thursday, which is very typical.
- Seth typically calls him every day or every other day on school days right when he gets off the bus and talk to him for two or three minutes to ask how his day was before he does his after school chores.
- On the weekends, he has Sebastian, he gets there on Friday and waits for him to get off the bus.
- Three pairs of shoes were at the front door: his old tennis shoes his new tennis shoes that his mama had just bought him and the boots that I had just bought him his mama wore another set of shoes his feet were growing
- His Mom asked me to get him shoes and he wanted a pair of boots so we went to Boot Barn and got him a pair of boots is it possible he wore a different pair of shoes.
- Seth doesn’t think Sebastian could have wore another pair of shoes because if he’s not fitting into him she gets rid of it.
- Thee is no shoes in his room. “Shoes get taken off at the front door same as my house same here I always have people take their shoes off at the door so there were no shoes in his room all his shoes were still sitting at the front door.”
- The only time he goes outside at night at my house is to put the trash in the trash can which is right outside my front door
- Seth says Sebastian doesn’t have a social media
- he have a cell phone at his mom and stepfather’s
- He is glued to his phone when he has access to YouTube and stuff like that he is glued to his phone because he likes to watch videos about Minecraft and he likes to watch videos of people playing Minecraft
- He doesn’t know if Sebastian is playing Mindcraft but he has a little game switch and he’s glued to that all the time
- His phone was locked down he had no internet access he only had the ability to take pictures on his phone, text on his phone, FaceTime and telephone calls, everything else was locked down on his phone.
- Police checked his phone
- Sebastian got a pair of slippers that he wears so he doesn’t have to put on socks and shoes he puts those on if he’s going to go out to the trash or check the mail and doesn’t want to put socks on.
- Q: has the mother and The Stepfather taken a polygraph “I know his mother has” (33:39)
- False positive – Dogs followed Sebastian’s scent to a construction site near the home and then lost it. Seth states that for a dog to lose the scent like that, from his understanding, it would indicate that Sebastian got into a car. (Reporter on NG 43:44)
- He stated that Sebastian’s and his mom went to dinner Sunday evening, and the police have verified that with photos.
- it doesn’t add up for him to break routine and to leave the house with no shoes no socks on no coat some something just doesn’t make sense
- According to another person in the NG interview: they did search perimeter of the house and I know one day when I was out there when they were searching they had a dive team out there they were searching the grounds. There is a lot of construction in the area.
Reporter Why Authorities searched landfill: “truck drivers that come to the house and when they picked up the the garbage can it just felt more more heavier than normal um so they just said that to the uh authorities so just
to follow up on that tip they went out to the landfill to search because that’s where the trash is taken…”
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 28, 2024
- He is not searching today – he is a Roman Catholic
- The trash pickup starts at 5:00 am
- The video of flashlights has the wrong timestamp
Q: so did how’s the searching going do what y’all gonna be searching again tomorrow 10:30 is that what you said?
Seth: right now that’s kind of up in the air. I don’t know what they’re planning on tomorrow
I’m Roman Catholic and it’s good Friday oh okay it’s time to go commune with the Lord maybe he will give me what I need maybe he will reach down and bless me.
Q: Do you think it’s a possibility somebody could be holding your son against his will?
Seth: I look at it like I’ve been on the internet I’ve been on the TV, I have even been on the radio which probably most people don’t even realize but if my son were able to hear me or see me on TV or on the Internet he would know to give me a call okay.
Q: have you ever known him to watch the news no okay never known him to watch the news?
Seth: No
Q: so if he is not watching the news he probably wouldn’t even know he was on the news then correct?
Seth: I mean I haven’t had cable in probably nine or 10 years
Q: now I know tonight in the news interview you said you know he’s probably somewhere playing video games, do you know if he played these video games online with other people?
Q: Naah
Q: no he didn’t or or now you don’t know?
Seth: I don’t know because that well it’s like at my house a lot of the games that he was playing were on my account and a lot of them were solo games like Spider-Man uh Batman Arkham Knights okay
Q: I play a lot of game in my you know certain games a lot of you know games where you’re in lobbies with other people I play a lot of online gaming
Seth: I do that, I will I do mobile on my phone, he would be sitting there playing video games he played on his Switch, he didn’t play online with people he played single player games.
Q: if I heard you say today that the TBI don’t think you’re a suspect they don’t think Chris is a suspect they don’t think Katie’s a suspect so there has to be some if you guys if they’re not like the internet is saying if Katie and Chris don’t got nothing to do with this then there’s another answer to what’s going on you know or there would be another answer another answer now do you think your would your son know to area do would he be easily lost does he get confused?
Seth: if you don’t if you stay all the time in your house and you’re only going from your house to the bus stop and then you know how to get to where you’re going to school and the rest of the time you’re in a vehicle would you really know how to get anywhere by foot
Q: guess if your bubble’s small you’re right you really wouldn’t know the area so if you got outside that bubble you could get lost
Seth: you get stuck in the woods and you’re used to Black Top you can get lost
Q: you know when I hear you say today that they don’t think they’re a suspect some of their the behavior is strange like the whole going out of town thing I think that was a little strange of them you know CU I would I’d be like you I’d be out here searching every day
Seth: Makes them seen no right
Q: if he’s out there lost you know he at this point he has to have some type of assistance right because he what where would he get food at or where would he you know he would need water he would need food he would need some type of assistance
Seth: he would and then again you ever been homeless?
Q: no I’ve never been homeless yeah I mean you think he’s you think he may be going eating out of dumpsters begging for
Seth: I don’t I don’t think he would be that way um I’ve been homeless before, homeless people take care of homeless people and homeless people have a have that that little piece in their heart that where they take care of the kids they always take care of the kids
Q: so you think he could possibly be in a homeless encampment
Seth: like now look now I’ve been out there in them Woods in Tennessee and I’ve done ran into a couple different homeless encampments out there that looked like people were living in and staying in in them woods so I know there’s people definitely living in the woods and I mean I’ve been out there I’ve looked for them I take a picture of my son you know one my parents came here the first week that’s the first thing they did they hit the homeless encampments there in uh Hendersonville with pictures of my so.
Q: anything come of that the homel you know I’m sure them homeless people ain’t gonna tell you much anyway
Seth: well if a child saying that he’s running in fear or something homeless people protect him
Seth: what do you what do what do you make of the footprints at what do you what do what do you make of the footprints at the retention Pond do you think there is something to him or you think that’s just a busy area or what do you think?
Seth: honestly I don’t know you don’t know I only knew about those literally just because I listened to that call oh to the the the the dispatch
Q: I heard you say he could swim
Seth: yep
Q: You lived there does the trash run this early in the morning and the lights could be from a trash truck?
Seth: The trash truck runs at 5 in the morning, there is 3:11 am because the guys DVR recorder is stuck on 3:11. I watched the whole thing for 10 min of it, and the time didnt move. It was at 3:11 when it started it was at 3:11 when it finished. The timer on the DVR was broken.
Q: have you been in communication with Chris and Katie?
Seth: they called me today
Q: did are y’all kind of patching up the relationship I know they were a little mad at you about the Gufundme stuff and I’ve heard that you know everything, so are y’all working that out they got to understand that you’re out there searching for the boy and that you’re going to need help they got to understand that you know to be mad at you or anything they need Chris should be out there beside you helping you is what I believe they shouldn’t be mad at you you
Seth: eye roll and nothing
Q: I hope your family can work this out and that Sebastian safely and maybe it is just a upset with the stepdad and he’s took off you know and he’s okay it would make more sense than them them hurting him for no reason things
Seth: things just don’t make sense with this
Q: don’t know the reason that the CPS was called on at the house I just didn’t know that heard you say that you found out later that they didn’t tell you anything that there was any reason
Seth: that podcast there man
Q: that that the CPS have came to the house over I guess him going to school saying that his stepdad hit him with a belt
Seth: I guess because I mean I didn’t know about it until he said it in the podcast
Q: let me ask you this and this is important question for a dad ha have y’all ever discussed the discipline of your child with have you ever discussed it with Chris?
Seth: that there is supposed to be no Corporal discipline
Q: Chris and them talk about him and the mom talking about him like you know he uses the bathroom on himself he’s he’s function he a they make him sound like he’s not as functional as you make him sound you make him sound like he’s normal kid everything’s okay and they make it sound like a little bit different story there is
Seth: not to play word salad, there are three parts to every story, there is my part, their part in the truth
Q: I hope you’re telling the truth so I hope the truth is with you
Seth: first of all I don’t have a fucking shit to to hide, but at the same point in time I don’t talk a lot of shit, I don’t like the I’m not the monkey at the zoo I’m not throwing shit. I will not defend people that dig their own fucking grave.
you know when you guys are s talking about their behavior makes them look suspect it’s probably because **they want you to…** that’s their behavior. I ain’t their parents
I raised my son, that’s why this doesn’t make sense to me
was there supposed to be child support? no.
were we going back to court? no
our our decree says that we can change it the way we want to and we both agree to
Q: y’all had an agreement with y’all child that y’all would take care of whatever between that needed to be taken care of so there was never no child support me and my baby’s mother we made the same agreement you made we made the exact same agreement if my daughter needs something I will take care of it right
Seth: you know how many times Katie called me up hey he needs a new pair of glasses okay well tell me how much it is I’ll transfer the money
Q: there is no reason for her to hurt her child a lot of people I do believe think Katie may have hurt your child and I to do that there would have to be a some reasoning for it and I just haven’t seen any of that
Seth: so I don’t understand why. I was getting what I wanted since the divorce anyways I was okay with you know joint legal joint physical but I was getting what I wanted
Q: now he was getting to come get ready to come stay with you for the summer
Seth: I’ve already have him enrolled in school here.
Q: from your address?
Seth: yeah, live the summer with me but he was going to start going to school up here at the end of summer
Q: oh okay so you was going he was going to start living with you full time now that’s what I heard that’s what was rumored to me in the beginning that uh that he was coming there and then that he was going to be living with you
Seth: Yes, I was going to get him
Seth: had that been planned like how long when y’all discussed that with Kate like how long you go okay I’m gonna take him this Summer then he’s gonna live with me and go to school had y’all planned that have y’all y’all discussed that
Seth: since last year
Q: so this ain’t something that just popped up or so this has been planned that he was going to come stay with you
Seth: shakes his head yes
Q: more sense so there’s no reason in there for her to be like oh he’s going to take the kid
Seth: I’ve heard a lot and read a lot and you know some of them I find them hilarious like the gentleman that called in you know the snake the snake ate the boy
Q: I know it’s hard as a parent to definitely hear the crazy stuff of the internet right just theories and speculation I do it you know I say things I like I think this happened I think this happened. curious but some of the stories for me like some of the theories are so far out there even for me that I’m like okay okay that’s a little much that’s a little much
Seth: um I’ll just say that I’m missing aluminum foil and tfoil at my house because somebody’s wearing it as a hat there.
Q: I’ve seen parents of missing kids wearing aluminum tfold hats matter of fact parents are missing kids in Tennessee wearing illuminal tfold hats on live streams okay I send you a picture if you don’t believe me
Seth: believe yes I’ve seen I’ve seen a lot, nine (9) years in California and then I moved back here to the United States and I’ll tell you right now that I’ve seen them both
Q: now I’ve heard you say you’re innocent to proven guilty you work in correction right and I’ve heard you say you you’re not thereare to judge people right and I’ve noticed a lot of this is you don’t do that you don’t get on the news and you don’t talk bad about people you try to stay neutral you know judge people right and I’ve noticed a lot of this is you don’t it ain’t no reason really to ruffle a bunch of feathers like talking shit about people that you’re going to have to deal with for the rest of your life anyway you know that’s the mother of your baby um her old man’s a little, uh I think he’s like he overt talks her a lot you know I think he seems controlling I’ve heard that I don’t know the guy but he he looks a little angry
Seth: shakes his head in agreement and smiles and later says I heard that
Q: controlling I’ve heard that I don’t know the guy but he he looks a little angry he seems controlling and when they ask questions he answers the questions like he don’t give her a chance to speak and that’s what I think of making people go so this dude ain’t and he’s been married five times okay I mean how many times..
Seth: I’ve been married once I learn learned, I learned
Q: I think maybe if if it didn’t work out in five times it might not be in your you might not be the best dude.
Seth: I would say if I was looking out from the outside I would tell the person if you’ve been married so many times and it’s not working it can’t be the person you’re with it’s the person in the mirror
Q: yeah definitely sometimes it’s it’s it’s hardest to see your flaws you know like me I’m sure there I got plenty of flaws but it’s hard for me to see my own flaws but other people can see them you know um I know fla yeah I know some.
Seth: I know my flaws I don’t know all of them but I know the majority of them
Q: so when they tried to call you today did you speak with him
Seth: I did
Q: now let me ask you this when you went and met with the TBI today was Katie and Chris with you can you answer that
Seth: Katie was there (couldn’t hear what he said…Christopher)
Q: okay okay um all right well I ain’t gonna make you get you into something you know that you ain’t supposed to speak on
Seth: um if I answer something that if I answer something that I’m not supposed to answer I’ll know I’ll be in trouble later
Q: let me ask you this they show you a video
Seth: yeah okay
Q: did that video contain your son yes okay was that video from somewhere outside that house yes that means your son’s out there
Seth: they showed me a video that I had been asking for from the very beginning. I wanted to see a video of my son after I spoke to him Thursday and before he disappeared on Monday.
Q: this video of your son is from after time he went missing
Seth: no it was before it
Q: was it the video from the restaurant
Seth: Yeap
Q: I knew it was that video for rest you know I went to that restaurant the other night Seth I had chicken and I also spoke to the people there had chicken
Seth: huh you went to a steakhouse and had chicken?
Q: yeah I had chicken and a loaded baked potato and broccoli be I always go to the steakhouse and get chicken I don’t know why I do it at uh Outback too
Seth: yeah well unfortunately you can’t go to Chick-fil-A fil-A and get a hamburger
Q: so the video from the rest so there’s nothing from the the point that he you haven’t seen anything from the point he’s went missing
Seth: No
Q: so, just prior to it so they showed you a little PRI did everything seem happy in the in the video everything seemed good
Seth: everything seems good
Seth: okay all right um well well that’s that’s good but let me think I I want to dig in dig into a hole here
Seth: it’s because you’re not asking the right question (smiles)
Q: okay what do the police believe happened what are they telling you did they have hit you with anything
Seth: Nope (shakes his head)
Q: do they they just keeping you can’t answer that one huh
Seth: they didn’t tell you nothing they’re not going to tell me anything on the investigation
Q: well why I show you the video
Seth: because I’d asked
Q: so you asked
Seth: I asked I said I need to see proof of life before he went missing
Q: because you wanted to know he was alive before he went missing
Seth: I wanted to make sure he was okay beforeand and they showed it to me because I asked asked for
Q: and he was okay and everything was good with him normal and you said he he wouldn’t..
Seth: you are not asking, you still not asking the right questions
Q: okay well what’s tell me what the right question is there what what do you got what do you know Seth me what the right question is there what what do you got what do you know Seth that we don’t know can you tell us what you know
Seth: I had two more meetings today afterwards. I had two more meetings afterwards
Q: after you seen the video
Seth: I had two more meetings afterwards I had meetings planned all day today
Q: with TBI law enforcement
Seth: nope (shakes his head nope)
Q: okay you met with somebody else
Seth: Yeap (shakes his head yes and smiles) you know why I am happy
Q: huh is it the FBI
Seth: no (shakes his head no, smiling)
Q: okay yeah why
Seth: more information that I didn’t have before
Q: oh all right let’s get it let’s get it Seth
Seth: just more information
Q: okay um see
Seth: I already told them I’m running my own investigation on my own as I didnt want to intrude upon their
Q: does he think that they will wrap up soon and his baby will be found she ask that question from the chat
Seth: always that’s that’s beyond a doubt that’s an every day when I wake up okay all right that being hope and know that the answer is out there and I’m going to find it
Q: now are are the police being like reassuring that they’re going to figure this out to you to figure this out to you
Seth: yep
Q: have you have you spoke with the FBI
Seth: yeap
Q: okay um now one of my things is this them houses out there in that neighborhood are really really nice houses most of them have security systems cameras why is he not on any of those cameras
Seth: don’t know don’t know I don’t know, but again if I lived in a house that cost 688,000 I damn well have a fucking security system on it
Q: I mean most of them houses out there or up there in that range they start at 500,000 they living a lot better than me um I noticed there was a lot cameras out
Seth: law enforcement they making a lot more than I am okay
Q: I said the same thing
Seth: the way they’re going I might turn around and have to go start flipping burgers for $22 an hour
Q: um so how is everything with your work did they understand what’s going on
Seth: I asked for a leave of absence when I ask for absence they know that I’m looking for my son
Q: okay so they’re not giving you a hard time at work so when you decide to go back to work everything’s going to be good with you
Seth: I’m hoping I haven’t heard from him
Q: um let me think anything else okay so you you met with a you had a couple more meetings today other than with to TBI you you gain you gain more information, um and we learned that the trash truck that was just trash truck it wasn’t flashlights
Seth: correct,
Q: um the shoe thing now I’ve heard you say this
Seth: it doesnt make
Q: yeah he stepped in the ant pile the fire ants I’m from Georgia I I know about them fire ants they’ll light your ass up boy I mean like cigarette Burns I had they got me good I fell as a kid I fell into one riding a bike as a cigarette burn because
Seth: I’ve never like been burnt by a cigarette but I’ve been burnt by a match head before what that’s what fire ants remind me of
Q: yeah it reminds me of a cigarette burn it’ll blister up it it hurts matter of fact my yard we got some fire ants in my yard that’ll get your ass I got the biggest ants you ever seen they did the biggest ants I’ve ever seen in my life to be at my house they are huge ass ants
Seth: are velvetine ants these look like monster ass (shows the size with his fingers)
Q: so you don’t think he had never ran off before if he was if he was to say hey I’m upset with my stepdad I want to get out of here why wouldn’t he take any shoes and why would everybody ask her that Chris speaks overher
Seth: I don’t know
Q: so certain like how does she know he took the flashlight
Seth: I don’t know again
Q: or they just missing a flashlight huh I mean are they missing the flashlight I mean I guess they’re missing a flashlight that’s what makes them think he took the flashlight because if she was in bed when he left how dides she know he had the flashlight
Seth: I would say that she’s saying that because they can’t find it
Q: yeah I would think so too and I’m sure being the mother she knows what shoes he has and all them shoes are accounted for
Seth: yep shoes go off at the front door at her house just like they go off at the front door at mine
Q: okay um it just seems a little odd that he would leave like that with no shoes on and have never done that before
Seth: yeap kind of weird
Q: does okay since does he ever have any episodes what do you mean by episod maybe where he don’t know what’s going on gets confused
Seth: he hasn’t had any of those type of seizures in years
Q: okay um okay so when he was young he would he he would have these type of medical but as he got older he he grew out he outgrew them
Seth: Yeap (shakes his head in agreement)
Q: heard you say something that he was has one side you didn’t want him playing football or baseball or anywhere he could get hit because he had like a some water on his brain or something a pocket on one side of his brain
Seth: yes he had a pocket of fluid on the right B lateral part of his brain
Seth: yes I believe my son is alive
Q: um so he so he he couldn’t really take a Blow To The Head or nothing if if it if he fa
Seth: hey hey hey I have phone call coming
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 29, 2024
Host: I just want you to know that so I appreciate you and I appreciate all that you have been doing because uh somebody’s got to do it and I don’t really see any other anybody else speak this situation go ahead I’m sorry
Seth: I am my son’s voice no doubt no doubt how have how has things been recently it’s been like a John Grisham novel to be honest
Host: when you say it’s like a John Grisham novel what do you mean by that exactly
Seth: just the amount of weird shit I mean can I cuss on here
Host: yeah you’re good bro
Seth: it’s a late night show it’s a Friday we good all right it’s just some weird weird stuff has been going on as of late that it’s just weird um my volunteers have been having people follow them while they handed out flyers and stuff like that
Host: so people are getting followed you said? do you mind expanding on that a little bit
Seth: well my my volunteers that get together to help pass out flyers for
Sebastian they noticed that Vehicles be falling them and I told them if them see anybody following them get their license plate number and I pass it off to TV that’s what’s up wow so people are getting followed allegedly people are getting followed who are just passing out flyers volunteers that are just contributing in trying to find your son that’s very odd have you seen anything like that yourself have you been followed can’t intimidate me I have a goal in mind gotcha have you already reported that because that basically says yes to me
Host: so have you reported that at all to TBI or any law enforcement at all that you you have been followed yeah has it changed as of late or are you still getting followed
Seth: I haven’t been followed today when you go ahead today if they want to know where I’ve been I mean they can ask me whoever wants to follow me I was at church three times a day it’s good Friday time to go to mass r
Host: when did you report that go ahead what were you saying
Seth: did you go to mass?
Host: not yet I’m a bad boy I’m I’m burning in the fiery pits of hell I know I know
Seth: I’ll reach down and help make sure that you don’t stay there long
Host: I appreciate that my brother I appreciate that but when was the when did you go ahead say that again it’s always time to change right always always always time but when did you report to TBI that you were actually getting followed was that yesterday or was that a few days ago
Seth: I reported uh I’ve reported some license plate numbers to TBI uh I let them know a couple weeks some of my volunteers were being followed
Host: that’s just so that’s just crazy to me okay
Seth: yeah it’s pretty weird
Host: that’s very very weird we might Circle back to that question here in a second or at least that topic here in a second but I do have some questions I know that there has been um some updates dates you and Katie proudfoot at least Katie proudfoot were in the same room with TBI and they gave you some updates can you tell me anything that came of that conversation with TBI
Seth: the video with the two flashlights on there they showed me the whole video and then they showed me the video in the daylight too and wasn’t flashlights it was literally the video that was showed to the public was like a small little portion of the screen not the whole actual screen and it was a trash truck it came through it’s why it was slow at the beginning because it was picking up trash and then after they picked up trash when it came back they were dipping out of the neighborhood
Host: interesting because Okay so we’ve seen that video we’ve all seen the at least what Nick Baris put out here now now and you’re trying to explain it a little bit I I wish I hope you can explain a little bit more when you went and saw it with TBI the nighttime stuff the flashlight the stuff that looked like fireflies for crying out loud and the black abyss was that the full picture or or is that was that a cropped video
Seth: that was like a that was like a 3×5 of a full TV screen really
Host: yes so okay so it’s a it was a cropped segment or a cropped section of a a very big picture
Seth: I’ve seen some people actually sit there and talk about well the trash don’t run at a quarter after 3: in the morning you’re right it runs between 5:00 and 5:30 in the morning right but the whole time that I watch this the the time on the DVR that they had stayed 3:11 for like 15 minutes
Host: okay so so broke equipment so it was broken okay so it stayed at 311 for for the whole time so 3:00 was not the time that it that this these trash guys came in these G garbage men came in and picked up the trash that was a little bit later on a little bit earlier in the morning if that makes any sense more like five or so right
Seth: correct
Host: and of course again this was a cropped video from a very very big video
Seth: yes, I honestly think somebody did it for clickbait I mean, so then okay you want to log in to follow and if he’s watching this now he knows why I’m not answering his phone calls and released this false information and something that’s going on trying to find my son
Host: I can see I can understand getting upset about that for sure I definitely can but there is actual movement in that area if he didn’t know I could see that you know I could see a little mistake happening there but as far as the rest of the image right because it was only cropped with a bunch of you know with those two white dots floating around for two seconds right what does the rest of the picture that you saw look like is just pitch black or was their movement elsewhere
Seth: it’s literally it’s dark because it’s at night but you can make out the road so it’s like whoever shared it with Nick and Nick Fuc put it out you could see the whole Road there was nothing there there was no cars on that road there was there was no movement on the road except for the trash truck that was it
Host: gotcha gotcha okay but you also saw footage from during the day as well right you just said that it was night time and day
Seth: yeah because that what they wanted to do is they showed me the video the footage from the night and then they turned around and they took from the same camera video footage from the day and showed me where the markings and everything were so that I had no doubt in my mind, some of those lights actually stay stationary and they’re on throughout the night and throughout the day and they literally showed me where it was and I’ve been in the neighborhood I even knew what house it was as soon as I saw it. I recognized the house so I knew the angle cuz the angle’s coming from at the end of the street it’s not pointing at like a common section it’s just literally at the end of the street so that the owner can watch all their vehicles
Host: Seth I mean I can’t wait for you to have an actual good night’s rest I know that won’t happen until you find Sebastian but still I know that you’re doing a lot of work to um try to bring your son home
Seth: I feel better today I’ve I’ve been to church three times I’ve done Mass I’ll be at church again tomorrow for Holy Saturday and then it’s Easter Sunday and I’m just praying for for a miracle
Host: same here same here
Seth: well go to mass for that then buddy I will be I will be for sure I will be sure for sure but one thing
Host: I do want to point out really quick to everybody real quick right now is that there is a GoFundMe right now this is to help Seth stay boots on the ground out in that area okay before we continue on in our conversation please guys I’m going to make sure that it is posted in the uh posted at the top of the chat in the family chat so that you guys can go please their goal is to just hit $ they’re almost there okay a dollar it doesn’t matter Penny it doesn’t matter whatever you can contribute is still a step in the right direction so please go over to his GoFundMe show some love show some show some support there’s some other one other things that I will be sharing with you guys as well if you want to contribute in other ways we will be talking about that a little bit later on in the conversation okay but go to that GoFundMe If It Moves you so all right this man is boots on the ground as we speak so go over there and help if you can okay and we will be talking about volunteers here in just a little bit as well okay just to give you guys all a heads up if you want to get out there and help search for Sebastian
Host: now you went there you checked out this this video the full scope of this video what we saw as regular people okay the people that are very passionate and really caring and that care about finding Sebastian, the footage that we saw was a cropped video up in the top right hand corner of this very big you know a much bigger picture
Seth: yes sir
Host: you saw day and night what else was being said or talked about or shown to you with TBI
Seth: I had requested video proof that my son was alive after I spoke to him on Thursday
Host: what footage was that
Seth: they showed me footage of him leaving Texas Roadhouse and getting into his mama’s vehicle with her.
Host: Texas Roadhouse so he was getting in a vehicle with Katie Proudfoot from eating at Texas Roadhouse correct
Seth: yes
Host: was Chris Proudfoot there no in the footage
Seth: no Chis was Memphis
Host: okay so Chris was definitely in Memphis okay but when you saw them leaving were they with anybody were they alone just the two of them going into this car
Seth: yeah
Host: okay quick quick question did you see any footage from inside
Seth: no, I wanted Proof of Life on Sunday to make myself feel better. You guys want to know why I was smiling that’s because yesterday I got to see my son I mean it’s not current it’s not up to date but there me a little bit better of a feeling that I got to see him.
Host: so when you saw him walking out of Texas Roadhouse with Katie proudfoot his biological mother was he wearing the same clothes that they’re describing that he was not seen in
Seth: No
Host: okay okay after seeing that footage I know it made you happy to see him of course you miss your son. I don’t know was there any interaction any exchange with Katie between you and Katie after seeing this footage
Seth: no
Host: when was the last time you spoke with Katie before TBI before the TBI meeting
Seth: it been a couple weeks it’s been a couple weeks
Host: Wow have you seen them Chris and K Proudfoot boots on the ground searching along with you
Seth: I haven’t
Host: at all even at the beginning when you came into town
Seth: when he first came into town uh Chris went with me for one night to go check out some leads that were coming off of Facebook but they were three days old I think and after that no. they say they’re out there doing it they say they’re out there handing out flyers putting out signs getting Billboards up things of that sort but they’re not are I’m at . I mean it kind of you know if you got more than one person doing it would be in the grand scheme of things it would make sense to split up to conquer the area right i
Host: so let me ask you let’s talk about the search that you had with Chris what was that like how was the interaction how was the search with him was it awkward
Seth: no it wasn’t it was not awkward uh I was the passenger side I was the passenger in the truck and he was driving around he’s familiar with the area a lot more than I am so he knew from the Facebook tip where to go and so I just jumped in the truck with him
Host: okay gotta and then that’s it you guys did a search and no strange no odd interaction action he didn’t say anything that would have made I don’t know spark any kind of red flags or anything of that sort
Seth: no
Host: okay I see so my question is too just going back to the TBI meeting the most recent one you had aside from those videos was there any new leads or anything that they told you
Seth: they’re not going to tell, it’s an active investigation they’re not going to tell me
Host: are you satisfied with their investigation thus far that’s
Seth: asking me that question is like asking me if I like the hamburger that I see you cooking I haven’t seen the finished result yet. Finished result is me getting my son back the sooner we do that the sooner I’ll tell you how happy I am if that makes sense,
Host: have you seen Chris when you saw when you saw Katie Proudfoot did you see Chris
Seth: no
Host: okay so he wasn’t there at all he wasn’t there physically
Seth: no
Host: gotcha okay are you uh looking into any private investigators or lawyers at all
Seth: investigators I’ve got four of them 1
Host: oh you got four right on
Seth: I’m not playing
Host: see see where I get my leads from gotcha seeing any uh footage or anything of that sort has that moved you to make any movements as of late
Seth: no I’ve gotten some tips uh United Navy was here they left they they they were getting the death threats
Host: yes I do want to talk to you about that as well um so I want to bring that up real quick because I’m a little confused uh to be honest but they are I’m just pulling this up really really quick Cajun Navy is calling off uh searching for Sebastian what’s up with that Seth why is that happening why did that happen what’s up with that
Seth: I mean they’re helping search to find my son and people are threatening them trying to run them over with a truck, throw staff. I mean those people helping me to find my son and this is kind of welcome they got from Tennessee from the state of Volunteers and those people came to volunteer to help. Not everybody is perfect that’s why I told everybody needs to drop their egos and Sebastian is the focus, the end goal to find Sebastian alive and well.
Host: Are they taking a day off whats the story here?
Seth: They called me this morning and told me they had to pull back because of the death threats not only are they getting threats but their family members are getting threats
Host: oh come on (Pascal almost screamed lol)
Seth: I don’t want I cannot viable for somebody I’m trying to find my son and the last thing I want is somebody I can’t I cannot on my conscious have somebody having their family getting threatened because they’re trying to help me find my son that I mean I’ve already told my voluntear you know be careful stay in groups you know at 5:00 I know we still got a couple hours of daylight left but I want my volunteers to be safe too so I’ve told them at 5 o’ I need you all to go ahead and call it quits for the night you may not want to you know but your life is precious as well, my son’s life is precious but I’m not willing to risk other people people’s lives for my son’s life
Seth: gotcha I I ain’t worried… mine on the other hand I’m not worried I’ll be your Huckleberry
Host: I heard that I heard that and yeah it is frustrating and tragic that they that’s frustrating and tragic that they left um I I got to be honest uh and as a you know as a father as well I I I can only imagine how that feels but as far as volunteers go has that changed in the volume and the the reception and the uh
Seth: attendance of volunteers down there a little bit I mean people are people are conscious of their own well-being I can’t expect people to you know be threatened or anything else to help me find my son yeah yeah I’m I’m sorry that’s happening to you brother but I want to bring this up really
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 31, 2024
Host: Did you find it alarming that they don’t have an alarm?
Seth: I don’t have an alarm at my house.
When my son wakes up to use a bathroom he doesn’t turn on any lights. I do scare the shit out of him I ask what are you doing? I am going to the bathroom, Dad. Any type of the noise wakes me up.
Seth: he was supposed to come and stay with me this summer and I enrolled him up here where i live. What we were doing, I am not getting full custody we are just switching custodians.
So where I was getting him every weekend, now she would be getting him every other weekend. (The statement changed now he says he was getting him every weekend)
Host: Was it smoothly done?
Seth: I was hoping for it, when Chris brought it up to me I was like ok let me enroll him at school. I want it my son to live with me I always wanted my son to live with me.
Host: What did you see on the video from TBI?
Seth: she and Sebastian walked out of the roadhouse and got into a vehicle. That’s what they showed me.
Host: Did he look Happy?
Seth: He is always happy when he is with me. He didnt look like joy of himself like he is with me. He is not there and i know why now. He wasn’t my normal kid.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 31, 2024
Interview Teri Lynn – March 31, 2024
Host: did you see him taking out the trash
Seth: I saw a video that could have been Sebastian taking out the trash. It was dark, but the shadow moved just like my son moves; my son runs everywhere
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 11, 2024
“With the information that I’ve gotten from Sumner County and TBI and the fact that dogs aren’t 100 percent, they’re not picking up his scent,” he said.
“One dog tracked him to a construction area over there and it just disappeared and it’s confusing. There’s missing pieces to the puzzle and I’m having difficulty solving this.”
Mr Rogers added that it makes “absolutely no sense there’s been no trace of him.”
“I’m hoping he’s still alive,” the father said. “That is my main hope right now.”
On Sunday, dozens of people from the community gathered for a prayer vigil at Beech High School in Hendersonville, near where Sebastian was last seen, just down the street from his home. They wore green, Sebastian’s favorite color.
Sebastian’s mother and stepfather were not at the vigil, but provided a statement that was read aloud:
“We want to let the community know that we don’t have words to express our gratitude for the support for have received in searching for our son. We pray that everyone continues to help search and pray that we find him and bring him home safe.”
“In order for him to do something that’s out of the normal, something would’ve had to happen that he felt like he just couldn’t deal with it anymore,” Mr Rogers told [ WTVF] in his first interview during a prayer vigil on Sunday.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 20, 2024
On the morning, Sebastian went missing
- 6: 40 am Stepfather Chris called and sent messages to Seth.
- 7: 00 am Seth had just gotten off work
- 7: 20 am he got to his car when he noticed had a missed text message from 6:40 am and a call from the stepfather Chris.
- He called the stepdad and was told Sebastian was missing. He didn’t know what had happened. He got in his car and went straight to the mom’s house
- 8:00 am he arrived to the house and was there the entire day.
- Seth stated that the mom’s house was clean, like always
- He doesn’t know if anything was stolen from the home
- Sebastian mother said they are missing a key chain flashlight that’s that’s it his key chain flashlight.
- In Seth House all Sebastian has an upper Drawer in his house for his items.
- the police searched his house they looked through the Upper Drawer where his house key wallet “everything in his Upper Drawer house key wallet everything in his Upper Drawer.”
- Sebastian goes to Beach High School 0.6 miles away from home.
- Sebastian rode a bus to school
- Sebastian is in Why We Try Program it’s for the special needs children where they are doing the same tasks that the mainstream does but they get a little bit extra time. In that program when everyone have 30 questions then Kids in the program get 20 and they get extra time.
- Sebastian is very intelligent, he is very smart, he just lacks social skills in reading of reading of people’s body language.
- Sebastian likes things to be in a routine he likes to control his environment.
- He doesn’t know how Sebastian would be with strangers as he never seen seen him have to deal with this. Most of the time if he’s with Seth he gets his information from from him about interacting with people
- When Seth meeting new people he tells Sebastian “son you can introduce yourself if you would like if he does he does, if he doesn’t want I don’t force him.
- He sees him every other weekend.
- He gets him whenever he is not in school except weekdays
- The last time he had Sebastian was two weeks prior to Sebastian’s disappearance
- The last time Seth spoke with his son was on Thursday, which is very typical. He typically calls him every day or every other day on school days right when he gets off the bus and talk to him for two or three minutes to ask how his day was before he does his after school chores.
- On the weekends, he has Sebastian, he gets there on Friday and waits for him to get off the bus.
- Three pairs of shoes were at the front door. his old tennis shoes his new tennis shoes that his mama had just bought him and the boots that I had just bought him his mama wore another set of shoes his feet were growing
- His Mom asked me to get him shoes and he wanted a pair of boots so we went to Boot Barn and got him a pair of boots is it possible he wore a different pair of shoes.
- He doesn’t think SR could have wore another pair of shoes because if he’s not fitting into him she gets rid of it.
- Thee is no shoes in his room. “Shoes get taken off at the front door same as my house same here I always have people take their shoes off at the door so there were no shoes in his room all his shoes were still sitting at the front door.”
- The only time he goes outside at night at my house is to put the trash in the trash can which is right outside my front door
- Seth says Sebastian doesn’t have a social media
- he have a cell phone at his mom and stepfather’s
- He is glued to his phone when he has access to YouTube and stuff like that he is glued to his phone because he likes to watch videos about Minecraft and he likes to watch videos of people playing Minecraft
- He doesn’t know if Sebastian is playing Mindcraft but he has a little game switch and he’s glued to that all the time
- His phone was locked down he had no internet access he only had the ability to take pictures on his phone, text on his phone, FaceTime and telephone calls, everything else was locked down on his phone.
- Police checked his phone
- He got a pair of slippers that he wears so he doesn’t have to put on socks and shoes he puts those on if he’s going to go out to the trash or check the mail and doesn’t want to put socks on.
- Q: has the mother and The Stepfather taken a polygraph Seth: “I know his mother has” (33:39)
- False positive – Dogs followed Sebastian’s scent to a construction site near the home and then lost it. Seth states that for a dog to lose the scent like that, from his understanding, it would indicate that Sebastian got into a car. (Reporter on NG 43:44)
- He stated that Sebastian’s and his mom went to dinner Sunday evening, and the police have verified that with photos.
- it doesn’t add up for him to break routine and to leave the house with no shoes no socks on no coat some something just doesn’t make sense
- According to another person in the NG interview: they did search perimeter of the house and I know one day when I was out there when they were searching they had a dive team out there they were searching the grounds. There is a lot of construction in the area.
Reporter Why Authorities searched landfill: “truck drivers that come to the house and when they picked up the the garbage can it just felt more more heavier than normal um so they just said that to the uh authorities so just
to follow up on that tip they went out to the landfill to search because that’s where the trash is taken…”
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 28, 2024
- He is not searching today – he is a Roman Catholic
- The trash pickup starts at 5 am
- The video of flashlights has the wrong timestamp
Host: so did how’s the searching going do what y’all gonna be searching again tomorrow 10:30 is that what you said?
Seth: right now that’s kind of up in the air. I don’t know what they’re planning on tomorrow
I’m Roman Catholic and it’s good Friday oh okay it’s time to go commune with the Lord maybe he will give me what I need maybe he will reach down and bless me.
Host: Do you think it’s a possibility somebody could be holding your son against his will?
Seth: I look at it like I’ve been on the internet I’ve been on the TV, I have even been on the radio which probably most people don’t even realize but if my son were able to hear me or see me on TV or on the Internet he would know to give me a call okay.
Host: have you ever known him to watch the news no okay never known him to watch the news?
Seth: No
Host: so if he is not watching the news he probably wouldn’t even know he was on the news then correct?
Seth: I mean I haven’t had cable in probably nine or 10 years
Host: now I know tonight in the news interview you said you know he’s probably somewhere playing video games, do you know if he played these video games online with other people?
Seth: Naah
Host: no he didn’t or or now you don’t know?
Seth: I don’t know because that well it’s like at my house a lot of the games that he was playing were on my account and a lot of them were solo games like Spider-Man uh Batman Arkham Knights okay
Host: I play a lot of game in my you know certain games a lot of you know games where you’re in lobbies with other people I play a lot of online gaming
Seth: I do that, I will I do mobile on my phone, he would be sitting there playing video games he played on his Switch, he didn’t play online with people he played single player games.
Host: if I heard you say today that the TBI don’t think you’re a suspect they don’t think Chris is a suspect they don’t think Katie’s a suspect so there has to be some if you guys if they’re not like the internet is saying if Katie and Chris don’t got nothing to do with this then there’s another answer to what’s going on you know or there would be another answer another answer now do you think your would your son know to area do would he be easily lost does he get confused?
Seth: if you don’t if you stay all the time in your house and you’re only going from your house to the bus stop and then you know how to get to where you’re going to school and the rest of the time you’re in a vehicle would you really know how to get anywhere by foot
Host: guess if your bubble’s small you’re right you really wouldn’t know the area so if you got outside that bubble you could get lost
Seth: you get stuck in the woods and you’re used to Black Top you can get lost
Host: you know when I hear you say today that they don’t think they’re a suspect some of their the behavior is strange like the whole going out of town thing I think that was a little strange of them you know CU I would I’d be like you I’d be out here searching every day
Seth: Makes them seen no right
Host: if he’s out there lost you know he at this point he has to have some type of assistance right because he what where would he get food at or where would he you know he would need water he would need food he would need some type of assistance
Seth: he would and then again you ever been homeless?
Host: no I’ve never been homeless yeah I mean you think he’s you think he may be going eating out of dumpsters begging for
Seth:I don’t I don’t think he would be that way um I’ve been homeless before, homeless people take care of homeless people and homeless people have a have that that little piece in their heart that where they take care of the kids they always take care of the kids
Host: so you think he could possibly be in a homeless encampment
Seth: like now look now I’ve been out there in them Woods in Tennessee and I’ve done ran into a couple different homeless encampments out there that looked like people were living in and staying in in them woods so I know there’s people definitely living in the woods and I mean I’ve been out there I’ve looked for them I take a picture of my son you know one my parents came here the first week that’s the first thing they did they hit the homeless encampments there in uh Hendersonville with pictures of my so.
Host: anything come of that the homel you know I’m sure them homeless people ain’t gonna tell you much anyway
Seth: well if a child saying that he’s running in fear or something homeless people protect him
Seth: what do you what do what do you make of the footprints at what do you what do what do you make of the footprints at the retention Pond do you think there is something to him or you think that’s just a busy area or what do you think?
Seth: honestly I don’t know you don’t know I only knew about those literally just because I listened to that call oh to the the the the dispatch
Host: I heard you say he could swim
Seth: yep
Host: You lived there does the trash run this early in the morning and the lights could be from a trash truck?
Seth: The trash truck runs at 5 in the morning, there is 3:11 am because the guys DVR recorder is stuck on 3:11. I watched the whole thing for 10 min of it, and the time didnt move. It was at 3:11 when it started it was at 3:11 when it finished. The timer on the DVR was broken.
Host: have you been in communication with Chris and Katie?
Seth: they called me today
Host: did are y’all kind of patching up the relationship I know they were a little mad at you about the Gufundme stuff and I’ve heard that you know everything, so are y’all working that out they got to understand that you’re out there searching for the boy and that you’re going to need help they got to understand that you know to be mad at you or anything they need Chris should be out there beside you helping you is what I believe they shouldn’t be mad at you you
Seth: eye roll and nothing
Host: I hope your family can work this out and that Sebastian safely and maybe it is just a upset with the stepdad and he’s took off you know and he’s okay it would make more sense than them them hurting him for no reason things
Seth: things just don’t make sense with this
Host: don’t know the reason that the CPS was called on at the house I just didn’t know that heard you say that you found out later that they didn’t tell you anything that there was any reason
Seth: that podcast there man
Host: that that the CPS have came to the house over I guess him going to school saying that his stepdad hit him with a belt
Seth: I guess because I mean I didn’t know about it until he said it in the podcast
Host: let me ask you this and this is important question for a dad ha have y’all ever discussed the discipline of your child with have you ever discussed it with Chris?
Seth: that there is supposed to be no Corporal discipline
Host: Chris and them talk about him and the mom talking about him like you know he uses the bathroom on himself he’s he’s function he a they make him sound like he’s not as functional as you make him sound you make him sound like he’s normal kid everything’s okay and they make it sound like a little bit different story there is
Seth: not to play word salad, there are three parts to every story, there is my part, their part in the truth
Host: I hope you’re telling the truth so I hope the truth is with you
Seth: first of all I don’t have a fucking shit to to hide, but at the same point in time I don’t talk a lot of shit, I don’t like the I’m not the monkey at the zoo I’m not throwing shit. I will not defend people that dig their own fucking grave.
you know when you guys are s talking about their behavior makes them look suspect it’s probably because **they want you to…** that’s their behavior. I ain’t their parents
I raised my son, that’s why this doesn’t make sense to me
was there supposed to be child support? no.
were we going back to court? no
our our decree says that we can change it the way we want to and we both agree to
Host: y’all had an agreement with y’all child that y’all would take care of whatever between that needed to be taken care of so there was never no child support me and my baby’s mother we made the same agreement you made we made the exact same agreement if my daughter needs something I will take care of it right
Seth: you know how many times Katie called me up hey he needs a new pair of glasses okay well tell me how much it is I’ll transfer the money
Host: there is no reason for her to hurt her child a lot of people I do believe think Katie may have hurt your child and I to do that there would have to be a some reasoning for it and I just haven’t seen any of that
Seth: so I don’t understand why. I was getting what I wanted since the divorce anyways I was okay with you know joint legal joint physical but I was getting what I wanted
Host: now he was getting to come get ready to come stay with you for the summer
Seth: I’ve already have him enrolled in school here.
Host: from your address?
Seth: yeah, live the summer with me but he was going to start going to school up here at the end of summer
Host: oh okay so you was going he was going to start living with you full time now that’s what I heard that’s what was rumored to me in the beginning that uh that he was coming there and then that he was going to be living with you
Seth: Yes, I was going to get him
Seth: had that been planned like how long when y’all discussed that with Kate like how long you go okay I’m gonna take him this Summer then he’s gonna live with me and go to school had y’all planned that have y’all y’all discussed that
Seth: since last year
Host: so this ain’t something that just popped up or so this has been planned that he was going to come stay with you
Seth: shakes his head yes
Host: more sense so there’s no reason in there for her to be like oh he’s going to take the kid
Seth: I’ve heard a lot and read a lot and you know some of them I find them hilarious like the gentleman that called in you know the snake the snake ate the boy
Host: I know it’s hard as a parent to definitely hear the crazy stuff of the internet right just theories and speculation I do it you know I say things I like I think this happened I think this happened. curious but some of the stories for me like some of the theories are so far out there even for me that I’m like okay okay that’s a little much that’s a little much
Seth: um I’ll just say that I’m missing aluminum foil and tfoil at my house because somebody’s wearing it as a hat there.
Host: I’ve seen parents of missing kids wearing aluminum tfold hats matter of fact parents are missing kids in Tennessee wearing illuminal tfold hats on live streams okay I send you a picture if you don’t believe me
Seth: believe yes I’ve seen I’ve seen a lot, nine (9) years in California and then I moved back here to the United States and I’ll tell you right now that I’ve seen them both
Host: now I’ve heard you say you’re innocent to proven guilty you work in correction right and I’ve heard you say you you’re not thereare to judge people right and I’ve noticed a lot of this is you don’t do that you don’t get on the news and you don’t talk bad about people you try to stay neutral you know judge people right and I’ve noticed a lot of this is you don’t it ain’t no reason really to ruffle a bunch of feathers like talking shit about people that you’re going to have to deal with for the rest of your life anyway you know that’s the mother of your baby um her old man’s a little, uh I think he’s like he overt talks her a lot you know I think he seems controlling I’ve heard that I don’t know the guy but he he looks a little angry
Seth: shakes his head in agreement and smiles and later says I heard that
Host: controlling I’ve heard that I don’t know the guy but he he looks a little angry he seems controlling and when they ask questions he answers the questions like he don’t give her a chance to speak and that’s what I think of making people go so this dude ain’t and he’s been married five times okay I mean how many times..
Seth: I’ve been married once I learn learned, I learned
Host: I think maybe if if it didn’t work out in five times it might not be in your you might not be the best dude.
Seth: I would say if I was looking out from the outside I would tell the person if you’ve been married so many times and it’s not working it can’t be the person you’re with it’s the person in the mirror
Host: yeah definitely sometimes it’s it’s it’s hardest to see your flaws you know like me I’m sure there I got plenty of flaws but it’s hard for me to see my own flaws but other people can see them you know um I know fla yeah I know some.
Seth: I know my flaws I don’t know all of them but I know the majority of them
Host:: so when they tried to call you today did you speak with him
Seth: I did
Host: now let me ask you this when you went and met with the TBI today was Katie and Chris with you can you answer that
Seth: Katie was there (couldn’t hear what he said…Christopher)
Host:: okay okay um all right well I ain’t gonna make you get you into something you know that you ain’t supposed to speak on
Seth: um if I answer something that if I answer something that I’m not supposed to answer I’ll know I’ll be in trouble later
Host: let me ask you this they show you a video
Seth: yeah okay
Host: did that video contain your son yes okay was that video from somewhere outside that house yes that means your son’s out there
Seth: they showed me a video that I had been asking for from the very beginning. I wanted to see a video of my son after I spoke to him Thursday and before he disappeared on Monday.
Host: this video of your son is from after time he went missing
Seth: no it was before it
Host: was it the video from the restaurant
Seth: Yeap
Host: I knew it was that video for rest you know I went to that restaurant the other night Seth I had chicken and I also spoke to the people there had chicken
Seth: huh you went to a steakhouse and had chicken?
Host:: yeah I had chicken and a loaded baked potato and broccoli be I always go to the steakhouse and get chicken I don’t know why I do it at uh Outback too
Seth: yeah well unfortunately you can’t go to Chick-fil-A fil-A and get a hamburger
Host: so the video from the rest so there’s nothing from the the point that he you haven’t seen anything from the point he’s went missing
Seth: No
Host:: so, just prior to it so they showed you a little PRI did everything seem happy in the in the video everything seemed good
Seth: everything seems good
Seth: okay all right um well well that’s that’s good but let me think I I want to dig in dig into a hole here
Seth: it’s because you’re not asking the right question (smiles)
Host: okay what do the police believe happened what are they telling you did they have hit you with anything
Seth: Nope (shakes his head)
Host: do they they just keeping you can’t answer that one huh
Seth: they didn’t tell you nothing they’re not going to tell me anything on the investigation
Host: well why I show you the video
Seth: because I’d asked
Host: so you asked
Seth: I asked I said I need to see proof of life before he went missing
Host: because you wanted to know he was alive before he went missing
Seth: I wanted to make sure he was okay beforeand and they showed it to me because I asked asked for
Host:: and he was okay and everything was good with him normal and you said he he wouldn’t..
Seth: you are not asking, you still not asking the right questions
Host: okay well what’s tell me what the right question is there what what do you got what do you know Seth me what the right question is there what what do you got what do you know Seth that we don’t know can you tell us what you know
Seth: I had two more meetings today afterwards. I had two more meetings afterwards
Host: after you seen the video
Seth: I had two more meetings afterwards I had meetings planned all day today
Host: with TBI law enforcement
Seth: nope (shakes his head nope)
Host: okay you met with somebody else
Seth: Yeap (shakes his head yes and smiles) you know why I am happy
Host: huh is it the FBI
Seth: no (shakes his head no, smiling)
Host: okay yeah why
Seth: more information that I didn’t have before
Host: oh all right let’s get it let’s get it Seth
Seth: just more information
Host: okay um see
Seth: I already told them I’m running my own investigation on my own as I didnt want to intrude upon their
Host: does he think that they will wrap up soon and his baby will be found she ask that question from the chat
Seth: always that’s that’s beyond a doubt that’s an every day when I wake up okay all right that being hope and know that the answer is out there and I’m going to find it
Host: now are are the police being like reassuring that they’re going to figure this out to you to figure this out to you
Seth: yep
Host: have you have you spoke with the FBI
Seth: yeap
Host: okay um now one of my things is this them houses out there in that neighborhood are really really nice houses most of them have security systems cameras why is he not on any of those cameras
Seth: don’t know don’t know I don’t know, but again if I lived in a house that cost 688,000 I damn well have a fucking security system on it
Host: I mean most of them houses out there or up there in that range they start at 500,000 they living a lot better than me um I noticed there was a lot cameras out
Seth: law enforcement they making a lot more than I am okay
Host: I said the same thing
Seth: the way they’re going I might turn around and have to go start flipping burgers for $22 an hour
Host: um so how is everything with your work did they understand what’s going on
Seth: I asked for a leave of absence when I ask for absence they know that I’m looking for my son
Host: okay so they’re not giving you a hard time at work so when you decide to go back to work everything’s going to be good with you
Seth: I’m hoping I haven’t heard from him
Host: um let me think anything else okay so you you met with a you had a couple more meetings today other than with to TBI you you gain you gain more information, um and we learned that the trash truck that was just trash truck it wasn’t flashlights
Seth: correct,
Host: um the shoe thing now I’ve heard you say this
Seth: it doesn’t make
Host: yeah he stepped in the ant pile the fire ants I’m from Georgia I I know about them fire ants they’ll light your ass up boy I mean like cigarette Burns I had they got me good I fell as a kid I fell into one riding a bike as a cigarette burn because
Seth: I’ve never like been burnt by a cigarette but I’ve been burnt by a match head before what that’s what fire ants remind me of
Host: yeah it reminds me of a cigarette burn it’ll blister up it it hurts matter of fact my yard we got some fire ants in my yard that’ll get your ass I got the biggest ants you ever seen they did the biggest ants I’ve ever seen in my life to be at my house they are huge ass ants
Seth: are velveteen ants these look like monster ass (shows the size with his fingers)
Host: so you don’t think he had never ran off before if he was if he was to say hey I’m upset with my stepdad I want to get out of here why wouldn’t he take any shoes and why would everybody ask her that Chris speaks overher
Seth: I don’t know
Host: so certain like how does she know he took the flashlight
Seth: I don’t know again
Host: or they just missing a flashlight huh I mean are they missing the flashlight I mean I guess they’re missing a flashlight that’s what makes them think he took the flashlight because if she was in bed when he left how dides she know he had the flashlight
Seth: I would say that she’s saying that because they can’t find it
Host: yeah I would think so too and I’m sure being the mother she knows what shoes he has and all them shoes are accounted for
Seth: yep shoes go off at the front door at her house just like they go off at the front door at mine
Host: okay um it just seems a little odd that he would leave like that with no shoes on and have never done that before
Seth: yeap kind of weird
Host: does okay since does he ever have any episodes what do you mean by episod maybe where he don’t know what’s going on gets confused
Seth: he hasn’t had any of those type of seizures in years
okay um okay so when he was young he would he he would have these type of medical but as he got older he he grew out he outgrew them
Seth: Yeap (shakes his head in agreement)
Host: heard you say something that he was has one side you didn’t want him playing football or baseball or anywhere he could get hit because he had like a some water on his brain or something a pocket on one side of his brain
Seth: yes he had a pocket of fluid on the right B lateral part of his brain
Seth: yes I believe my son is alive
Host: um so he so he he couldn’t really take a Blow To The Head or nothing if if it if he fa
Seth: hey hey hey I have phone call coming
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 29, 2024
Host: I just want you to know that so I appreciate you and I appreciate all that you have been doing because uh somebody’s got to do it and I don’t really see any other anybody else speak this situation go ahead I’m sorry
Seth: I am my son’s voice no doubt no doubt how have how has things been recently it’s been like a John Grisham novel to be honest
Host: when you say it’s like a John Grisham novel what do you mean by that exactly
Seth: just the amount of weird shit I mean can I cuss on here
Host: yeah you’re good bro
Seth: it’s a late night show it’s a Friday we good all right it’s just some weird weird stuff has been going on as of late that it’s just weird um my volunteers have been having people follow them while they handed out flyers and stuff like that
Host: so people are getting followed you said? do you mind expanding on that a little bit
Seth: well my my volunteers that get together to help pass out flyers for
Sebastian they noticed that Vehicles be falling them and I told them if them see anybody following them get their license plate number and I pass it off to TV that’s what’s up wow so people are getting followed allegedly people are getting followed who are just passing out flyers volunteers that are just contributing in trying to find your son that’s very odd have you seen anything like that yourself have you been followed can’t intimidate me I have a goal in mind gotcha have you already reported that because that basically says yes to me
Host: so have you reported that at all to TBI or any law enforcement at all that you you have been followed yeah has it changed as of late or are you still getting followed
Seth: I haven’t been followed today when you go ahead today if they want to know where I’ve been I mean they can ask me whoever wants to follow me I was at church three times a day it’s good Friday time to go to mass r
Host: when did you report that go ahead what were you saying
Seth: did you go to mass?
Host: not yet I’m a bad boy I’m I’m burning in the fiery pits of hell I know I know
Seth: I’ll reach down and help make sure that you don’t stay there long
Host: I appreciate that my brother I appreciate that but when was the when did you go ahead say that again it’s always time to change right always always always time but when did you report to TBI that you were actually getting followed was that yesterday or was that a few days ago
Seth: I reported uh I’ve reported some license plate numbers to TBI uh I let them know a couple weeks some of my volunteers were being followed
Host: that’s just so that’s just crazy to me okay
Seth: yeah it’s pretty weird
Host: that’s very very weird we might Circle back to that question here in a second or at least that topic here in a second but I do have some questions I know that there has been um some updates dates you and Katie proudfoot at least Katie proudfoot were in the same room with TBI and they gave you some updates can you tell me anything that came of that conversation with TBI
Seth: the video with the two flashlights on there they showed me the whole video and then they showed me the video in the daylight too and wasn’t flashlights it was literally the video that was showed to the public was like a small little portion of the screen not the whole actual screen and it was a trash truck it came through it’s why it was slow at the beginning because it was picking up trash and then after they picked up trash when it came back they were dipping out of the neighborhood
Host: interesting because Okay so we’ve seen that video we’ve all seen the at least what Nick Baris put out here now now and you’re trying to explain it a little bit I I wish I hope you can explain a little bit more when you went and saw it with TBI the nighttime stuff the flashlight the stuff that looked like fireflies for crying out loud and the black abyss was that the full picture or or is that was that a cropped video
Seth: that was like a that was like a 3×5 of a full TV screen really
Host: yes so okay so it’s a it was a cropped segment or a cropped section of a a very big picture
Seth: I’ve seen some people actually sit there and talk about well the trash don’t run at a quarter after 3: in the morning you’re right it runs between 5:00 and 5:30 in the morning right but the whole time that I watch this the the time on the DVR that they had stayed 3:11 for like 15 minutes
Host: okay so so broke equipment so it was broken okay so it stayed at 311 for for the whole time so 3:00 was not the time that it that this these trash guys came in these G garbage men came in and picked up the trash that was a little bit later on a little bit earlier in the morning if that makes any sense more like five or so right
Seth: correct
Host: and of course again this was a cropped video from a very very big video
Seth: yes, I honestly think somebody did it for clickbait I mean, so then okay you want to log in to follow and if he’s watching this now he knows why I’m not answering his phone calls and released this false information and something that’s going on trying to find my son
Host: I can see I can understand getting upset about that for sure I definitely can but there is actual movement in that area if he didn’t know I could see that you know I could see a little mistake happening there but as far as the rest of the image right because it was only cropped with a bunch of you know with those two white dots floating around for two seconds right what does the rest of the picture that you saw look like is just pitch black or was their movement elsewhere
Seth: it’s literally it’s dark because it’s at night but you can make out the road so it’s like whoever shared it with Nick and Nick Fuc put it out you could see the whole Road there was nothing there there was no cars on that road there was there was no movement on the road except for the trash truck that was it
Host: gotcha gotcha okay but you also saw footage from during the day as well right you just said that it was night time and day
Seth: yeah because that what they wanted to do is they showed me the video the footage from the night and then they turned around and they took from the same camera video footage from the day and showed me where the markings and everything were so that I had no doubt in my mind, some of those lights actually stay stationary and they’re on throughout the night and throughout the day and they literally showed me where it was and I’ve been in the neighborhood I even knew what house it was as soon as I saw it. I recognized the house so I knew the angle cuz the angle’s coming from at the end of the street it’s not pointing at like a common section it’s just literally at the end of the street so that the owner can watch all their vehicles
Host: Seth I mean I can’t wait for you to have an actual good night’s rest I know that won’t happen until you find Sebastian but still I know that you’re doing a lot of work to um try to bring your son home
Seth: I feel better today I’ve I’ve been to church three times I’ve done Mass I’ll be at church again tomorrow for Holy Saturday and then it’s Easter Sunday and I’m just praying for for a miracle
Host: same here same here
Seth: well go to mass for that then buddy I will be I will be for sure I will be sure for sure but one thing
Host: I do want to point out really quick to everybody real quick right now is that there is a GoFundMe right now this is to help Seth stay boots on the ground out in that area okay before we continue on in our conversation please guys I’m going to make sure that it is posted in the uh posted at the top of the chat in the family chat so that you guys can go please their goal is to just hit $ they’re almost there okay a dollar it doesn’t matter Penny it doesn’t matter whatever you can contribute is still a step in the right direction so please go over to his GoFundMe show some love show some show some support there’s some other one other things that I will be sharing with you guys as well if you want to contribute in other ways we will be talking about that a little bit later on in the conversation okay but go to that GoFundMe If It Moves you so all right this man is boots on the ground as we speak so go over there and help if you can okay and we will be talking about volunteers here in just a little bit as well okay just to give you guys all a heads up if you want to get out there and help search for Sebastian
Host: now you went there you checked out this this video the full scope of this video what we saw as regular people okay the people that are very passionate and really caring and that care about finding Sebastian, the footage that we saw was a cropped video up in the top right hand corner of this very big you know a much bigger picture
Seth: yes sir
Host: you saw day and night what else was being said or talked about or shown to you with TBI
Seth: I had requested video proof that my son was alive after I spoke to him on Thursday
Host: what footage was that
Seth: they showed me footage of him leaving Texas Roadhouse and getting into his mama’s vehicle with her.
Host: Texas Roadhouse so he was getting in a vehicle with Katie Proudfoot from eating at Texas Roadhouse correct
Seth: yes
Host: was Chris Proudfoot there no in the footage
Seth: no Chis was Memphis
Host: okay so Chris was definitely in Memphis okay but when you saw them leaving were they with anybody were they alone just the two of them going into this car
Seth: yeah
Host: okay quick quick question did you see any footage from inside
Seth: no, I wanted Proof of Life on Sunday to make myself feel better. You guys want to know why I was smiling that’s because yesterday I got to see my son I mean it’s not current it’s not up to date but there me a little bit better of a feeling that I got to see him.
Host: so when you saw him walking out of Texas Roadhouse with Katie Proudfoot his biological mother was he wearing the same clothes that they’re describing that he was not seen in
Seth: No
Host: okay okay after seeing that footage I know it made you happy to see him of course you miss your son. I don’t know was there any interaction any exchange with Katie between you and Katie after seeing this footage
Seth: no
Host: when was the last time you spoke with Katie before TBI before the TBI meeting
Seth: it been a couple weeks it’s been a couple weeks
Host: Wow have you seen them Chris and K proudfoot boots on the ground searching along with you
Seth: I haven’t
Host: at all even at the beginning when you came into town
Seth: when he first came into town uh Chris went with me for one night to go check out some leads that were coming off of Facebook but they were three days old I think and after that no. they say they’re out there doing it they say they’re out there handing out flyers putting out signs getting Billboards up things of that sort but they’re not are I’m at . I mean it kind of you know if you got more than one person doing it would be in the grand scheme of things it would make sense to split up to conquer the area right i
Host: so let me ask you let’s talk about the search that you had with Chris what was that like how was the interaction how was the search with him was it awkward
Seth: no it wasn’t it was not awkward uh I was the passenger side I was the passenger in the truck and he was driving around he’s familiar with the area a lot more than I am so he knew from the Facebook tip where to go and so I just jumped in the truck with him
okay gotta and then that’s it you guys did a search and no strange no odd interaction action he didn’t say anything that would have made I don’t know spark any kind of red flags or anything of that sort
Seth: no
Host: okay I see so my question is too just going back to the TBI meeting the most recent one you had aside from those videos was there any new leads or anything that they told you
Seth: they’re not going to tell it’s an active investigation they’re not going to tell me
Host:: are you satisfied with their investigation thus far that’s
Seth: asking me that question is like asking me if I like the hamburger that I see you cooking I haven’t seen the finished result yet finished result is me getting my son back the sooner we do that the sooner I’ll tell you how happy I am if that makes sense, have you seen Chris when you saw when you saw Katie proudfoot did you see Chris no okay so he wasn’t there at all he wasn’t there physically
Seth: no
Host: gotcha okay are you uh looking into any private investigators or lawyers at all
Seth: investigators I’ve got four of them 1
Host: oh you got four right on
Seth: I’m not playing
Host: see see where I get my leads from gotcha seeing any uh footage or anything of that sort has that moved you to make any movements as of late
Seth: no I’ve gotten some tips uh United Navy was here they left they they they were getting the death threats
Host: yes I do want to talk to you about that as well um so I want to bring that up real quick because I’m a little confused uh to be honest but they are I’m just pulling this up really really quick Cajun Navy is calling off uh searching for Sebastian what’s up with that Seth why is that happening why did that happen what’s up with that
Seth: I mean they’re helping search to find my son and people are threatening them trying to run them over with a truck, throw staff, I mean those people helping me to find my son and this is kind of welcome they got from Tennessee from the state of Volunteers and those people came to volunteer to help. Not everybody is perfect thats why I told everybody needs to drop their egos and Sebastian is the focus, the end goal to find Sebastian alive and well.
Host: Are they taking a day off whats the story here?
Seth: They called me this morning and told me they had to pull back because of the death threats not only are they getting threats but their family members are getting threats
Host: oh come on (Pascal almost screamed lol)
Seth: I don’t want I cannot viable for somebody I’m trying to find my son and the last thing I want is somebody I can’t I cannot on my conscious have somebody having their family getting threatened because they’re trying to help me find my son that I mean I’ve already told my voluntear you know be careful stay in groups you know at 5:00 I know we still got a couple hours of daylight left but I want my volunteers to be safe too so I’ve told them at 5 o’ I need you all to go ahead and call it quits for the night you may not want to you know but your life is precious as well, my son’s life is precious but I’m not willing to risk other people people’s lives for my son’s life
Seth: gotcha I I ain’t worried… mine on the other hand I’m not worried I’ll be your Huckleberry
Host: I heard that I heard that and yeah it is frustrating and tragic that they that’s frustrating and tragic that they left um I I got to be honest uh and as a you know as a father as well I I I can only imagine how that feels but as far as volunteers go has that changed in the volume and the the reception and the uh
Seth: attendance of volunteers down there a little bit I mean people are people are conscious of their own well-being I can’t expect people to you know be threatened or anything else to help me find my son yeah yeah I’m I’m sorry that’s happening to you brother but I want to bring this up really
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
March 31, 2024
Host: Did you find it alarming that they don’t have an alarm?
Seth: I don’t have an alarm at my house.
When my son wakes up to use a bathroom he doesn’t turn on any lights. I do scare the shit out of him I ask what are you doing? I am going to the bathroom, Dad. Any type of the noise wakes me up.
Seth: he was supposed to come and stay with me this summer and I enrolled him up here where i live. What we were doing, I am not getting full custody we are just switching custodians.
So where I was getting him every weekend, now she would be getting him every other weekend. (The statement changed now he says he was getting him every weekend)
Host: Was it smoothly done?
Seth: I was hoping for it, when Chris brought it up to me I was like ok let me enroll him at school. I want it my son to live with me I always wanted my son to live with me.
Host: What did you see on the video from TBI?
Seth: she and Sebastian walked out of the roadhouse and got into a vehicle. That’s what they showed me.
Host: Did he look Happy?
Seth: He is always happy when he is with me. He didnt look like joy of himself like he is with me. He is not there and i know why now. He wasn’t my normal kid.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 3, 2024
Host: How would you describe him as a person as your son
Seth: oh boy loves video games um, I think it’s more like a a close tossup between animals and video games.
when it comes to animals he loves cats like the boy just loves cats he loves cats I mean like if he sees a straight cat he he’s he’s have to walk up, and say why is it running for me? Well son it’s a cat
My son got bit in the face by by a dog and he had to have seven stitches in his face and he still isn’t scared of dogs I mean he’s not scared of anything except I guess of his stepfather
Host: what are some of the things that you guys like to do together?
Seth: one of the favorite things that he likes to do with me is road trips me, personally I’m not a fan of road trips is he to drive okay if he were to drive some you know that’d be great but I can’t even get him to
sit behind the wheel in the vehicle stationer but he likes to go on road trips with me he likes it when I take him to go.
- he was born in Georgia
- we moved to Kansas
- while his mother was a great mistakes
- she got stationed in San Diego and so we drove to San Diego
- and then she would leave on a deployment or a half a deployment a third of a deployment and we would leave the house we’d pack everything that we were going to need into the car and we would drive. we’d go see family he has been Coast to Coast probably six times.
I mean boy loves road trips to me they’re educational cuz never a road trip is never the same you always can take a different route and see different things and he loved it he liked when Christmas came around or summer break if I could get it off road trip we go down in Texas
Seth: Routine for Sebastian where he could get him to take a shower, eat, take a shower again, and then lay down in bed, falling asleep in about an hour at the most.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 4, 2024
Host: Are there updates to the search?
Seth: No, nothing that I’ve been told.
Host: Have you had a conversation with LE
Seth: Nope
Host: How are you feeling
Seth: Same as yesterday, once the goal in mind is to find Seb
Host: You threw a lot of Accusations and Serious Bombshells
Seth: I really was so tired and exhausted that I don’t even remember the podcast
Host: Wow, really? I mean, I get it, sleep deprived, and you were on many broadcasts, correct?
Seth: Yes, Everyone wanted a piece of me. I felt like the pie was empty.
Host: But still, no matter what, nonetheless, there was a conversation you did have. You did drop some very big pieces of information. Whether you said those things beforehand or after, it still doesn’t matter. This was live. This was after. This shocked a lot of people. So let’s talk about it.
Seth: Does this have anything to do with Sebastian?
Host: Yes
Seth: Mr. Proudfoot, Chris, people were asking why he didn’t want my son around his daughter, and he kept telling me that if people are going to keep asking that question, he is going to answer. So, he turned around and stated that if he told the people, then people would stop looking for Sebastian.
Host: Really? Can I ask you something before you continue? I am curious: when this conversation was had, was this something on a podcast, or was it something between you guys behind closed doors?
Seth: yes
Host: so him sitting there and… I am sorry, what? What were you going to say?
Seth: it was over the phone
Host: so him saying if people will start asking why I don’t want Seb around Faith they won’t go looking for Sebastian.
Seth: if they find out that people won’t go look for my son. I told him you don’t want to go down that route
Host: Did he say this between you and him?
Seth: Well Katie Was on the phone too
Host: So Katie Was on the phone as well?
Seth: Of course
Host: What was this conversation like was this a regular conversation
Seth: and I’m sitting here trying to put pieces back together my my whole issue about that is if you cared that much for my son as you do that your daughter that you don’t want my son around because there’s a possibility why weren’t you thinking about that when he’s under your roof no doubt that’s
Host: I’m also very curious about it, and we’ll get to that in just a minute. What was the origin of this fight, argument, or discussion on this phone that would spawn him saying that in the first place?
Seth: What started this? What he said during podcasts, and Why he didn’t want my son around his daughter
Host: So this happened because, ok, people were asking questions, people were asking questions like the smart, intelligent people that they are go-ahead
Seth: You know people were asking Chris why don’t you want Sebastian around your daughter? I see people in chat that asked were asking me all the time why doesn’t Chris want Sebastian around her daughter there’s your answer.
Host: It’s interesting, so you’re telling me that he looks at Sebastian like some sort of predator. Wow, but why because of what happened to him in California under his supervision or under his and Katie Proudfoot supervision?
Seth: That and the fact that he hasn’t got the correct help in California. He was seeing a doctor by the name of Doctor Frannie at Balboa, and she didn’t appreciate the fact that I stood up and used a stern voice with her and told her she wasn’t doing anything for my son. She let him play with toys and choose what movie or, you know, he gets to watch when he gets out of the thing that that’s that’s not helping him that’s not the proper therapy I’m already researching this she wasn’t, so what I’m looking for she wasn’t qualified for that type of therapy because that’s a different type of therapy for traumatic sexual abuse and you that’s a different type of class.
Host: all right, you’re sure of that are you sure of that you know that she didn’t have the credentials to handle that type of therapy
Seth: yes
Seth: Can I interrupt you? This is the information that I’m giving is facts it’s not me trying to throw punches or whatnot, but this is the third time something major has happened to my child underneath their watch, and they need to own it they need to own the fact that they have ****** ** yet again and I don’t I’m sitting here being Sebastian’s voice ’cause right now he doesn’t have one until we find him find out what happened.
I’ve told everybody you’re innocent until proven guilty, right? That’s just the way the system works. There’s nothing I can do about that. That’s the way the system works, and that’s the way it should work. You’re innocent until proven guilty. Host: Alright, OK, I know that we’re doing a little bit backward, OK, but I do have a lot of questions that we gotta go all the way back a little bit, OK, so I understand that this happened in California. We got to dive into a little bit more, so we understand a little bit more of this information because you did drop this on Justin’s shout-out to Justin on TikTok, and it was shocking. OK, but you did say that in California? While they were while Sebastian was under Katie Proudfoot supervision
Host: Now I understand that you are I believe that you are telling the truth I don’t think you have why would you sit here and go out of your way, not spitting facts right, so it wouldn’t make any sense for you to just go out of your way to just talk wild suddenly out of nowhere and aimlessly in some sort of way and I don’t think what you’re saying right now what you’ve given to us is aimless or doesn’t have any clout doesn’t isn’t backed up with proof which of course I am very curious about some of these things as well but what I need to understand though is that this happened under her supervision in California is that right or wrong
Seth: that’s right
Host: Was Chris involved in that at all because I think that’s one thing that a lot of people are very curious about as well Chris was living with her, then ok, so who is this kid who is this 13-year-old kid if he was 13-15 whatever age he was who did this unthinkable thing to Sebastian who is the kid
Seth: I don’t know his last name sheriff’s wouldn’t give me his last name
Host: But why not?
Seth: California CPS child children under the age of 13 are actually protected. There’s nothing; they wouldn’t give me any information and weren’t allowed to let me do anything. The only thing they let me do was to ask him if I could contact the school psychologist and if he could sit there and tell the school psychologist that person’s name so that the other children that were around him would not become victims as well. I went as far as to find out, you know, the parents; from my understanding, the parents told Katie and Chris that their kid picked it up after watching YouTube. Personally, I’ve never seen like that stuff on YouTube.
Host: Neither of I, so what is he watching on the tubes that would give him a disturbing education like that that’s what I’d like to know as well, huh so you lose this with his age
Seth: I would have to say that somebody was abusing the child. It had probably been going on for a while for him to think that it was normal, so he did it to my son. That’s why I’m asking about my son having the correct therapy to get him back on track. I mean he’s autistic, he’s not mentally as old as he is physically, i mean he’s smart but, you know, delayed in learning he’s physically 15 and mentally, he’s probably 10 or 11, and he’s going through adolescence his body is producing hormones that he has no idea what’s about, and I don’t think I don’t think things are lining up in his brain like they’re supposed to because obviously he’s got a six a chromosomal deletion syndrome and he got autism
Host: understandable and i i get it that he’s what he went through is a lot to process no matter if he had autism or not being kid a 7 or 8 years old that’s a lot to process as a kid i can’t i can’t even imagine any child going through any of that but question though did you know of this said kid this we’re going to use thirteen years old i know Katie Proudfoot said he wasn’t 13 years old and i get that semantics or technicalities but i’m just going to call him the 13 year old kid from this point on ok so did you know anything about this 13 year old kid before you heard about this tragedy and this trauma that was inflicted upon Sebastian
Seth: i did not you had no idea about this child
Host: ok so then how did you find out because in the interview with Justin on tiktok, you said it made it you made it sound like you expressed some concerns about Sebastian hanging out with this 13 year old kid while he was about 7 or 8 years old and you were uncomfortable with it and then of course this tragedy and this trauma was inflicted so i want to get some clarity on that did you not know about or did you have an strange inkling about this 13 year old or did you find out after the fact from Katie Proudfoot that this trauma was inflicted upon Sebastian
Seth: who at that time was Katie Payne i found out from her she says she contacted cps on the other family therefore i found out from her and ps spoke to me and that’s when i started dealing with cps and the sheriff’s department
Host: ok ok ok ok me and Katie used to communicate a lot more than we do now we’re going to talk about that in a second but real quick as soon as you found out about this tragedy that happened to Sebastian at 7 or 8 years old in California what did you do
Seth: i immediately contacted the sheriff’s department. i wanted to find out what was gonna happen to the child, i wanted to you know what they were going to do to protect my son, protect this child that more than likely has been a victim already and what they were going to do to prevent it and i don’t think sheriff’s department did anything another time that the law has failed our children
Host: because i know that you said it on the interview as well that you couldn’t do anything because of the state because the state that you’re in because of the state of California that you couldn’t press charges on this 13 year old kid can you explain to me why you couldn’t press charges on this kid he just committed a crime allegedly so why couldn’t you press charges on this 13 year old kid?
Seth: because of his age 13 they won’t press charges against the 13 year old for that what was told to me by the sheriff’s department. you know my son got upset ’cause i didn’t tell him i knew thought that his mom hadn’t told me that, he got upset one day and i was like son i do know and if you ever want to talk to anybody you can, but at the same point in time i was trying to take care of things on my end you know.**
Host: i get it i think it’s crazy to me that you couldn’t do anything it doesn’t make any i don’t get it i mean i don’t live in California and California and i don’t know the you know the the law out there but i i am still very shocked what were you saying
Seth: i said but you wear la gear all the time
Host: i do i really do i really really do maybe I’m you know I’m trying to manifest something you feel me but will right but still i am quite curious as to why that seems so odd to me that you couldn’t do anything in the state of California when a crime was committed against your son during that time it still does blow my mind but when you found out going back to it when you found out from Katie Proudfoot at that time can you tell me where was your mindset how did that feel
Seth: really don’t want to state that in public ok fair enough just had his innocence taken from him i it took me it took me a minute to digest and it took me a minute to figure out the proper way to go about it instead of you know someone just hurt my my baby
Host: of course i get that and i know that you were i mean when you talked about it the other day we all saw that emotion we all know and i think we also second that emotion as well if we were in those shoes as well we would be just as shocked
Seth: there is no apology for my behavior i got upset I was mad I’m exhausted and it takes a while for me to get to that point i first of all i don’t like people trying to hold something over my head yeah something like you know happened under their watch and he needs help and you know we’re finally getting him to help him it late and now i gotta find him right
Host: you are absolutely right so then tell me then because i feel like you suddenly out of nowhere and understandably, i feel like you hit a wall you got emotionally exhausted. i mean of course if I’m putting words in your mouth or emotions in your head that weren’t really there please stop me when i while i continue but i feel like at some point you hit a wall you were at wit’s end you had enough you were tired of being diplomatic tired of being the nice guy and you said you know what f it I’m going to rip the band-aid off everyone’s going to hear this truth because you know what i don’t where he is and these other two are not supporting or helping me in the search for Sebastian am i anywhere near close to why maybe you started to put this information out for everyone to hear
Seth: my son is a victim and if victims don’t get the proper help so you do preventive maintenance and you get him the help needs and there’s multiple different ways but if you’re not certified in the proper way to get him help you’re just gonna make it worse
Host: yeah no i get that i fully get that so then ok you had a conversation a not so pleasant conversation with Chris Proudfoot and Katie Proudfoot on the phone Chris Proudfoot said something along the lines of people are asking about why i don’t like having Sebastian anywhere near faith and if you keep on pushing me I’m about to air everything out i’m about to air all this dirty laundry whether you like it or not and guess what no one’s gonna want to support or try to find Sebastian am i correct?
Seth: I’m sorry what was that
Host: well that was a long thing that just said that was a lot of work no i got you i got you but you were reading something my bad i wanted there’s a lot of people here that want to know the truth and understand what’s going on so i’m going to repeat it one last time
Seth: OK so you had made this is the last time out bro
Host: hold on hold on but what I’m trying to understand here so that every one understands as well is that you had a not so pleasant conversation on the phone with Chris and Katie Proudfoot and during this argument or this conversation Chris said something along the lines of everyone keeps on asking me why i don’t like having Sebastian anywhere near faith and if and i i will air that stuff out if you keep pushing me and guess what’s going to happen nobody’s going to want to look for Sebastian because of his past am i correct wow
Seth: you cut out there bad
Host: OK
Seth: but you just the way you were saying sorry ’cause i lost everything on there, it it keeps freezing on my end yes me and Chris and Katie had a conversation and Chris asked me people are asking me this question if they don’t stop asking me this question there I’m going to have no choice but to tell them but now he can sit there and tell him the same point in time i know that Chris i know that his daughter faith face times with my son all the time and considers my son her older brother he considers faith his little sister and if he’s anything like his dad we’re supposed to protect the young ones we’re supposed to protect our sister we’re supposed to protect people and that’s one of the things I’ve been trying to instill with him to combat what has happened to him no
Host: I’m still trying to understand a little bit more about this too OK this tragedy happens to Sebastian against his will it’s not like he decided to have this crime committed against him it happened under Katie Proudfoot’s supervision and yet Chris is still trying to hold that over your head as if sebastian some sort of monster that doesn’t make any sense to me at all this is an innocent kid where this happened to him so i i don’t get that part
Seth: Chris doesn’t see him as innocent it would be the only thing i could say all right honestly i kno you know. my son has done some questionable things but at the same point in time he’s not understanding what’s going on and nobody talked to her about it so you know i don’t even know if it’s the same things in school that they taught us because we had sex education class you know this we had sex education we had human biology. i don’t know what they teach the kids in school anymore
Host: Seth so Seth go ahead sorry
Seth: no go ahead
Host: so Seth i got to ask you when you say questionable things that Sebastian has done some questionable things I’m not asking you to go into gritty details or anything of that sort but I’m wondering what are these questionable details that would make Chris not comfortable having Sebastian near faith can you expand a little bit on that and then
Seth: i don’t know if that violate YouTube or not but when when he pulls out his winner in the in the men’s bathroom and you’re like look this is mine what’s yours look like i mean that’s innocent kid **** right right i was a kid at one point in time so was i last i checked i mean no i might have been this age my whole life but but we have sex education classes we already knew you know things weren’t i don’t even know like when i went to school we saw pictures of vaginas and penises i mean it was like look this is sex education classes these are condoms these are studios this is what you get if you have unprotected set right as part of health education and and i mean i don’t even know if they teach that stuff in school anymore i mean they used to teach u.s. financial stuff in school so that we knew how to balance checkbooks take care i don’t know if they teach this stuff in the schools anymore i know my son hasn’t I’ve been helping him with history last time i was helping him with homework
Host: yeah mean at the end of the day it sounds like normal normal behavior from a regular kid that’s going through changes and growing and going through puberty and all those things that’s what it sounds like to me wouldn’t you say yeah so i am kind of curious go ahead go ahead
Seth: he has an issue with personal space as Chris has pointed out but like he has that issue with everybody right i mean it’s like son you need to stay back just a little bit so you can be you know ’cause the closer you get I’m gonna ask you to brush the teeth yeah
Host: i totally understand that sounds like an innocent kid to me if you ask me sounds like an innocent kid so it doesn’t make any sense that he would be like oh no like this like Sebastian has some sort of leprosy or something like that i i i think that’s a little bit a little bit extreme but we do need to talk about this and i appreciate you being here to clarify a lot of this etcetera one of the other things though too you know after everything that happened she called cps on the child on the child’s family and all that during that time why wasn’t there and i know a lot of people have asked this question why wasn’t there why wasn’t he taken away from that home that home at that time why couldn’t, why couldn’t you take him why couldn’t you take him
Seth: we were still in the middle of the divorce ok settled yet this didn’t happen after the divorce this was happening during the divorce so this happened during the divorce so when i was instead of being the worried father they turn around and pretty much said you’re the hateful ex-husband
Host: right so let’s talk about that for a second now i know that there’s been a lot of paperwork documents that were that were leaked out here in these internet streets describing you as just but just painting you and not a great light for lack of a better term and it all has to do with how you were handling your relationship with Sebastian ok for lack of a better term can we talk about that a little bit because i know that there’s been a lot of people talking about that some people side eyeing etcetera you know Sebastian was in a bad place no matter where he turned so on and so forth and i just wanted to air some of that information and and just kind of lay some of that to bed what’s up with that paperwork is any of it actually true what
Seth: if any of that was true California would not have given me joint legal and joint physical custody while i was homeless, the best thing they did was give keep me in the child’s life because i was able to find a place he was able to come over he was able to come to my house and i was i was renting a room you’ve never lived in California but when i was there for a one bedroom studio you’re looking at $2120 a month i don’t make that even out here as a deputy sheriff
Host: OK interesting so those allegations that were in the paperwork you never raised your hand to him or anything of that sort or any of the other
Seth: He hit me, ok she hit me with the domestic violence with Sebastian, Sebastian told me I hit him in the head. Now, this whole day, and this took place in one whole day from the morning until it was time for me to go to bed in time for Sebastian to go to bed, Sebastian had two things he needed to do: clean up his room and make his bed then I was gonna take him swimming it was that for that, you do this we’ll go swimming my son likes to go swimming so lets you know make the bed clean up your toys get them all off the off the floor. We can go swimming.
Four or five hours have gone by, and I kept checking on him. He wasn’t doing it. I was reminding him, and then I went back downstairs at that point in time I was playing. I was big in computer games, so I played computer games and turned around, waited 30-45 minutes, and went back upstairs to check on him again. It’s just me and him in the house, and he was upstairs the last time he was upstairs. I walk up there, and there’s not a single toy in any of his bins; they are all over the floor now Lego’s, There are building blocks, Hot Wheels action figures, and everything all over the floor; my son has also stripped his entire bed a blanket, sheet comforter even the fitted sheet for underneath there and his pillowcase is off of his pillow, and he’s ******* naked play it on the Wii I saw this. I was like OK, walk to my room, put on my swimming trunks, grab my beach towel. You’re not gonna clean up your room, you’re not gonna make your bed, you’re not gonna get to go swimming, and I was going to prove the point.
I went and got ready to go swimming and he saw me walk by his room in my swimming trucks and my feet down and he was like i want to go swimming and i stopped and i turned i looked at him i looked at the floor i looked at his bed i was like none of your toys are picked up none of your bed is as strict completely in your ******* they can play in video games he came across the floor stomping his feet and he stomped on a hot wheel and he locked his balance and i put my hand in the door frame and his head hit my hand instead of the door front hmm my son has a pocket of fluid on the on the right bilateral part of his brain I don’t want him to get hit I’d rather him hit my hand then the door frame and he did so then outside Katie was already home at this point in time and i went to jump in the pool and do some laps ’cause that’s what i was using for exercise and Katie was out at the smoke section with all of her girlfriends and Sebastian put on some clothes ran outside and told her that i hit him she turned around and filed because we were in the middle of the divorce still living in the same residence she turned around and child abuse domestic violence and had in a move out order issued and they served it like 3 days late.
Host: wow, and that’s when you got kicked out of the residence, correct?
– Seth: That is correct. I was living in my car and trying to figure out how to make ends meet. – in two months of not seeing my son
Host: But you still got Custody Still living, Go Ahead
Seth: I was homeless at that time, so they gave her custodial custody. She was still on active duty in the military and getting BAH, which also helps keep residence over your head. When she stated she was moving to TN, I wanted my son out of California due to California laws. I didnt have a problem with it.
Accusations of you being banned from the base:
Seth: Because I stood up and told the doctor she wasn’t helping my son get over what happened. If I decided to raise my voice, people would take it as violence; I am making a point. Did I put my hands on anybody? No. Did I threaten anybody? No. Did I stand up and raise my voice? He is my son, and he needs help. So he can actually go into society not thinking this fucking shit is fucking normal. 52:23 Do I blame her for this shit? Yeah, it happened under her watch. I already blame myself for some shit that happening. I cant go back and change it.
Seth: The abuse is a fact.
Host: I am curious if it is backed up by CPS; you called about a 13-year-old, etc. Do we actually have solid evidence of such, aside from you telling LE, Local about this?
Seth: Local LE knew about it previously
Host: What really is a dynamics between you and Proudfoot’s? Lets be honest here
Seth: I am Seth Rogers, they are Proudfoot’s. He is my son I named him. I haven’t wanted going to court. I wanted him to come live with me and I was getting what I wanted. Me and Him wanted. I wanted him to come live with me. Now he is missing
Host: Did Katie had a problem for Sebastian to come and live with you? Yes or No?
Seth: You have to ask her.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 5, 2024
Host: Are there updates to the search?
Seth: No, nothing that I’ve been told.
Host: Have you had a conversation with LE
Seth: Nope
Host: How are you feeling
Seth: Same as yesterday, once the goal in mind is to find Seb
Host: You threw a lot of Accusations and Serious Bombshells
Seth: I really was so tired and exhausted that I don’t even remember the podcast
Host: Wow, really? I mean, I get it, sleep deprived, and you were on many broadcasts, correct?
Seth: Yes, Everyone wanted a piece of me. I felt like the pie was empty.
Host: But still, no matter what, nonetheless, there was a conversation you did have. You did drop some very big pieces of information. Whether you said those things beforehand or after, it still doesn’t matter. This was live. This was after. This shocked a lot of people. So let’s talk about it.
Seth: Does this have anything to do with Sebastian?
Host: Yes
Seth: Mr. Proudfoot, Chris, people were asking why he didnt want my son around his daughter, and he kept telling me that if people are going to keep asking that question, he is going to answer. So, he turned around and stated that if he told the people, then people would stop looking for Sebastian.
Host: Really? Can I ask you something before you continue? I am curious: when this conversation was had, was this something on a podcast, or was it something between you guys behind closed doors?
Seth: yes
Host: so him sitting there and… I am sorry, what? What were you going to say?
Seth: it was over the phone
Host: so him saying if people will start asking why I don’t want Seb around Faith they won’t go looking for Sebastian.
Seth: if they find out that people won’t go look for my son. I told him you don’t want to go down that route
Host: Did he say this between you and him?
Seth: Well Katie Was on the phone too
Host: So Katie Was on the phone as well?
Seth: Of course
Host: What was this conversation like was this a regular conversation
Seth: and i’m sitting here trying to put pieces back together my my whole issue about that is if you cared that much for my son as you do that your daughter that you don’t want my son around because there’s a possibility why weren’t you thinking about that when he’s under your roof no doubt that’s
Host: I’m also very curious about it, and we’ll get to that in just a minute. What was the origin of this fight, argument, or discussion on this phone that would spawn him saying that in the first place?
Seth: What started this? What he said during podcasts, and Why he didn’t want my son around his daughter
Host: So this happened because, ok, people were asking questions, people were asking questions like the smart, intelligent people that they are go-ahead
Seth: You know people were asking Chris why don’t you want Sebastian around your daughter? I see people in chat that asked were asking me all the time why doesn’t Chris want Sebastian around her daughter there’s your answer.
Host: It’s interesting, so you’re telling me that he looks at Sebastian like some sort of predator. Wow, but why because of what happened to him in California under his supervision or under his and Katie Proudfoot’s supervision?
Seth: That and the fact that he hasn’t got the correct help in California. He was seeing a doctor by the name of Doctor Frannie at Balboa, and she didn’t appreciate the fact that I stood up and used a stern voice with her and told her she wasn’t doing anything for my son. She let him play with toys and choose what movie or, you know, he gets to watch when he gets out of the thing that that’s that’s not helping him that’s not the proper therapy I’m already researching this she wasn’t, so what I’m looking for she wasn’t qualified for that type of therapy because that’s a different type of therapy for traumatic sexual abuse and you that’s a different type of class.
Host: all right, you’re sure of that are you sure of that you know that she didn’t have the credentials to handle that type of therapy
Seth: yes
Host: Alright, ok, I know that we’re doing a little bit backward, ok, but I do have a lot of questions that we gotta go all the way back a little bit, ok, so I understand that this happened in California. We got to dive into a little bit more, so we understand a little bit more of this information because you did drop this on Justin’s shout-out to Justin on TikTok, and it was shocking. Ok, but you did say that in California? While they were while Sebastian was under Katie Proudfoot’s supervision
Seth: Can interrupt you? This is the information that I’m giving is facts it’s not me trying to throw punches or whatnot, but this is the third time something major has happened to my child underneath their watch, and they need to own it they need to own the fact that they have ****** ** yet again and I don’t I’m sitting here being Sebastian’s voice ’cause right now he doesn’t have one until we find him find out what happened. I’ve told everybody you’re innocent until proven guilty, right? That’s just the way the system works. There’s nothing I can do about that. That’s the way the system works, and that’s the way it should work. You’re innocent until proven guilty.
Host: Now I understand that you are I believe that you are telling the truth I don’t think you have why would you sit here and go out of your way, not spitting facts right, so it wouldn’t make any sense for you to just go out of your way to just talk wild suddenly out of nowhere and aimlessly in some sort of way and I don’t think what you’re saying right now what you’ve given to us is aimless or doesn’t have any clout doesn’t isn’t backed up with proof which of course I am very curious about some of these things as well but what I need to understand though is that this happened under her supervision in California is that right or wrong
Seth: that’s right
Host: Was Chris involved in that at all because I think that’s one thing that a lot of people are very curious about as well Chris was living with her, then ok, so who is this kid who is this 13-year-old kid if he was 13-15 whatever age he was who did this unthinkable thing to Sebastian who is the kid
Seth: I don’t know his last name sheriff’s wouldn’t give me his last name
Host: But why not?
Seth: California CPS child children under the age of 13 are actually protected. There’s nothing; they wouldn’t give me any information and weren’t allowed to let me do anything. The only thing they let me do was to ask him if I could contact the school psychologist and if he could sit there and tell the school psychologist that person’s name so that the other children that were around him would not become victims as well. I went as far as to find out, you know, the parents; from my understanding, the parents told Katie and Chris that their kid picked it up after watching YouTube. Personally, I’ve never seen like that stuff on YouTube.
Host: Neither of I, so what is he watching on the tubes that would give him a disturbing education like that that’s what I’d like to know as well, huh so you lose this with his age
Seth: I would have to say that somebody was abusing the child. It had probably been going on for a while for him to think that it was normal, so he did it to my son. That’s why I’m asking about my son having the correct therapy to get him back on track. I mean he’s autistic, he’s not mentally as old as he is physically, i mean he’s smart but, you know, delayed in learning he’s physically 15 and mentally, he’s probably 10 or 11, and he’s going through adolescence his body is producing hormones that he has no idea what’s about, and I don’t think I don’t think things are lining up in his brain like they’re supposed to because obviously he’s got a six a chromosomal deletion syndrome and he got autism
Host: understandable and i i get it that he’s what he went through is a lot to process no matter if he had autism or not being kid a 7 or 8 years old that’s a lot to process as a kid i can’t i can’t even imagine any child going through any of that but question though did you know of this said kid this we’re going to use thirteen years old i know Katie Proudfoot said he wasn’t 13 years old and i get that semantics or technicalities but i’m just going to call him the 13 year old kid from this point on ok so did you know anything about this 13 year old kid before you heard about this tragedy and this trauma that was inflicted upon Sebastian
Seth: i did not you had no idea about this child
Host: ok so then how did you find out because in the interview with justin on tiktok ok you said it made it you made it sound like you expressed some concerns about sebastian hanging out with this 13 year old kid while he was about 7 or 8 years old and you were uncomfortable with it and then of course this tragedy and this trauma was inflicted so i want to get some clarity on that did you not know about or did you have an strange inkling about this 13 year old or did you find out after the fact from katie proudfoot that this trauma was inflicted upon sebastian
Seth: who at that time was katie payne i found out from her she says she contacted cps on the other family therefore i found out from her and ps spoke to me and that’s when i started dealing with cps and the sheriff’s department
Host: ok ok ok ok me and katie used to communicate a lot more than we do now we’re going to talk about that in a second but real quick as soon as you found out about this tragedy that happened to sebastian at 7 or 8 years old in california what did you do
Seth: i immediately contacted the sheriff’s department. i wanted to find out what was gonna happen to the child, i wanted to you know what they were going to do to protect my son, protect this child that more than likely has been a victim already and what they were going to do to prevent it and i don’t think sheriff’s department did anything another time that the law has failed our children
Host: because i know that you said it on the interview as well that you couldn’t do anything because of the state because the state that you’re in because of the state of california that you couldn’t press charges on this 13 year old kid can you explain to me why you couldn’t press charges on this kid he just committed a crime allegedly so why couldn’t you press charges on this 13 year old kid?
Seth: because of his age 13 they won’t press charges against the 13 year old for that what was told to me by the sheriff’s department. you know my son got upset ’cause i didn’t tell him i knew thought that his mom hadn’t told me that, he got upset one day and i was like son i do know and if you ever want to talk to anybody you can, but at the same point in time i was trying to take care of things on my end you know.**
Host: i get it i think it’s crazy to me that you couldn’t do anything it doesn’t make any i don’t get it i mean i don’t live in california and california and i don’t know the you know the the law out there but i i am still very shocked what were you saying
Seth: i said but you wear la gear all the time
Host: i do i really do i really really do maybe i’m you know i’m trying to manifest something you feel me but will right but still i am quite curious as to why that seems so odd to me that you couldn’t do anything in the state of california when a crime was committed against your son during that time it still does blow my mind but when you found out going back to it when you found out from katie proudfoot at that time can you tell me where was your mindset how did that feel
Seth: really don’t want to state that in public ok fair enough just had his innocence taken from him i it took me it took me a minute to digest and it took me a minute to figure out the proper way to go about it instead of you know someone just hurt my my baby
Host: of course i get that and i know that you were i mean when you talked about it the other day we all saw that emotion we all know and i think we also second that emotion as well if we were in those shoes as well we would be just as shocked
Seth: there is no apology for my behavior i got upset i was mad i’m i’m exhausted and it takes a while for me to get to that point i first of all i don’t like people trying to hold something over my head yeah something like you know happened under their watch and he needs help and you know we’re finally getting him to help him it late and now i gotta find him right
Host: you are absolutely right so then tell me then because i feel like you suddenly out of nowhere and understandably, i feel like you hit a wall you got emotionally exhausted. i mean of course if i’m putting words in your mouth or emotions in your head that weren’t really there please stop me when i while i continue but i feel like at some point you hit a wall you were at wit’s end you had enough you were tired of being diplomatic tired of being the nice guy and you said you know what f it i’m going to rip the band-aid off everyone’s going to hear this truth because you know what i don’t where he is and these other two are not supporting or helping me in the search for Sebastian am i anywhere near close to why maybe you started to put this information out for everyone to hear
Seth: my son is a victim and if victims don’t get the proper help so you do preventive maintenance and you get him the help needs and there’s multiple different ways but if you’re not certified in the proper way to get him help you’re just gonna make it worse
Host: yeah no i get that i fully get that so then ok you had a conversation a not so pleasant conversation with chris proudfoot and katie proudfoot on the phone Chris Proudfoot said something along the lines of people are asking about why i don’t like having sebastian anywhere near faith and if you keep on pushing me i’m about to air everything out i’m about to air all this dirty laundry whether you like it or not and guess what no one’s gonna want to support or try to find Sebastian am i correct?
Seth: i’m sorry what was that
Host: well that was a long thing that just said that was a lot of work no i got you i got you but you were reading something my bad i wanted there’s a lot of people here that want to know the truth and understand what’s going on so i’m going to repeat it one last time
Seth: ok so you had made this is the last time out bro
Host: hold on hold on but what i’m trying to understand here so that every one understands as well is that you had a not so pleasant conversation on the phone with chris and katie proudfoot and during this argument or this conversation chris said something along the lines of everyone keeps on asking me why i don’t like having sebastian anywhere near faith and if and i i will air that stuff out if you keep pushing me and guess what’s going to happen nobody’s going to want to look for sebastian because of his past am i correct wow
Seth: you cut out there bad
Host: ok
Seth: but you just the way you were saying sorry ’cause i lost everything on there, it it keeps freezing on my end yes me and chris and katie had a conversation and chris asked me people are asking me this question if they don’t stop asking me this question there i’m going to have no choice but to tell them but now he can sit there and tell him the same point in time i know that chris i know that his daughter faith face times with my son all the time and considers my son her older brother he considers faith his little sister and if he’s anything like his dad we’re supposed to protect the young ones we’re supposed to protect our sister we’re supposed to protect people and that’s one of the things i’ve been trying to instill with him to combat what has happened to him no
Host: i’m still trying to understand a little bit more about this too ok this tragedy happens to sebastian against his will it’s not like he decided to have this crime committed against him it happened under katie proudfoot’s supervision and yet chris is still trying to hold that over your head as if sebastian some sort of monster that doesn’t make any sense to me at all this is an innocent kid where this happened to him so i i don’t get that part
Seth: Chris doesn’t see him as innocent it would be the only thing i could say all right honestly i kno you know. my son has done some questionable things but at the same point in time he’s not understanding what’s going on and nobody talked to her about it so you know i don’t even know if it’s the same things in school that they taught us because we had sex education class you know this we had sex education we had human biology. i don’t know what they teach the kids in school anymore
Host: Seth go ahead sorry
Seth: no go ahead
Host: so Seth i got to ask you when you say questionable things that Sebastian has done some questionable things i’m not asking you to go into gritty details or anything of that sort but i’m wondering what are these questionable details that would make Chris not comfortable having Sebastian near faith can you expand a little bit on that and then
Seth: i don’t know if that violate youtube or not but when when he pulls out his winner in the in the men’s bathroom and you’re like look this is mine what’s yours look like i mean that’s innocent kid **** right right i was a kid at one point in time so was i last i checked i mean no i might have been this age my whole life but but we have sex education classes we already knew you know things weren’t i don’t even know like when i went to school we saw pictures of vaginas and penises i mean it was like look this is sex education classes these are condoms these are studios this is what you get if you have unprotected set right as part of health education and and i mean i don’t even know if they teach that stuff in school anymore i mean they used to teach u.s. financial stuff in school so that we knew how to balance checkbooks take care i don’t know if they teach this stuff in the schools anymore i know my son hasn’t i’ve been helping him with history last time i was helping him with homework
Host: yeah mean at the end of the day it sounds like normal normal behavior from a regular kid that’s going through changes and growing and going through puberty and all those things that’s what it sounds like to me wouldn’t you say yeah so i am kind of curious go ahead go ahead
Seth: he has an issue with personal space as chris has pointed out but like he has that issue with everybody right i mean it’s like son you need to stay back just a little bit so you can be you know ’cause the closer you get i’m gonna ask you to brush the teeth yeah
Host: i totally understand that sounds like an innocent kid to me if you ask me sounds like an innocent kid so it doesn’t make any sense that he would be like oh no like this like sebastian has some sort of leprosy or something like that i i i think that’s a little bit a little bit extreme but we do need to talk about this and i appreciate you being here to clarify a lot of this etcetera one of the other things though too you know after everything that happened she called cps on the child on the child’s family and all that during that time why wasn’t there and i know a lot of people have asked this question why wasn’t there why wasn’t he taken away from that home that home at that time why couldn’t, why couldn’t you take him why couldn’t you take him
Seth: we were still in the middle of the divorce ok settled yet this didn’t happen after the divorce this was happening during the divorce so this happened during the divorce so when i was instead of being the worried father they turn around and pretty much said you’re the hateful ex-husband
Host: right so let’s talk about that for a second now i know that there’s been a lot of paperwork documents that were that were leaked out here in these internet streets describing you as just but just painting you and not a great light for lack of a better term and it all has to do with how you were handling your relationship with sebastian ok for lack of a better term can we talk about that a little bit because i know that there’s been a lot of people talking about that some people side eyeing etcetera you know sebastian was in a bad place no matter where he turned so on and so forth and i just wanted to air some of that information and and just kind of lay some of that to bed what’s up with that paperwork is any of it actually true what
Seth: if any of that was true california would not have given me joint legal and joint physical custody while i was homeless, the best thing they did was give keep me in the child’s life because i was able to find a place he was able to come over he was able to come to my house and i was i was renting a room you’ve never lived in california but when i was there for a one bedroom studio you’re looking at $2120 a month i don’t make that even out here as a deputy sheriff
Host: ok interesting so those allegations that were in the paperwork you never raised your hand to him or anything of that sort or any of the other
Seth: he hit me ok she hit me with the the domestic violence with sebastian, sebastian told i hit him in the head, now this whole day and this this took place in one whole day from the morning until it was time for me to go to bed in time for Sebastian to go to bed, sebastian had two things he need to do, clean up his room and make his bed then i was gonna take him swimming it was that for tat, you do this we’ll go swimming my son likes to go swimming so let’s you know make the bed clean up your toys get them all off the off the floor and we can go swimming, like four or five hours have gone by i kept checking on him he wasn’t doing it. i was reminding him and then i go back downstairs that point in time i was playing i was really big in the computer games, so i played computer games turned around wait 30-45 minutes go back upstairs to check on him again just me and him in the house and he’s upstairs the last time he’s upstairs i walk up there there’s not a single toy in any of his bends they are all over the floor now legos there’s building blocks hot wheels action figures everything all over the floor my son is also stripped his whole entire bed a blanket sheet comforter even the fitted sheet for underneath there and his pillowcase is off of his pillow and he’s ******* naked play it on the wii i saw this and i was like ok walk to my room put on my swimming trunks grab my beach towel you’re not gonna clean up your room you’re not gonna make your bed you’re not gonna get to go swimming and i was going to prove the point i went and got ready to go swimming and he saw me walk by his room in my swimming trucks and my feet down and he was like i want to go swimming and i stopped and i turned i looked at him i looked at the floor i looked at his bed i was like none of your toys are picked up none of your bed is as strict completely in your ******* they can play in video games he came across the floor stomping his feet and he stomped on a hot wheel and he locked his balance and i put my hand in the door frame and his head hit my hand instead of the door front hmm my son has a pocket of fluid on the on the right bilateral part of his brain i don’t want him to get hit i’d rather him hit my hand then the door frame and he did so then outside katie was already home at this point in time and i went to jump in the pool and do some laps ’cause that’s what i was using for exercise and katie was out at the smoke section with all of her girlfriends and sebastian put on some clothes ran outside and told her that i hit him she turned around and filed because we were in the middle of the divorce still living in the same residence she turned around and child abuse domestic violence and had in a move out order issued and they served it like 3 days late
Host: wow, and that’s when you got kicked out of the residence, correct?
Seth: That is correct. I was living in my car and trying to figure out how to make ends meet. in two months of not seeing my son
Host: But you still got Custody Still living, Go Ahead
Seth, I was homeless at that time, so they gave her custodial custody. She was still on active duty in the military and getting BAH, which also helps keep residence over your head. When she stated she was moving to TN, I wanted my son out of California due to California laws. I didnt have a problem with it.
Accusations of you being banned from the base:
Seth: Because I stood up and told the doctor she wasn’t helping my son get over what happened. If I decided to raise my voice, people would take it as violence; I am making a point. Did I put my hands on anybody? No. Did I threaten anybody? No. Did I stand up and raise my voice? He is my son, and he needs help. So he can actually go into society not thinking this fucking shit is fucking normal. 52:23 Do I blame her for this shit? Yeah, it happened under her watch. I already blame myself for some shit that happening. I cant go back and change it.
Seth: The abuse is a fact.
Host: I am curious if it is backed up by CPS; you called about a 13-year-old, etc. Do we actually have solid evidence of such, aside from you telling LE, Local about this?
Seth: Local LE knew about it previously
Host: What really is a dynamics between you and Proudfoot’s? Lets be honest here
Seth: I am Seth Rogers, they are Proudfoot’s. He is my son I named him. I havent wanted going to court. I wanted him to come live with me and I was getting what I wanted. Me and Him wanted. I wanted him to come live with me. Now he is missing
Host: Did Katie had a problem for Sebastian to come and live with you? Yes or No?
Seth: You have to ask her.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 16, 2024
Heather Cohen, PI hired by Seth Rogers speaking on a podcast shares and confirmed the following info.
- Per Sumner County Sheriff- there is ring camera footage of Sebastian taking out the trash hours before he was reported missing.
- Also confirmed by ring footage- Sebastian’s bedroom light coming on and going off that night.
- According to this looks like Sebastian returned home, went to his room at bedtime just like Katie reported.
- Also confirmed— both by dispatch Radio and by Heather Cohan
- Dispatch audio- “Max (k-9) tracked back up “
- Heather- says she asked Sumner County Sheriff about a scent trail- she states “I do believe there was a scent trail leading to the construction site”
- According to CP There was a live scent track from the families front door to the nearby construction site where the scent trail ended.
- Possibility that Sebastian got into a vehicle and left the immediate area.
Seth Rogers Interview Transcripts
April 16, 2024
(00:01) hey everyone welcome to webs loo YouTube live and uh normally we do woowoo Saturday night which is ghost stories and such but tonight that is on hold because tonight we have a very very special guest with us tonight Our Guest is Khloe she is the private investigator uh for Sebastian Rogers uh Khloe and Heather you’ve probably seen Heather on the news and Chloe uh Heather is is taking the night off she um has welld deserved bre time coming and poor Chloe we are not letting her take the night off we uh we hog tied her and forced her
(00:36) to be here so no we thank you so much uh for joining us tonight because we have so many questions about Sebastian and and uh you know what happened when he went missing I’m just waiting to make sure that oh there we go we’re back the chat is up and running and we’re all good so um Chloe now you are working with Seth that is Sebastian’s father correct and um he of course he’s always welcome to come here anytime so please pass that along to him and we can uh always put anything that that he wants to get across on the big huge discussion forum that we have so we are happy to help any way we can now Sebastian Rogers went missing toward the end of February uh he went missing it was a Sunday night Monday morning right so between midnight and 6 right of the 26th 15 years old he does have autism now for those people in chat who are not familiar this is the weird thing there’s lots of cameras in the neighborhood yeah but they have’t that we know of nobody caught Sebastian leaving the house right right yes um we had a meeting with suar
(02:02) – (02:38)
County a couple weeks ago and and they’re baffled um like gu he’s seen getting home and then he’s never seen again didn’t he take out the garbage or do something trash out so they saw him doing that but they didn’t see him leave ever again no now let’s let’s talk about um that night when is because I I was confused when I talked you about this earlier so I really want to get this straightened up straightened out when was the last time that Sebastian was seen by people other than family members
Chloe: it’s my understanding it would have been the people at Texas Roadhouse which was Sunday yes Sunday
Host: see I thought it I thought it was Saturday night that he was last seeing Saturday
Chloe: he was um at Costco um and we confirmed that with that receipt and then Sunday was a day full of activity right
Chloe: yeah
(03:17) – (03:59) – (04:37)
Host: so the last place he went before he went home was Texas Roadhouse okay and so that’s the last confirmed sighting that we have where it was people you know people that weren’t related right to to Sebastian okay and again everybody he has just vanished I’m just stunned because they’re again you that he’s on camera apparently taking some garbage out and there’s cameras all that neighborhood yes but nobody has seen him leave
Chloe: no
Host: now if you have been following this case you have seen Chris Proudfoot and Katie Proudfoot Katie is Sebastian’s mom and Seth is Sebastian’s father Chris Proudfoot is his stepfather right what can you tell us about his uh I guess Alibi you would call it when was he Chris seen last he was out of town can you run that down for us please
Chloe: I don’t know when Chris was seen last besides the source that tells us he was at job site at 5:15 a.m. on the 26 which was about a little less than an hour before Sebastian was reported missing um he was where a little less than an hour before he was reported missing he was at his job site at St Jude’s in Memphis
Host: February 26th okay
Chloe: he’s a crane operator right um when he was last seen though before that was 8:00 P.M his vehicle was seen after that at his RV but him physically being seen was 8:00 pm the night before
Host: but uh the police have never indicated in any way shape or form that they thought Chris had driven home or there was anything nefarious correct
Chloe: they haven’t indicated much of anything honestly they’ve um they’ve said that the family has been cooperative and that’s it um they Dodge questions about timelines and alibis and things like that
Host: you mean the police do yes the police do so you can’t really be sure of anything and and Sherry Barry uh what Khloe is going on is a vetted source that said that he was at his job and then his uh truck was seen at the RV on was it Monday morning did you say
Chloe: yes okay well he he was seen he was seen okay at his job site at in the morning
Host: okay so Sher nobody’s cleared it the police have been very clear about that that absolutely nobody has been been cleared basically that but they haven’t said that anybody is a suspect either and um so that’s again uh Khloe licensed very well-respected and experienced private investigator you you must get frustrated when the police won’t uh
Chloe: extremely frustrated
Host: yeah when the police won’t release anything so but let’s let’s continue on here um I want to talk about Seth for a little bit okay and then we’ll talk about about Chris and Katie and about their uh their lie detectors and and all of that that was going on uh it was very contentious that in the Press with Seth Rogers Sebastian’s bio-dad and Chris Proudfoot Sebastian’s stepfather well recently Seth and Chris talked together right and they have decided to work together
Chloe: right
Host: however Seth came out and said that if people basically didn’t like it they could F off right and that has been talked about quite a bit I think I understand what Seth was doing it was out of frustration and and all of that because this was there was a lot of drama between the proud foots and uh Chris and Katie and Seth and there was lots of back and forth and accusations and it was really ugly there in social media
Chloe: yes
Host: and so uh I I don’t know I’m assuming it was Seth that approached Chris and said hey let’s let’s stop this let’s concentrate on Sebastian
Chloe: well actually Chris came to the vigil um before it started and I think he approached Seth um okay not the most recent one that we did last night but the one last weekend. I was not there yet so I cannot speak on what was said but yes I know he made that statement it rocked the boat quite a bit
Host: really mad a lot of people were really upset about it talk about that what what did he really mean
Chloe: I my discussions with him and just from knowing what kind of verbiage he uses anyways um, my impression is that it was I know that everybody has a bad not everybody but a lot of people a bad opinion of The Proudfoot’s because of social media and I’m going to get some backlash about this but this is about my son so F anybody that’s going to get in my way right right that’s what I thought he was trying to say but he’s never told me to f off he’s never told his other private investigator F off he’s never told his volunteers he was not speaking to people that were helping him
Host: I know a lot of people thought he was um that wasn’t the case I always felt he was talking to the drama people in social media that are causing all these problems right you know and uh and will come out with these ridiculous live streams saying crazy things that’s who I thought he was talking to and the people that would give him grief for wanting to work with Chris Proudfoot
Chloe: right he got a lot of grief for it
Host: yeah he did and so that I’m I’m glad we cleared that up because I understand where he’s coming from I do because it’s all about Sebastian who cares about this other drama crap right you know it means nothing and and I want to say something to everybody out there nobody is prepared to be thrown into the spotlight let alone during this day and age when all of a sudden you have social media and you have everybody in their dog commenting on you and what you’re doing and what you say and how you look and everything and making accusations against you that are not true it is so hard to absorb and to deal with all the while you’re trying to look for a missing loved one it is a horrific situation and uh the fact that uh that Seth has held up as well as he has is is amazing so and again please tell him we will help him in any way in any way possible absolutely hi Kitty is booo he’s a good boy um Chris still uh pisy wants to know was the camper ever checked I take it you’re talking about Chris proudfoot camper or RV
Chloe: I do not have confirmation of that
Host: so we don’t know we have to assume that on things like that that the police have checked everywhere you know you would assume that they have looked all through the camper you would assume that they would have looked at Chris’s parents RV or camper and I but again
Chloe: I have no yeah confirmation you have no idea you have no idea you just we just have to assume we have to assume the police have done their job in that sense but uh let’s talk a little bit now uh Chris has a petition up right and it is a petition to get the FBI to take over Seth petition up Seth Seth yeah
Chloe: Seth has has petition up
Host: to get the FBI to take over Sebastian’s case how how come
Chloe: well the FBI has been involved um but he wants them to take over, I think he’s just frustrated, um which I understand because we we haven’t had any results you know um so I understand his frustration um and I think that’s really it is he wants another jurisdiction to take over I mean above TBI in Sumner County um but yeah they’ve been involved I mean um secret service has been involved and right yeah I mean a lot of other jurisdictions have been involved with the boots on the ground searching as well
Host: um so but his goal is to have them take over okay that’s good well that’s good and I don’t I don’t blame him you know uh also somebody just asked did uh did Katie have a boyfriend and know ‘s nothing nothing like that has ever been stated okay that I mean it’s been stated but it’s there’s I found no evidence of that
Chloe: (12:39) um it’s honestly not something I’m focusing on
Host: sure um because when I’ve seen it stated it’s who are you even like who are you that’s saying you know right exactly and that again you know this is about Sebastian now that here is a question um and again Sebastian according to Katie disappeared sometime in the middle of the night but supposedly there is no ring camera showing Sebastian leaving although there is ring camera because the neighbors have all have ring cameras yeah I’ve mapped it um yeah tell us (13:18) about that and then we’ll get to this question you actually mapped the ring cam mapped
Chloe: um you know the first 11 minutes of the dispatch once once dispatch started at 6:30 9 a.m. or Sebastian um there’s 11 minutes that were released and then had a a great volunteer transcribed them for me which took her a very long time because it was chaos um but through that transcription you can see where they’re saying this address has a camera I spoke to them they looked at it all this and so I made a map just from that dispatch um there’s (13:54) probably more cameras than that it was only the first 11 minutes you know um and there’s a lot of cameras but yet the police have said that there is no footage of Sebastian have they actually come out and said that to se um I I was actually watching one of the older press conferences I think it was from the 29th of February and they were I mean the look on their faces first of all they were just baffled
Host: um but they they said they haven’t had any confirmed sighting of him on camera or at all crazy that is
(14:31) just it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense but anyway uh I apologize that crunching you here is my dog um aam Tex bug nugget the first chewing on I expect your dogs and the her frogs the dogs frogs it’s all and the cats all part of it here um Stephanie hod says so did Sebastian unlock the door and go out or what was the door locked when she got up or was it unlocked do you know if that what the situ is there Katie and Chris have both said at different times the door was locked they also in the initial
Chloe: (15:03) dispatch when they’re calling out the details um to officers say the door is locked um I wasn’t there right but here’s the thing here’s the thing um and Katie’s also said that Sebastian has a habit of immediately locking the door behind him um that was stated after everyone was really confused about that uh Angela Conley said did he take the bin I think you mean the trash out before or after Chris left to go to work I think Chris was already gone right or no Chris has said that he had not seen (15:46) Sebastian since early February
Host: right that’s right yeah so Chris was not he wasn’t not there he wasn’t there so uh anyway so this what’s so frust in about this Chloe is how how could he have disappeared if there’s no footage of him that’s here’s the only thing can be that’s either a mistake and there is footage of him or he’s still somewhere in the house
Chloe: I mean I don’t know what else it could be yeah I mean so I walked through the construction site which people that are
(16:26) have been following this case closely know exactly what I’m talking about but um it’s right next door to their subdivision H probably half of the subdivision next door has been built but then there’s still like a big construction site in the back um so I walked that last night actually um after the vigil at like 9:30 p.m.
(16:52) um and it’s very dark in the construction site you definitely need a flashlight um but once you get into that subdivision it wasn’t as dark as I expected it to be um not saying that means a ring camera would pick you up um but there’s a lot of I mean a good majority of the houses have some sort of lighting on um and I’m assuming it’s always like that I don’t know if they’re turning them on now because of what’s going on but um a lot of them have you know the uplet stuff on the brick or flood lights or porch lights um you know
(17:28) it’s a nice neighborhood um so it I didn’t need to use a flashlight to walk through the neighborhood to be able to see and I’m telling you with ring cameras usually they have infr infrared so you can see somebody mind do yeah and but it does depend on like the sensitivity settings you have on your camera how far it is from the street um which I mean these are not huge Lots I I would have to pull pull up a parcel map again but I mean I wouldn’t think they’re more than like a quarter acre so they’re not large right um so
(18:08) the houses are not super far from the road yeah that um I don’t know it uh I I just this doesn’t make any sense to me I would love if a neighbor would say who is that woman walking through my neighborhood last night I love if I would have gotten caught on camera that would have been really interesting that would have been very very helpful yeah okay and somebody pointed out in chat let’s just say hypothetically and nobody’s making any accusation here could Sebastian been put into Katie’s car or truck without any
(18:45) sort of camera picking him up is that possible in that house so she parks in the garage um always um so but I mean I she probably have to drive on the street with her headlights off I would think um cuz they would have said her car left but her car did leave at some point I would assume you know I mean we know she she drove through the high school like she said right so but uh so there is an entrance from the garage it’s not a detached garage right okay so hypothetically again not making any accusation but
(19:27) hypothetically right could put somebody in there and uh take off somewhere at some point sure I mean there’s I would think a camera would catch that maybe not if the headlights were off well but again if she like she said she drove at some point she drove by the high school or whatever right it was Daylight at that point daylight well yeah so she could have you know put something in her trunk or put something in her car and just at that point I mean within minutes if not already police were called M when she was
(20:06) driving through that parking lot so again I just um I’m so I’m sorry I’m trying to read chat here um let’s see web hold on uh can you ask where are the closed Sebastian War Texas Roadhouse video do we know if he was wearing those clothes when he supposedly disappeared uh I don’t think he was wearing those clothes no okay but we don’t know if the police have collected them or anything right we don’t know don’t know okay so let’s let’s go back to um the proudfoot house according to Katie uh he left some
(20:52) time in the middle of the night early morning but no cameras picked picked him up do you know what the police have done inside that house to search for Sebastian to my knowledge um their house has been searched over a dozen times by officers um they’ve used heat seeking devices um and this comes from the sheriff um to make sure he wasn’t in any walls um I do not have knowledge and didn’t question the sheriff at the time um I was trying to build a rapport but um about any luminol or anything like that yeah that’s a big question my
(21:36) knowledge they use luminol they have not done that um tattooed mama said any update on the Ken Davis post and I don’t know who Ken Davis is I know what she’s talking about uh about having footage of KP trading Sebastian off to someone that morning I would think if that was legit it would be huge I have had tips for several weeks about people seeing Cathy Bowers sock’s car that morning before Sebastian was reported missing I have not been able to validate that that’s true um but the Ken Davis post is not
(22:12) the first time that that’s been brought to me so again and I’m assuming you turn this over to the police we have to have at least some faith and some assumption that the police are looking into these things and they are you know doing the searches and search searching the house and and uh you know checking the car do you know anything about kadab dogs being used at the house in the past I know there were scent dogs absolutely um I know that cadaver dogs that we’ve brought in have not been to the house but they’ve
(22:52) been in the area um but those are not law enforcement Cav dogs okay I mean they’re they’re credentialed kadava dogs but um they have not been on their property or in their house um and they don’t take kindly to trespassing so we would absolutely have to have permission for that right so have they um hit on anything ycab dogs at all no okay okay so let’s start address ing now some of the drama to get it out of the way uh let’s let’s go with the the lie detector there was a uh a big thing made
(23:42) Nancy Grace offered Chris proudfoot to take a lie detector he said name the place and time and then he said no I can’t do it because I think he said TBI told him not to and that’s completely possible honestly it is and why do you say that um because if he’s going to take one he should take one with the TBI right you know um so I mean I do believe that’s probably true okay yeah so did he eventually take one with the TBI um I think he did and he said he passed it is that correct he said he passed it I I have no confirmation of
(24:20) that um but I I do think he took one okay and hi chasing good to see you my dear um the story said that’s the story I understand she already called Chris and was driving around searching while Chris called the police right I mean their words or that um she looked around the house for a few moments um went outside got in her car started driving around the neighborhood drove over to the high school which is Beach High School um and then Chris was the one who three-way called the Sheriff’s Department not 911 but the sheriff’s department and Katie said she was on mute okay so she was but she was there and she heard it okay and that but that’s according to them you haven’t been able to verify anything about that right they um they won’t even release the missing person’s report to us why do you think that is I mean this doesn’t make long time um with Heather at sunmer County and put in records requests talk to the sheriff um talk to several other officers and detectives and they they will not give it to us this doesn’t make any sense
(25:39) because I mean it’s bizarre I’ve never encountered that before because I often request those things because I don’t work cases unless right I have a missing person’s report especially adults but and everybody I want you to know that Chloe is a licensed Pi a very well-respected pi and you’ve worked on many many many cases none as hard as this and and you’re getting just you know slammed angel love wants to know did Ellie ask for Sebastian’s clothes he wore it the day before he went missing
Chloe: (26:09) I’m going to guess I haven’t told you but I think we can assume if they’re doing their job they did am am I correct correct okay so again all these normal things that you would think the police would be happy to come out and verify they’re not and and I don’t know if it’s because law enforcement got spooked by some of the crazy YouTubers that came out and caused problem sweet Sheriff Weatherford said he was getting a lot of emails I bet I a lot of people that weren’t necessarily like pertinent to
(26:44) Sebastian’s case you know so he’s getting bombarded I’m sure he is but the the thing is it would alleviate a lot of all of the speculation and this craziness if just came out and said okay here’s what we did and it’s it’s stuff that we all expect them to do like ask for the clothes uh you know that he was wearing or he was wearing before and and you know and ask for things like that a and again um let’s see hold on here I want to get this question where did it go uh has Seth and Chris taken a poly
(27:21) with Ellie uh we think Chris has taken a poly with TBI and what about Seth do we know about Seth um Seth took aolly with Nancy Grace or with whoever Nancy Grace set him up with right and do we have any results on that or I don’t you don’t okay so we don’t know what’s going on with that but I would assume well I if I remember correctly Seth said that he was told he didn’t need to take a polygraph because his Alibi was confirmed right if I remember correctly right I mean polygraphs are voluntary yeah I mean they’re not
(28:02) admissible in court so I mean I know they’re helpful tools for an investigation but they’re not the end all be all um exactly yeah exactly and uh this is Heather K she is the other private investigator on the case says Khloe is the best out there my second case with her and she’s one smart cookie absolutely Heather absolutely no question um Thrive Collective says SE Seth should have access to the missing person’s report Seth should have access to all reports of abuse to CPS and by the school have
(28:38) they asked for the school records and you know if Seth has gotten a lawyer yet um I’m not going to comment on that okay uh chasing wants to know did Seth fall asleep during the uh the Nancy Grace lie detector or is that a rumor or do we know I saw a comment that had his name next to it that said he did um it it hasn’t been something I focused on Okay Okay so we’ve just got so many questions here in chat I don’t want to uh to miss some here because you are being and again Chloe we really appreciate you coming out here and and
(29:18) answering these questions because it’s been driving us nuts trying to figure out what’s going on you know so okay um let’s see here you talked about how you went out and mapped just the the houses that you knew had cameras in the area and there’s a lot of them right so yeah he should have been picked up if he was out there walking he absolutely should have I mean it’s it’s crazy um I mean Hendersonville is like very densely wooded and it gets pretty densely wooded almost immediately in any direction when
(29:58) you leave his subdivision right kind of I mean there’s a lot of really treacherous terrain out there um we’ve all been in it um and it’s hard exactly but again it not at night so um and it’s hard but again not at night I mean uh not go not talking about going into that terrain he would have had to have been on a camera that’s just all there is to so I mean I’m going to I’m going to look at it again and again and again but there may be a way like if they had a ring camera on the doorbell but not a
(30:42) camera in the back of the house and you walked between houses in a certain direction he would hit woods and then he wouldn’t be picked up on a camera for a long time okay oh once he leaves that subdivision there there’s no cameras time yeah exactly now you have a vetted Source making a claim about Chris going to leave Katie can you comment on that at all um yes we have a a vetted Source close to the proud foots that has claimed on recording that um he had had conversations with Chris about him leaving Kate
(31:28) not since Sebastian’s been missing but previously before yes before and that’s important because and again I’m not suggesting this is true but you have to look at everything you know I I’m telling you the police would look at it like well is that a reason did something happen well and that’s what Heather was talking about um the other night on news nation is we’ve been kind of like brainstorming this domino effect of like okay he went missing February 26 but there was a lot going on right the three
(32:06) months prior to that a lot and we’re trying to just timeline all of that out to see what the Catalyst was you know um well and and like uh like Julie here the comment says uh the other Pi that’s Heather said in a previous interview there was turmoil at home can you comment on any of the turmoil I mean we’ve heard we’ve heard Chris talk about it and we’ve heard Seth talk about it about Chris didn’t want Sebastian around his younger daughter right and that was a big problem right so uh can
(32:44) you comment on any of the the situation going on at home before Sebastian went missing um yeah I mean obviously Chris admitted to there being CPS calls s um I I really think the way he described it was that it was plural um I have confirmation that those did happen um but yeah can I just jump in here yet he said Nancy Grace on Nancy Grace there no there was no CPS calls none right so he’s kind of he’s he’s Ling on what he had said you know because I I don’t know if I told y all the last time I was on
(33:25) here I was like I’m just posting their words right what they have said I’m not even making an a post with an opinion in it I’m just saying what they’ve said exactly so yeah um exact it does seem like there were some issues um with for Chris um with Sebastian and his daughter being together um but but Sebastian had not there’s been no reports of Sebastian behaving inappropriately directly with his daughter were there of course not right and um he didn’t want Chris didn’t want Sebastian around his daughter just
(34:08) flat out and I know we’re jumping around here but I want to get to all the questions Karen Lee says can you comment on the scent to the retention Pond did that turn out to be false um I mean the dog dove in the pond um the M the initial maps at the beginning are a bit confusing um I think they it was such a mass influx of um EMA and officers and everything that some of it got kind of convoluted some of it um some of it was it issues so you know you can chase the dog tracks on the map but some of them tracked on the app incorrectly not
(34:49) necessarily the dog um but I mean you hear on dispatch that the scent dog yes he says she jumps straight in the pond um I mean we’ve gone through that pawn we have gone through that pawn the divers we’ve brought in you know the Searchers we brought in have we have gone through those ponds um right so not only did law enforcement do that but we have and there’s no water in at least one of the ponds that’s on the construction site it’s not like a big huge Pond um just like a mud pit at this point it’s like
(35:25) quicksand yeah but um yeah I mean there’s yeah that that Pond’s been checked out I mean I don’t know a number right off the top of my head but I think we have cleared I don’t know a dozen wow there’s a lot of ponds in Henderson I had no idea until this it sounds like it okay so uh Tracy wants to know does the high school have cameras that could pick up an exchange of some sort with Sebastian and because you see Katie drive through the high school parking lot right so they but so have you been able to get any of
(36:07) those any other than do you have the copy of Katie driving through the parking lot or is that already released how did you hear about it I can’t say okay that’s okay no you’re fine just give me that look that’s all you need to do that’s all you need to do okay so let’s let’s talk about what we know so far we know so far the last time that Sebastian was seen was that Sunday before he went missing when he was at dinner and it was at the Texas Road House was that the name of the place yes okay and that was with
(36:43) Katie Katie went home yes uh Chris proudfoot has not seen Sebastian since early February right and uh supposedly where he said he was checked out Seth according to Seth the police have said hey you don’t need to take a lie detector because we know where you were yeah I mean he works in the Davidson County jail he’s on surveillance constantly I mean he’s not even allowed to bring his phone in yeah so I mean yeah so he’s he he’s cleared but okay here’s the problem we know the police have gone into the house and searched we
(37:17) don’t know if they’ve used luminol we don’t know if they’ve taken any kaver dogs into the house uh we don’t know if uh we don’t know how in the hell he got out of the house because there is he’s nowhere on camera but yet he’s on camera earlier right taking out the garbage so he’s on a camera somewhere so why isn’t he on a camera when he left I think the sun went down on the 25th at like 540 something um it was before the time change so it was getting dark um what I’ve been told by the sheriff’s
(37:59) department was it was around 6:30 when they saw it I think the proud foot say seven um that’s kind of semantics to me but so it was getting dark for sure um I don’t know that it was like pitch black at that point I don’t know if it was like midnight dark you know but shouldn’t these cameras I mean I have a little cheap old one here it’s infrared I can see everybody at night you know there you would think correct me if I’m wrong Chloe but you would think that there would be a spotting of Sebastian
(38:31) on one of these 11 cameras that you have mapped out and there are probably more yeah and as far as you know there are no sightings of him right so let’s let’s say hypothetically let’s say that is correct okay that there’s no mistake that he wasn’t able to escape a camera and duck out of a camera let’s just say that’s correct that Sebastian is not on a camera anywhere leaving the house in the neighborhood that means he is either still in the house somewhere or he never made it home
(39:07) Saturday I mean I I mean I’ll be honest with you I I think he still could have left the house you do um not get on camera I do how come um it’s just a feeling honestly I mean and and being in that area and knowing my cameras and I just there are places where he could have avoided them and I don’t even know that he would have done it on on purpose um but it could just it could just happened out yeah could have just happened so okay what about Katie proudfit saying he went out without any shoes let me just tell you what that
(39:51) screams to me that he was running for his life and and Seth has said that he doesn’t like to go out without shoes cuz he got bit by fire ants once or something so what do you think of that I mean I think that’s strange um we now know how many pairs of shoes he did have I know that was being like very protected um by Katie for some reason but he didn’t have very many pairs of shoes his feet were growing and he had got a couple new pairs um you know Katie would throw out the old pairs pretty quickly so it wasn’t like I mean
(40:25) he just had a few pairs of shoes so I think it was pretty easy to account for all of them um and apparently um account for Chris’s shoes too because I know people have wondered if maybe he put his shoes on um so I mean I do think that’s strange it makes me think it wasn’t a planned runaway right and that maybe something triggered him or there was an altercation where he fight or flight just left you know and that’s yeah that’s what I’m I really don’t think it was like wait for Mom to go to
(40:57) bed and then I’ll sneak out yeah um chasing said that he could have left through the back door now if he left through the back door would he escape all the cameras that way or would he get the cameras at the neighbors that were in the backyard escape a lot more cameras that way their backyard is fenced that doesn’t mean he didn’t go that way yeah Goa um there’s been a couple of people mentioned this in chat and this I I’ll be honest it really does kind of upset me the reason why the private
(41:28) investigators are coming on and talking is to bring awareness about Sebastian okay they’re not Chloe is not going to Rel release any information that um she has been trusted with that uh she has been agreed not to release but if we don’t talk about it and if we don’t bring people uh bring awareness to Sebastian then people are going to forget and I applaud Khloe and Heather for going on on media and keeping Sebastian’s case alive okay so anybody in chat suggesting that what they’re doing is wrong and hurting the case no
(42:09) it’s helping the case we have 1300 people here in chat okay and or there’s going to be thousands more download this talking about Sebastian we’ve got and we’ll put Sebastian’s picture up and we’ve got the um you know the the tip line up this is a way to keep Sebastian’s case alive if we don’t no will talk about it and everybody will forget and then Seth will be doing an anniversary show every year begging people so thank you and I mean I’ll make a really quick Point um I mean you both
(42:40) know I don’t get into all the crap no you don’t um but private investigator doesn’t mean I am not allowed to talk it means I am privately hired yeah that’s what people are getting the private and private investigator mixed up right they think it means that you can’t reveal identity and that’s not the case I don’t love doing this um I do it no you don’t I mean I had to harass and stop you um I don’t like doing this but um you know I think it’s important and I hope that it
(43:14) helps simmer down some of the crap uh Kesha Renee that is what Khloe is doing she’s telling us what’s going on which is not a lot because the police won’t reveal a whole lot Ava wants to know have the proud foots been willing to work with you some care to elaborate or or no um they’ve they’ve had conversations with us um and I think slowly they are having more yeah uh do you think this has moved to a criminal investigation by the police um you know that whole email thing was strange um what tell us what
(44:00) email thing tell us about that well several people had requested um oh that’s right right um not just us um and they got similar emails that said criminal investigation not they couldn’t couldn’t repase it because it was an ongoing criminal investigation and right and several people besides us received similar emails that said that um I criminal can mean several different things though you know it doesn’t mean that Sebastian was murdered and his body is stashed away somewhere criminal can mean you know somebody is
(44:36) withholding five details about what happened you know I mean there’s lots of charges that can come from a missing person’s case and it’s not F play y you know false reporting or withholding information I mean things like that and that doesn’t necessarily mean he was murdered exactly can still be a criminal investigation AB absolutely absolutely right um let’s see here let me just grab this really quick uh somebody asked have you seen the video of Sebastian the police haven’t shown you any video have
(45:09) they I have seen one video you have seen and which one is that can you say okay uh let’s see here now I do remember thank you evil Alaska that um Katie and Sebastian supposedly at a a relative’s house on Sunday has that relative come forward and said yes they were here I saw them all of that um yeah that was Chris’s sister okay and then I think they were also at uh a friends that has yeah yeah I think early in in the day um this is what a lot of people are thinking and I want to bring this up is it possible that someone is
(45:51) helping hide him and that someone doesn’t trust Ellie so they’re just keeping him hidden I mean everything at this point is a possibility um that’s kind of low on my Theory list um along with him being groomed and taken away by somebody on the internet that’s pretty low on my Theory list um but we only have breadcrumbs at this point so anything is possible um but that’s not a high priority uh and people are still bringing up his clothing we are only assuming that the police have uh either collected clothing that he was wearing
(46:34) at some point or they know what clothing he left in uh but again the police haven’t said anything to you they’re not telling you what they’ve collected and what they’ve done and that’s the problem so um let’s see here let’s see let’s um let’s talk about uh Chris and Katie proudfoot for a moment they came out early on and did some interviews which which to me I found very troubling to be honest I wouldn’t say early on I a week after he went yeah yeah to me that’s early on I was I let
(47:14) me put this I was shocked I was shocked when I saw their interview because Chris proudfoot was gleefully telling everybody that he hit Sebastian with a belt and that made my blood run cold to be honest it really did and it truly troubled me now that Chris and Seth are working together and maybe you can’t answer this is Seth able to just put that aside and and talk and work with with Chris and trying to find Sebastian um I think they are doing their best um I mean there’s water under the bridge I mean obviously
(48:01) like they all I think they’re doing their best um I’m not saying it’s easy right um there’s a lot of feelings oh I can imagine I can imagine uh so hold on let me grab this here really quickly uh you mentioned something earlier today about bringing in Q CU e what is Q um it is a missing persons like SAR organization that’s kind of up there with equa search um they can provide massive Resources with um ATVs drones dogs foot search boats divers um which you know we’ve brought in some of that but not on the mass
(48:51) scale that we would like to so we are in the works um of bringing them in because they are I mean we have an incredible group of volunteers that I mean over probably a dozen of them have been with us for over a month um and they’re there constantly what do we need to do where are we going you know um and they’re they’re doing their best but that’s not very many people um and the grand scheme of like the acreage that needs to be covered especially because the train is really hard mhm yeah that
(49:28) terrain is ungodly so okay so you’re hoping to bring them in what’s the uh what’s the latest um I believe we are finishing reports in um giving them private property permissions that we’ve gained um I don’t have a timeline on when they’ll come obviously they don’t just say okay we’re coming they plan right um before they get here so I mean as soon as I have an update about that I’ll share it okay uh Jessica London wants to know was it for Sher Sebastian on the camera taking the trash
(50:06) out um the sheriff’s department says it is um I know Seth has said that he can’t 100% tell um so I guess I can’t answer that okay uh Laura Burell wants to know why does it say last scene on Monday February 26 didn’t KP say she last saw him Sunday at 9900 p.m.
(50:34) I I don’t know where it says last seene Monday the 26th I I don’t know where that would be believe I’ve seen two different versions of um the flyer that’s been released by law enforcement um I mean I I think they’re assuming um he was in the home at midnight because that’s when Katie went to bed got it okay yeah um I I want to clear this up a 865 Pier said why would Seth work with Chris and Katie if he feels they had something to do with it well I don’t think he is claiming that at the moment he’s putting all of that aside
(51:13) correct yeah and I mean um you you need to work with the person that last saw your child right you know um he went on Peter hayatt and it was great I don’t know if anybody watched it Peter H is wonderful um is yeah Katie holds the key out of everybody she does she does um so you you have to I mean you have to try to work with them and yeah she she holds all the information it’s not going to do Seth any good to get out there not all the information but you know she holds the most information and if Seth got out there
(51:54) and started saying horrible things about him it’s not going to help find Sebastian and he’s right and it’s it’s great that he’s stepping back that they’re both stepping back to work toward finding Sebastian uh need some z z wants to know and I don’t know if you know the answer to this have the prets agreed to have the K9 search their house again I can’t confirm that okay we don’t we don’t know and again the police why they’re not saying anything is is beyond me uh yes uh Bonnie’s Journeys
(52:28) Chris and Katie and Seth are now communicating correct they’re still communicating so a lot of people are asking you’re saying that’s low on your list a theory is low on your list what’s high on your list of theories um honestly the only two theories I have are Sebastian walked out of the house and I don’t mean you know like I said I mean I think there was an altercation I think there’s some information hasn’t been shared if that’s the case I don’t think he just snuck out in the middle of the
(53:02) night to run away it didn’t seem very planned um and if that’s the case I do believe he is very close to home still um right statistically I mean I think I talked to you about this before we went on um Kayana Turner who was missing for over 400 Days outside of Houston um I mean they had massive searches uh Texas equa search came in several times um she was found on the same road she went missing from isn’t that amazing and that road have been searched and searched right yeah and I mean it’s assumed that
(53:39) she was deceased pretty much that whole time and there’s no fou play involved so I mean I understand and I’ve gotten these comments why are you still searching here why are you still in Hendersonville he’s not in Hendersonville you do not know that nobody knows that nobody knows where he is or he wouldn’t be missing no and I mean law enforcement has you know obviously had massive searches but things get missed yeah and in fact uh Stacy tell us the story about the the girl in England because that’s a
(54:13) great example of things getting missed um so yes in England there was a young girl named Tia sharp young teenager who she was at her staying at her grandma in her her step grandpa’s house um and so one day you know the grandpa said that she had taken off to go down shopping to get some new shoes some flip-flops um and then you know Grandma came home Tia didn’t come home so they called and reported her missing and there was absolutely no sightings of her at all um nobody saw her anywhere and so finally the police like I said searched
(55:00) it many times and they went back and did a forensic search eventually and they found Tia wrapped up stuffed up in the attic what we’d call an attic right um and she was deceased and she’d been there the whole time and they’d search the house searched the it’s so frustrating so that can happen uh Melissa Hart wants to know have they checked the drains at the construction site I mean to my knowledge they have okay and uh CH Reed wants to know is it true that living room lights flickered and a neighbor saw a silhouette around
(55:34) 3: am have you heard that I do not know I know that um he’s seen turning the lights on in his bedroom after he takes the trash out and um maybe once again but I don’t think it was 3:00 a.m. it was ear in the night I’m getting a lot of questions in chat what’s your um Foul Play I mean of some sort yeah of some sort uh okay let’s we’ve kept you here an hour we’re not going to keep you much longer than four or five so hours we can talk for a long time but I’d probably end up getting in trouble so no
(56:15) we understand and again we really appreciate you and Heather thank you heather for coming to chat we appreciate it um there are a lot of people commenting about what I’m thinking and that is Chris proudfoot seems to in my opinion control Katie I don’t know if you even want to comment on that and maybe it’s unfair for me to ask do you have any comments on how the proud foots have pre presented themselves um I understand that no I don’t really want to comment on it honestly um only because I feel like
(56:55) we’re we’re maybe getting to a place that we can refocus finally again and lay right you don’t want to and so I don’t I don’t want to stir anything up I understand focus on finding Sebastian and that’s what’s important y exactly I’m just I’m just a trashy person I go in for no you’re good I mean you’re good uh Tracy Whit wants to know did the police check the roof of the school I’ve got to assume they did you know I mean it’s I would assume they did I uh you
(57:26) can see the roof of the school if you’re in the parking lot but right right and I want to put this comment up here it was really good if I can find it about how everything just needs to be Rec canvased everything here it is Daisy Rose I and don’t you agree with this I me that’s what we’ve been trying to do that’s what yeah she’s been doing um but it takes time because um you know law enforcement releases this massive search and they don’t have to ask permission to go anywh you know EXA
(57:57) I as a private investigator can still get trespassed um so I have to have um consent to be on people’s properties also there’s a lot of guns in Tennessee a lot of people not you know it takes a little bit longer sometimes you got to be careful yeah I want to rephrase this question do you think Ellie is protecting somebody and that’s why they’re not telling you information I I’m trying to figure out why they are not silent us they are telling us things um but there’s a lot they’re not telling
(58:35) you that you would think they normally would yeah there’s a lot they are telling us though um I don’t think they’re protecting any okay that’s good to know uh hold on did you ever get permission from the federal property that everyone was kicked off of of the beginning did you ever get permission to go on that property do you know what they’re talking about I was not on that property okay want to go back there are you are you trying to go back there um not to my knowledge okay um SP Mama this is a great question do you know of
(59:09) any other I just lost it uh Missing 401 cases in the area oh man missing in suar in that county I mean in Middle Tennessee it’s it’s a lot yeah I mean a problem here I’m not really sure what’s going on but I’m well and Tennesse is summer Wells I mean you know that’s the state but you know that summer Wells um uh let’s see Justice lovey says whomever did this is very comfortable he won’t be found but just to be safe wouldn’t the person maybe hide him nearby so they can continue to be
(59:49) relaxed I’m sure you thought of those types of the yeah no I haven’t thought of everything or I would have found but um trust me I’m I’m not um tunnel visioned here no we we understand that um let’s see here hold on one second I’m just I want to get some of these questions here that haven’t been asked um oh this is a good one curious cat there were some threats there’s some crazy stuff happening did they find out who was behind them I don’t know if that’s actually true um okay honestly
(1:00:27) um I’ve never been threatened okay you have that’s good right that’s very good well and plus the drama of people are gone yeah I mean yeah I just I heard about threats um I never got any proof of the threats um you know suar County even came out and said they had no um really now that’s interesting police reports from certain organizations um really okay now that is came back and said it was Davidson County that they reported to which doesn’t make really any sense to me but um because I feel
(1:01:02) like the threats were probably in suar County so um I have not received any threats um I have not been followed many of my Searchers have not been threatened or followed um so that could just the I don’t think Heather’s been threatened or followed um I mean people are nasty on the internet but um I don’t consider that like a safety issue um that could be a bit of malarkey then a little bit of malarkey yeah I like that word very interesting because yeah I I heard somebody talking about it and it was
(1:01:40) somebody that I thought was legitimately saying what happened to them but if there’s no police reports that’s pretty crazy yeah I mean I I honestly um I can’t say with 100% certainty that people haven’t been threatened I have not found any evidence of it and um haven’t had time to focus on that you know if you don’t feel comfortable searching don’t yeah now has Seth ever said he’s been followed before do you know he has okay and what about uh Chris’s parents Chris pret’s parents a lot of people
(1:02:17) are very um kind of upset that they went to Alaska it’s bizarre it have you you or do you know if the police looked into why they all of a sudden went to Alaska um I don’t know that police have looked into that I know that um tips have been passed on to County and TBI um not necessarily about them leaving um right but hopefully that is all being vetted in some way um somebody asked a question about was it prescriptions I missed it and then somebody said oh that’s a great question I’m like ah what was it um I didn’t see
(1:03:02) it it was if somebody could repeat that please because I meant to catch it and uh chat was going so fast is it this one yeah okay to see if any uh prescriptions for checked to make sure prescriptions haven’t been filled in other states I would assume since Sebastian is an AMBER Alert that pharmacies would be flagged right right in my that’s good to know yeah that’s good to know uh now Donna D wants to know any news on the uh sexual
offender that was searching uh and could he have been moved from the pond so two double
(1:03:41) two questions there was there a sexual offender searching I hadn’t heard that um sex offender I should say have not heard that okay and do you think he could have been moved from the pond when that’s true people would have been watching and seeing um now we are going to put up your email address in fact um what is your email address and I’ll I’ll type it in right now help reunit research.
(1:04:15) org L like as in lady no help oh help sorry HP yeah in the chat too um reunite research reunite research okay that and I’ll make sure I spelled that right here so help at reunit and we’ll put that in the description as well yes if you have anything please you know report to the police if you’re more comfortable talking to Khloe or Heather absolutely yeah so absolutely uh let’s see here um who’s on camera so nothing to fear I’m just going through here really quickly do you know if any dogs have been inside Chris RV I don’t know
(1:04:59) okay uh have the Bowersox spoken with you at all no okay uh have have you tried to contact them yes okay um let’s see here do you know if the cemetery was searched um if they’re referring to the one house and the construction site yes does Chris’s family own a funeral home not to knowledge okay uh let’s see uh Kim rice says regarding items for scent dogs do Ellie go in and select items or do they ask missing kids parents to choose and hand them the items what if scent items what scent items did they
(1:05:41) have for Sebastion I think typically um they try to use something they were most recently wearing yeah
Host: Ki says that uh the grandparents went to Alaska and Puerto Rico. I just think that’s weird
Chloe: they did they went to Alaska um I believe 4 days after Sebastian went missing they were gone about a month um and then I can’t remember when they they came back um and Jr chased them around and then um they went at some point it’s terrible it is terrible um no this is a good question you’ve inspired ladybug lady to become a
(1:06:23) private investigator how does one become a investigator it depends on what state you’re in um or what state you want to be licensed in so yeah I I do know you have to like work with a private investigator and and do so many hours and take classes and things right it depends on your state yeah yeah I looked it up for California and it’s a lot you’ve got to have like 2,000 hours or something of work in some kind of law enforcement field or something like I mean it’s a lot of stuff so it’s different everywhere
(1:06:54) though right um uh VW I’ll I’ll get to that question here shortly there’s been made mention of Sebastian being forced to wear pull-ups which Seth I believe has confirmed which I find appalling that they would do that that the proud foots would do that’s my opinion um do you know like what that situation is do you have any any information about it um not really more than what’s been said okay okay uh VW wants to know about Melissa proudfoot she helped them take Faith when n had to take her other child
(1:07:35) to the hospital do you know anything about Melissa the his sister um I I do think um at least from Nina’s account that she was involved with that as was um you know kind of everybody right scary that was very sad so okay uh and again I don’t want you to say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or that’ll cause problems and so if I if I ask any questions yeah I just I mean I feel like some of it is like does this help me find him right exactly exactly you know it’s like yeah but but the thing I think the flip side
(1:08:18) is if the proudfit family has done things like this before is it possible they’ve done it with I just got a message that Chris wants to come on Chris proudfoot absolutely I don’t know where that well you can you send him the link that I sent you he was not who messaged me so I don’t know get get him that link and if he doesn’t want to come on the link he can call my phone and I can put him on through the phone is he in the chat somewhere know I just got to message that I’ll stay on till you know Friday
(1:08:57) night if he wants to come on okay when you said Chris I had to sit and think who oh um what would you like me to do did you know I can put the link in chat hold on I can put the link in chat if he is in chat he can jump on this link okay and if you have his phone number Chloe can you send him mine if you’d rather call uh yeah just stand by for just a second let me make sure this is even real okay I know I know I get all excited you know somebody comes on with a sock puppet that would be my luck so right my gosh that happened us before
(1:09:42) remember oh it has I know yeah it did they it was the weirdest thing ever yeah came on with a sock puppet hold on and then somebody else came on and um accused me of trying to you take down her man or some crap like that remember that we’ve had some weird ones weird things yeah yeah uh Heather Coen says it’s real okay well um she’s text she’s blowing me up I’ll tell you what you and Heather chat and then we’ll chat with chat how’s that okay well I’m gonna how do I mute yourself we’ll mute you here
(1:10:17) I’ll stop there you go there you’re muted we can’t hear you okay um yeah lady bug lady we’re going to talk about what you can do to help and everybody can do something and that’s just get Seth’s picture out did you email me that uh insightful I did okay hang on let me I’m gonna pull that up right now okay this is a cute picture I love this picture hang on yeah it is a good picture I think so let me pull it up here oh heck I’ll stay up all night if Chris wants to come you know come on
(1:11:11) absolutely let’s see here no don’t need a video here we go there and you can see there’s the tip line okay but let’s go ahead and read some comments in chat are there any that you want to read insightful one um there was one I thought we could answer but now I’m trying to go back and find it yes the other uh private investigator is Heather con yes and everybody um if you could read some comments in chat I need to go let my cat in because you know the animals rule this house so I’ll be right back
(1:12:05) right you know I know everybody there’s so much you know there are things we don’t know and everybody wants to know but what’s really important is finding Sebastian and maintaining the Integrity of the investigation and so there’s some things that aren’t going to be public aren’t privy to and there’s good reason for that very good reason for that not everybody understands the way investigations work but I was fortunate because my father was law enforcement so I got a firsthand look at
(1:12:39) that and I understand it can just be so frustrating chish I’m sorry what there’s somebody backstage okay hold on yeah hold on coming coming and we ask everybody to be respectful to the host and the guest on our show no craic comments please okay no a missing child and that’s all that matters and we will always be polite to our guests okay so who do we have here um who do we have here I’ve put you on on the uh on the platform you have me Chris hi Chris proudfoot I really appreciate you coming here um I’m going
(1:13:44) to change the banner really quickly so everybody knows it’s you but I don’t know how long you’ve been listening long enough okay you sound angry talk to me talk to me we don’t want to get you a the last thing we want to do Chris is cause problems between you and Seth I swear to God well I understand that but let me help you with something okay okay a lot of the information that I’ve been listening to on your show coming from Khloe the questions that are coming through people it’s very sickening and
(1:14:17) disgusting to be personally honest with you okay let’s let’s talk about it so so let me go ahead and address a few things to help y’all out okay you’re the I haven’t had a chance to talk to you you haven’t even called me you ain’t done anything first off Heather has hea is the only one Heather is the only one who has reached out to me or to my wife so sit on this show information that you have that you don’t have all the answers to is a problem okay well Chris Chris help us understand because I know Chloe and
(1:14:57) Chloe wants to help and the last thing Chloe would do is want to put out misinformation and the problem is okay I understand that so let me just smash something real quick okay okay first and foremost anything that goes on between me and my wife is not a damn bit of anybody’s personal business I don’t care what you think I don’t care what y’all got to say that’d be like me splashing all your business out to the world okay it does not matter what goes on in my house we’re looking for my
(1:15:32) son that’s real simple your your stepson right um it doesn’t matter stepson my son all the kids are treated as if they your own there is no title A stepson a son it no it does not matter that boy is loved by me just like he is my own just like he’s my own okay okay Chris let may I ask you something yes ma’am okay um I’ve been doing this for a long time and and let me tell you why people are asking uh personal questions about you and your wife okay it’s it’s because of the situation in which
(1:16:15) Sebastian has gone missing and they’re wondering if whatever happened between you and your wife does it have something to do with Sebastian going missing I swear to you it’s not to be nosy it’s not to be rude it’s just trying to figure out what happened to Sebastian and okay so let me let me make this even crystal clear for you okay and everybody out there that’s got all these negativity disgusting comments and questions that y’all think you know anything about when honestly you don’t
(1:16:45) know a damn thing and that’s the problem you assume you speculate all this crap you have no idea what me my family my wife everybody involved is going through to include Seth his mom and everybody else okay because it’s the vile disgusting crap that comes out of people’s mouth Yes I’m a very pissed off stepfather to this whole situation okay and and I I understand and I hear what you’re saying but again so let me help y’all something y’all said some [ __ ] that’s really y’all have no it’s really none of
(1:17:26) your damn business but since you brought it up I’m clear it okay my parents didn’t go to Alaska two days after he went missing I don’t think any my parents went to Alaska was because my stepfather went for work okay nobody said they went two days after he went missing oh no it’s out there trust me because I have Terri I can not say that I said people okay now I have terabytes of videos of Seth on here saying some vow stuff I’ve got videos of everybody and their comments out here but trust me what I’m bringing to
(1:18:02) you is not that I’m just pulling stuff out of the air I understand no and Chris I’m glad you cleared that up that’s a by the way they didn’t go for a month okay they went for two weeks my stepdad went on business my mom went with him but it’s really nobody’s business well but but Chris let me and and please understand I swear to God I’m coming from a place of understanding because I’ve been doing this for years okay here’s the thing when you ask the public for help they’re going to look at
(1:18:39) everything and try and figure out what happened to Sebastian and let me tell let from an outsider looking in it’s okay his parents left town shortly after was there a reason did he take did they take Sebastian with him it is speculation that I am sorry it’s hurtful to you and I understand it and that’s why it’s important that you clear it up just clear it up nobody’s trying to be hurtful or mean I promise you we’ve all been asked to help find Sebastian and this is what we do we we try and think
(1:19:12) outside the box we try and ask questions and think outside the box and figure out what has gone on it is probably thinking outside of the box does nothing but cause speculation it it causes people to call in tips that don’t mean anything that you’re taking sources away from the investigation because joeo down the street thinks that my family owns a cemetery we own a funeral home like where in the hell do you get up with this stuff not you I’m saying the public and so that Chris that’s why it is great that you’re here
(1:19:51) because we want to clear this up and help you get it out and and I’m going to tell you something Chris when it comes to the general public they’re always going to be calling in Crazy tips and doing crappy things and all we can do is say that’s not us we are not doing that it doesn’t matter want to clear do not matter doesn’t matter I did reach out to you on March 17th publicly and privately you responded to me publicly you asked me to ask my question question publicly I did you didn’t respond I reached out to you
(1:20:29) privately again um so I have reached out to you where in the public where um I reach out to you on Facebook I reached out to you on Facebook Messenger privately you’ve never read my message well don’t Tes this the wrong way but a lot of the [ __ ] that I get in Facebook no that’s fine that’s fine I just want to make it clear can I can I explain to you yeah you send me messages along with thousands of other people I understand that and that’s why I took it public and you did respond to me and ask me to ask
(1:21:02) my question publicly because you wanted whatever answer you were going to give to be public to clear it up what was the question that you asked me since I neglected your question that’s not what I’m saying that’s not what I’m saying I I’m just I want to make it clear that I haven’t um not tried to reach out to you can and Chris can I know you’re mad I I God I can feel it I can hear it and I understand it you’ve got to believe me when I tell you this please if you can can dial it
(1:21:37) back a bit and get us some of these answers and let us help you clear up this bull so it doesn’t interfere anymore and like I said you’re always going to have crazy people interfering and and coming up with rumors and it’s so maddening and frustrating and I hate it it pisses me off more than anything and anybody that knows me knows that pisses you off you’re not in our shoes I know you haven’t been in our shoes okay well you don’t know that but but I haven’t been in your shoes and
(1:22:07) missing a child no but believe me I can understand what you’re going through and let what I’m saying is we can help you Chris we can help you all right anybody here in this chat that asked about a cemetery it’s because somebody else brought it up just tell us exactly and my question comes back to where do these people come up with this crazy crap I that’s a million dooll question I don’t know online let clear it up let’s let’s clear it up for you let us help you you’re saying you’re I believe Klo
(1:22:42) you’re saying online is that what you’re saying no I’m sorry I said that there’s a lot of Stacy see people online and just let you know and I understand you get a lot lot of messages I reached out to you when Sebastian first went missing to to see if we could help in any way oh yeah but Chris I understand your anger but I’m telling you please let us help you okay we’re not here to to point fingers at you or or whatever but the problem is and this is what we were talking about earlier Chris when we when
(1:23:21) the public is asked to help and then no information is provided then people because of social media and social media is here to stay unfortunately this never used to be a problem never until social media and it’s terrible I will be the first one to admit it’s terrible but let us help you clear it up okay so you don’t own a cemetery and you don’t own a funeral home is that right yeah okay so okay everybody stop with that [ __ ] all right here let me add this to the thing I we don’t own a private plane we
(1:23:54) don’t own own 78 pieces of property we don’t own a private yacht what else do you guys want to come up say that we own like we’re millionaires or something like we’ve got this money growing off trees which by the way it’d be great if we did because I guarantee we wouldn’t need anybody’s help because he’d have been home by now right no I understand no I I completely understand okay but understand when the public is asked to help with social media this is what social media does and it can be it can
(1:24:25) be your worst nightmare or your best friend yes and let us help it and I can I can give you examples I can have you talk to people that have said yes the people at web they’ve helped us they’ve been great okay and but hey guys I understand why Chris is angry because it’s coming 24 hours a day seven days a week horrible crap about him okay and his family I get the anger so we’re going to help you the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to let my cat out before she drives everybody crazy so
(1:24:58) I apologize so hang on um Chloe is there anything you’d like to say while I I let my cat out before she drives me nuts I will ask the question I’ll actually read you the message I sent you um so I this was March 17th um good afternoon Chris I wrote this in a chat you’re involved with but I’m worried it may be lost because there’s so much chatter first let me say I’m a ten fr the investigator and have been praying and actively bringing awareness to Sebastian from day one his heart is near or his case is near and
(1:25:32) dear to my heart I had a question I know Sebastian went to his dad’s every other weekend or so did you come home on those weekends not a specific date but just in general or did Katie come and stay with you are you often gone during the week just curious about Sebastian’s day-to-day Dynamic with his parents and then I messaged you again after I posted that question publicly you asked me to post publicly and I did and then I wasn’t answered and I said hey Chris just messaging again so it’ll be at the
(1:26:03) top I know you said you get a ton of messages so and again we understand that you get a ton of messages we absolutely understand that is there somebody else in our chat room I can’t see it Heather Heather do you want to come up I guess I guess she does I’m here oh she is okay oh hi Heather I didn’t see you there hi okay a lot of talk I didn’t really have a chance to say hello and this Heather is the other private investigator yeah I know who Heather is okay Heather would you like to say anything well um so I spoke with them
(1:26:39) earlier today and um and obviously as you know um Mr proudfoot did message me and ask for a number so he could come in and I think that it is um past do I think that it’s a good thing for Mr proudfoot to address some of the um allegations that are being made um I would like to have the opportunity you know like I said to him earlier today it’s good for us Khloe and I to have access to them to be able to when we get this information instead of having to go around them to other sources to try to get the answers to the qu those
(1:27:21) questions to actually be able to come to him uh for those answers and try to clear them up directly so I’m glad he’s here I really am even though he’s oh I am too I’m thrilled I’m Absol angry I I’m glad he’s here and I’ve spoken to him before and he’s been very upset with me before but once he calms down um I I think maybe we can get get somewhere maybe we can get somewhere yeah okay so let’s address something real quick with your viewers who say I’m drunk and belligerent no I’m just a pissed-off dad
(1:27:55) so let’s get that real clear hey everybody if any okay uh mods so if you want to keep your comments and and that’s how your audience wants to play this game then no I’m not going to clear up anything or turn the chat off if you want to clear this up let’s get it right and let’s take all the stupid people out of this equation and answer the deals okay Chris hang on mods if anybody says anything rude about any of our guests I want you to ban them kick them out okay it’s like this if you ain’t got nothing
(1:28:25) factual about me to say keep your mouth shut well okay but Chris they don’t know if it’s factual exactly so that’s the best recommendation I can give them well but they want to ask questions and let me tell you why questions are one thing not a statement where I’m belligerent and I’m drunk because guess what folks I could read the comments that you post I know and I’m telling everybody if anybody says anything rude they’re booted from chat mods if you could boot them uh Stacy could you get ping over
(1:28:53) here to help us any and the other part of this is if it’s nothing if it’s nothing in regards to Sebastian I really don’t give a [ __ ] people no and I agree Chris and I mean I don’t know if you heard um I didn’t want to discuss oh I asked a lot of questions and she wouldn’t discuss it absolutely I I think it’s semantics at this point um he’s been missing for two months and I I don’t know how his bathroom habits are going to help me find him exactly exactly mind you that children with
(1:29:31) autism do have bladder and bowel movement issues to control themselves but I’m I’m not I’m not really worried that people can’t read and do their own well but chis let me I mean I’m not going to sit here and care about that either let me tell you why that was brought up okay it’s because of what Seth said Seth said at his he you correct no no no you are correct you just hit the nail on the head you just hit the nail on the head Seth has opened his mouth he has said a lot of things he
(1:30:03) probably shouldn’t and he needs to learn how to close it because quite honestly none of that has anything to do with finding Sebastian right and and you know what but but Chris let’s let’s keep it that way because Seth has said he is not going to do that anymore and he hasn’t [ __ ] let me explain to you why that that day when I went to that vigil and spoke to Seth very calmly very respectfully we were having a good conversation well everybody stood behind me and was snapped in little pictures
Chris (1:30:35) and stuff Heather came up in the conversation she saw us it was not a aggressive conversation it was actually a good one but see it wasn’t three hours later Seth was on YouTube on somebody else’s show sitting that he’s blaming Katie my wife for Sebastian’s disappearance now unless you got cold heart facts which you don’t don’t open your mouth because all you’re doing is making an ass out of yourself because you’re assuming say that everybody is grieving and handling the situation differently
(1:31:16) um I won’t comment on if I agree with any of the ways that people are acting at this point Point um I I do think you know in the last week we’ve been trying to build a bridge and I know it’s difficult and it’s not going to be just clean and perfect but I think if we can all just refocus and try to not focus on the other things people have done that make you angry so here let me let me explain to y’all so that y’all don’t get a chance to see because unfortunately we’re meeting on a very bad
Chris: (1:32:00) circumstance okay but Seth can contest to this so Seth comes to Tennessee he gets his job in the security forms he wants to be law enforcement he has had a dream of being law enforcement since I have known him okay there was a chance for something that came up and I called him and said ‘l I think you should apply for this I think you’d be great at it which is the job he currently has okay now he goes to the he gets accepted he’s excited he calls me and says thank you man I really appre appreciate you
Chris: (1:32:36) helping me that I have been a supporter and a cheerleader for him this whole time okay but y’all don’t get to see that and Seth’s not going to tell you that during the middle of the training Seth decided one day he wants to call me tell me he doesn’t think he’s going to complete it but I told him I said look you’re going to sit there and you’re going to go back in there and you’re going to complete this training because your son thinks you hang the Moon and the Sun so you need to go in there and
(1:33:05) prove to your son that dreams and goals can be met I have been very very supportive of him trying to do these things I have told him on Sunday I supported him then I would support him now but I will not Stand By and Watch somebody be straight up disrespectful and accuse people and say things that have absolutely no bearing absolutely nothing okay well again I I just if I could just yeah I mean Chris I would love for us to refocus and talk about um the invest I mean not necessarily the investigation that we can’t talk about
(1:33:56) but um you know what you know has been done what you understand about Dog Tracks what you understand about the circumstances you know I mean we could go on and on all night and I know we have a lot of really big feelings that are valid um but I I would I think Heather would agree we would just really love to redirect this back to Sebastian because the anger doesn’t solve anything it’s not truly all anger it’s disappoint no I’m not saying that and I mean I’m not I’m not saying you’re wrong I’m just
(1:34:35) saying um at this point it’s just um it’s just not helping find Sebastian yeah and it’s like an energy vampire you know and we’re all tired and I mean I can’t imagine how tired you are I know how tired I am um so I would love to redirect back to what you know and what you think and then and then I have some questions that I hope you can answer that will help clear things up I’ll answer questions unless it’s something I have been told by law enforcement that I cannot answer I’ve said that from day
(1:35:15) one and I’m telling you now it has not changed so ask your questions did you pass the polygraph yes I sure did with flying colors and it was TBI that gave it to you yes TBI gave it to me along with another agency okay no that was kept quiet because it’s nobody we kept it all quiet uh well no I mean I I think it’s great that you that you’re telling us now right and you know Seth knew about it the day on that Tuesday when I took it past it they called and told him that I passed it and okay well would maybe he was told
(1:35:53) he couldn’t say anything no no he was told he could say something they told him so he would try to keep his rhetoric down that’s why they told him and I have the text message where they asked me if they could tell him and I said I have listened to y’all from the beginning I’m listening to you now so please do what you feel is best okay so you you pass the polygraph with flying colors let me ask you this people in chat are asking did you tear down any posters of Sebastian you or anyone you know that is a straight up no and I
(1:36:29) can’t believe people would think I would tear down flyers or posters of my missing stepson okay you know another thing which is kind of funny that you bring this up because some people and yes they are pertinent to the investigation have said that there’s a video floating around of me tearing these things down if you got it post it got it shut up and I mean I’ll say on record from myself I’ve never seen that because it doesn’t exist I’m sure it doesn’t and I want to say on record
(1:37:06) that in my conversation earlier with Chris and Katie Katie said she had one request of me and that was that when I do these interviews that I at some point in the interview remind people to hand out the Flyers and put them up everywhere please all we’re we’re begging I don’t know how to beg you even more I don’t know what it’s going to take for America the world whoever to understand we are begging you to hang posters talk to whomever spread the words keep your eyes open and when you find something don’t wait two weeks to
(1:37:40) make a report because let me tell you something that’s what’s been going on some of the leads that are coming in are two and three weeks old instead of when you see something you pick up the phone immediately and you call cops yeah don’t call don’t call your best friend and say hey I think I’ve seen this kid don’t call these investigators no offense Chloe and Heather you don’t call them first you don’t call Seth you don’t call anybody but law enforcement only and make your
(1:38:11) report immediately I will say um you know we’ve received tips that maybe haven’t been called into law law enforcement but we call them in um and we also received tips that have been called into law enforcement but the person that called the tip in didn’t get any feedback um when they were told they were going to be called back and so they were worried that maybe it didn’t get looked into enough so I don’t for the record right so for the record I think what folks need to understand because
(1:38:45) no y’all don’t know y’all don’t have all the information that Katie and I and some of the information that Seth has you don’t and I understand understand that and it’s and I’m sorry that we can’t give you every single thing under the sun I wish we truly could but unfortunately we can’t right but when you do make a report and you give them a name and a number you tell them the location you tell them a very detailed description and everything you don’t expect to get a call back from law enforcement period
(1:39:21) don’t because I’m sorry but they’re not going to they don’t have the time to stop and answer every single call back when they’re looking for missing children not just ours but there’s so many children out there that are missing right so I’m sorry that some of y’all feel that you deserve an answer but it’s not it’s and I’m sorry it’s just going to sound rude when I say this but you don’t deserve an answer you get the answer when we get the answer the family gets the answer on a missing boy
(1:40:00) not strangers they’re not calling y’all to tell you Chris this is this is what I have to tell when I talk to law enforcement and it’s difficult to accept and I still have trouble with it too this is the way it is I’m not saying it’s right I’m not saying it’s wrong but again when you ask the public for help people are going to start looking and they look at at the last place that Sebastian was known to be and then it just goes from there and I’m sorry it it shouldn’t but that’s how
(1:40:32) it does and we can clear a lot up tonight and I’m so GL let’s do this okay BW says Chris are you frustrated with law enforcement or do you feel like you’re getting adequate information from them I’m not upset with law enforcement I’m G tell you right now the agencies that are involved have thrown every asset that they have at this what people don’t understand this has actually probably been one of the largest uh searches for a missing child in Sun County History period and probably in
(1:41:03) the state with the number of assets do I think they’re doing everything they can you bet your sweet hell I am you can bet on it I don’t think I mean just short of making everybody in this United States go hand in hand start a one side of the country and sweep through hand inand that that’s probably about I mean I don’t know what else to tell you I mean I’m very happy with what they’ve done I know there are some other folks that don’t feel that way and I’m sorry because they are not in the
(1:41:33) no um but you do have to remember one thing they’re not going to expend every single asset every single minute of the day on one child of course you have to keep in mind how many children are missing and it has to be equally dissolved among everybody and I’m not going to lie to you it hurt it hurt the day that they came in on day eight and told us that they have to pull back I mean it ain’t nothing that there is more of a gut punch to take than being told that I mean it it I can imagine I can’t I mean that’s
(1:42:19) yeah cuz you’re not expecting them to say that you’re not expecting them to say yeah we’re going to pull back and and put less I do expect that but here’s the thing I’m also a realistic person I would love for them to expend every aspect and every asset of every single second of the day finding Sebastian that’s not realistic yeah it’s not understand I I want to read you a comment and and I I I like this comment from Britney Cole it says sometimes you have to block out the noise Chris the public will do what they
(1:42:52) do and that’s the truth a lot of us are just trying to offer help it’s it’s the it’s the bad ones that you remember and not all the much bigger crowd of good people who are not doing this and I mean I weeks ago um somebody asked me what I thought and and um I you know I had some information from court documents that could have been a lot of quote unquote tea for the internet to have um and I I refused to release it because I doc on on let me ask this on who me Seth Katie Katie okay um I refused to release it because number one
(1:43:43) I didn’t think it would help find Sebastian number two it was a deeply personal right thing um and also young yes okay so let me let me finish and and and and I referred to the Michael vaugh case where his parents got completely slaughtered yes they did by the public for a very long time and they didn’t do anything to that boy I do not believe now they have proof but they just got slaughtered and you people can say without a shadow of a doubt that they just know what somebody did and they don’t well if you
(1:44:33) know sh take it to the police and let’s solve this yeah tell all the Sherlock Holmes and Watsons out there since they have their phds and in criminal justice and forensics and all this since they’ve got it by all means we welcome you to the case we welcome you to come in here and show us and show these law enforcement officers that have so many years of experience that they don’t know anything we’d love for you to do it Chris this isn’t helping let’s I know it’s not helping but let get the public
(1:45:11) on your side let’s get let’s get people on your side and then we can all work together because I that’s just the thing this isn’t about sides this is not about sides exactly and that’s is Sebastian you know I’m team Sebastian you know I was brought in to do one thing same okay guys let me just but let me just say coming from the other side you want the Public’s help you need the Public’s help let’s not insult the public there are asses out there and believe me we fight against them all the
(1:45:50) time don’t we Stacy constantly these jerks out there that pull all this crap just to get clicks you know we don’t have advertising on this channel we don’t ask for money we do it because we want to help but it doesn’t help so so can I can I have you can I ask you a question on your show yes I’m G ask you the same question I ask everybody else when we went on their shows so I’m on your show and I’m sure it is blown up so the me more people that come on the more money this show makes no I make
(1:46:23) no money we don’t make money we’re not MTI not monary show no they don’t monetize we do not monetize we do not monetize it costs me money to do this yeah re the reason why I will go on yeah yeah it’s completely free and the website is as well well no ad so the reason why the reason why I’m asking that question okay is because if people are true to what they say in their heart especially those and they know who I’m talking about the Clickers yeah the shows that make this money y I would love for you to make a public
(1:46:58) announcement for every dollar you’ve made if you truly do this for your for the goodness of your heart every dollar that you have made you should donate it to the cause not to your personal gain right well yeah we don’t like I said we make zero money cost us money and I appreciate it and I respect that thank youall ladies for that I will give you that so but no I understand what you’re saying but again it’s just like with you know Nancy Grace or with news media they report the news unfortunately
(1:47:30) this is social media and I agree there’s people out there and I’m not going to even say their names but they know who they are they do this crap to get clickbait so they can make more money and it’s disgusting absolutely very much so very much so and and I want to add something to that like I told Chris earlier everybody that’s involved in this case is under a microscope I’ve been ripped to shreds um they’ve been ripped to shreds Seth has been ripped to sh I mean like the public gets a hold of
(1:47:57) somebody in the spotlight and they dig into them and they pull up any thing that they can about them and and some of it’s true and some of it’s not um it doesn’t help find Sebastian and that’s where we all need to get on the same page and regroup and just make the decision right here right now to ignore the rumors to clear up misinformation and just to get on track so that we can start trying to find Sebastian now right if we can keep parties involved in this investigation focused on that and staying off of
(1:48:35) YouTube and other aspects of social media and playing the game okay yes I’m sure we would all benefit greatly and this would completely change narratives and the direction and it would straighten focused completely on Sebastian well let’s do this this this call this this podcast or web salute podcast that we’re on right now we can make it packed right now that’s what we’re doing right here right but I need but here’s the other thing I I appreciate you willing to make that pack but you know exactly who I’m
(1:49:09) referring to that needs to be done publicly as well then well all we can do is what we can do here tonight so but but there’s a couple of questions and then there is somebody well there is somebody that wants to come on the panel and I don’t know if you want them on here but I’ll ask well let me ask you these questions first okay everybody wants to know what do you think happened to Sebastian what do you think happened I don’t know for the love of God I wished I had an answer I wished we had something to go off chis I asked Seth
(1:49:49) this a few weeks ago and so just um no thought in your gut spit it out doesn’t matter if it sounds completely off the wall what is your knee-jerk reaction to what happened Sebastian walked out of the house stepped off the porch and has vanished Into Thin Air that is what I think because that is what I know but what do you mean you know um I’ve been part of the investigation since day one okay and if anybody else out there that’s got some information in regards to where Sebastian has went because last time I checked there’s not
(1:50:36) one shred of evidence know he walked off the porch is what I’m asking I’m telling you unless he unless this kid has just in this thin air on my front porch he sure had to go somewhere so he had to walk off the front porch now if you’re trying to insinuate somebody was in my house or somebody’s taking a child outside of my house say that inating anything I’m saying I’m asking do you do you know that he walked out your front door do you know that he went out the front door or any door is that what you’re asking do
(1:51:15) you know yeah yeah that’s what we’re after okay thank you I just need a confirmation I don’t play games here so just to make this real crystal clear there’s a back door every door in the house when Katie got up that morning was locked okay since it’s already out there there’s a keypad on the front door you don’t need a key to unlock and lock my front door but you need a key to lock every other door and every other door locked folks so K did Katie do that did Katie make sure all the other
(1:52:01) doors were locked and could have Sebastian just walked out could he have walked out the front door every door was locked so what you’re saying is that the only possibility is the front door is that what you’re saying I am saying the most conceivable way possible that this makes sense is that he walked out the front door okay that that’s what I’m saying okay did he walk out without his shoes on is that what you believe my statement earlier is real simple Sebastian walked out of the house not wearing any
(1:52:37) shoes could he have been running and scared of something um don’t know he could it’s a young boy it’s dark outside God Only Knows okay now there is somebody that has been asking to come on and uh gray Hughes he would like to talk to you would you like you can bring that you can bring that man on board because I’ve talked to him I respect him and I will talk to him uh gray I just sent you the Facebook link so jump on up okay Gray I just sent it to your Facebook so he’ll be jumping on here shortly um Stacy can you keep an eye out
(1:53:17) because I can’t see because of my stupid computer hey in the meantime um I would like to since Chris is here and this has become very public um I would like to mention something that we spoke about earlier um they Chris and Katie did actually confirm that the clothes that he was wearing at Texas Roadhouse that night were accounted for and I believe they were um the articles of clothing that were used for the scent dog am I correct when I say that Chris yes those clothes are in the possession of law enforcement great and so do we know what
(1:53:51) Sebastian was wearing when he left from the house that night yes the description is still the same it hasn’t changed from 60 days ago however I will say this much some of the information that’s out on some of these posters and flyers we have actually request to have some of that changed but it hasn’t happened so I’ll walk you through what the description actually should be Sebastian was wearing long black pants think of the 197 style Adidas style pants you know how white stripes down the side that style of pants on he had a
(1:54:29) long sleeve shirt not a sweatshirt not a hoodie a long sleeve shirt on the front of that shirt is probably one of three depictions Halloween Star Wars or Minecraft okay Chris um I know I know that Sebastian didn’t have very many pairs of shoes cuz his feet were growing and Katie would toss him out pretty quickly um after we grew out of them but it it is there a reason we can’t confirm which shirt if it’s just one of three I didn’t say one of three I said one of three depictions on a shirt okay so that’s shirts
(1:55:13) right say again I’m sorry so I don’t know if we’re saying the same thing or something different but are you saying there’s three different possible shirts he was wearing like he had three different black long sleeve shirts one had Halloween on it one had Minecraft St no that’s not what I’m saying okay I said he had a long sleeve black shirt on and on that shirt had one of three depictions I didn’t say he had three I didn’t say anything I just said one okay can I I’m just confused by how
(1:55:49) um have you not been able to identify which of those those three depictions is missing um can I ask you a quick question yeah can you tell me every single shirt in your closet right now and everything that’s no but if I had to choose between if I between three of them I could you’re saying three of them but I’m telling you well you listed three things I’m just confused I listed what could possibly be on the shirt okay can I can I jump in and try to interpret a little bit here okay so um so are you saying that all three of
(1:56:32) those shirts are not accounted for or are you saying you don’t remember which depiction it was that was on that shirt does that make sense is that a little bit clearer said one more time you broke up oh okay I’m sorry okay so are you saying that um you don’t remember what the depiction was it was one of those three things or you saying there are three different shirts with those depictions and and all three of those shirts are unaccounted for I’m not saying he had three shirts with three different depictions on them
(1:57:05) that’s not what I said I’m telling you I don’t know what exactly was on the front of the shirt I’m telling you okay so Sebastian’s clothes mostly consist of if it has a picture on it one of the three things those are his three favorite things so what you’re saying is you know multiple Minecraft shirts multiple Star Wars shirts multiple Halloween shirts so it’s likely he had a shirt that had one of those things on but there’s not just three of those shirts I’m telling you that he had a
(1:57:39) long sleeve shirt on with one of the three depictions on it that’s it okay I’m not telling you any more shirts I’m not telling so you’re asking I’m just trying to understand I understand that but you’re asking me if he had three three different long sleeve shirts with three different pictures on it I understand what you’re explaining like so he had Sebastian had multiple shirts that had a Minecraft graphic on it Sebastian had multiple shirts that had Halloween Sebastian had multiple shirts that had
(1:58:07) Star Wars I guess maybe several of them were long sleeve and black so you can’t here let’s just let’s just make this very simple okay he had a long sleeve black shirt on with a picture on the front of it there you go and that and that obviously is what you got from Katie correct yes okay everybody um gray Hughes is here and people are saying why is gray here I will tell you gray I I consider gray someone that I like gray helped me in the beginning when I started this he was very kind to me I know it’s a shock but he was was very
(1:58:46) sweet I asked I he knows I’m kidding him and I asked Chris if is it okay if gray Hughes comes up and Chris said yes so gray I’m going to turn it over to you now please sir yeah I just want to say I’ve talked to Chris and um you know the way he’s sounding right now is exactly how I think I would sound or anybody else would sound giving the attacks being leveled um I’ve when I talked to him on the phone we talked on the phone we’ve messaged back and forth but you know we talked for got like an hour one
(1:59:20) time and literally went over detail by detail on where the the light video was taken you know the the flashlights you know exactly where that was film we went over where the dog scented and all and I kept sending him the map and he would show me the route and everything and it was like to me he seems like somebody who’s literally out there trying to figure something out I know my opinion isn’t like all the rest of the people out there uh I mean I’ve never seen anything like this it kind of reminds me
(1:59:52) of like the remember uh the Chloe was it was it Khloe yeah Khloe Smith in Australia the two parents that were sitting there and they just didn’t look quite right and everybody blamed them for the abduction out of of an a tent and it turns out it was literally somebody abducted the child out of the tent there’s just so many cases like this and I all I’m saying is when I’ve talked to Chris proudfoot I have felt I have never seen anything that he said in any of the interviews where I went wow wow this guy wow he must have something
(2:00:24) to do with it I actually look at him and think man I would feel the same way if from day one the entire Community hated me and I never got the same love that Seth got Seth absolutely admired by everybody like he was God or something let me let me explain why and I agree I think that’s exactly how you would sound uh um gray exact there’s no question but let me explain why okay again social media is here to stay we need to learn this when anybody comes on and they are aggressive and insulting it blows up
(2:01:03) like wildfire and you’re asking public for help but you are condemning the public because of a handful of jerks and that causes problems I haven’t for the record ma’am I have not in the past gone on to a show and been a jerk and ridiculed the public and said a bunch of hateful things and inappropriate things I have not done that so I’m sorry that folks are upset that day one Katie and I were not on TV or on YouTube expressing everything well you say that but as you said social media is here to stay so with that being in mind
(2:01:52) you’re one and there are millions out there that think otherwise I would never I would never expect you to come on but I think but I think the way he was just talking a minute ago to meet sounded normal given the fact that the 90% of the chat is just trashing him in no that’s not true that is not true we are kicking people out I can see it right now no I know you’re kicking him out but I keep seeing comment after comment after comment after comment that are really suspicious and like just CL chat I’m not even you
(2:02:24) had you had somebody in the chat that literally asked the question was Katie arrested at 19 for an incident like I’m sorry but once again this goes right back to none of that has anything to do with Sebastian okay yeah I’m not trying I’m not trying to create anything you’re not I’m just trying to say that I I absolutely understand how he’s feeling and I know out there they go oh look at he’s soothing he’s soothing Chris’s ego I I listen I’ve talked to him late night on a phone
(2:02:57) he’s just a normal dude trying to figure something out that’s how he sounds like now he’s on here with um I I have I’ve seen him on shows remember at the beginning him and his wife would go on shows and they were totally calm talking and they were normal but everybody dissected every single word that they said and everybody came up with a um a negative meaning for every single let me tell you one let me tell you what happened I can exp I I can explain let me tell you Chris when you went on and
(2:03:28) talked about hitting Sebastian with a belt and kind of you know just chuckling about it and how the uh social services or Child Protective Services came to your door and apologized to you that got people upset it got but right let’s let’s clear that real quick that needs to be cleared up because what was said and what people heard are two totally different things I heard you say him with a belt okay so let me finish because that’s the problem when I go to make the statement people want to interrupt and
(2:04:00) try to say well this and that no you wanted the answer I’m giving you the answer now when I answered that question I told people Sebastian got a spanking he got one lick on his butt outside of his clothes if somebody can tell me how that’s abuse to a child explain to me can you confirm when that happened I don’t that was years ago I got spanked by a belt and wooden spoon by my mom for years so but but let’s let’s not Sidetrack let’s not Sidetrack let’s stay on board okay so the question
(2:04:41) about the CPS thing that came up to play that everybody wants to tie to this belt is not what it was okay well I think it was confusing because when you initially talked about it you referred to him as an embarrassed 15-year-old so yes you did like it was years ago we thought it was like right recently well instead of asking clarification let’s clear up so as it stands Sebastian went to school one day he made a statement to a teacher the teacher reports it to CPS CPS comes to the house that case has nothing to do with Sebastian getting
(2:05:26) spanked that had everything to do with Sebastian didn’t like being in trouble so he thought by reporting it to a teacher they were going to come to the house and they’re going to take me out of the house and do this and do that that is what the CPS case was about and yes I laughed at it because when I explained to Sebastian very detailed what happens he thought it was a joke when the CPS lady shows up and looks at him and says Sebastian you can’t false report that will get people in trouble and you can get in
(2:06:05) trouble and then she explained to him what happen what did he say you did to him can I ask you what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China when it comes to The Disappearance of Sebastian because I’ll tell you why because you’re wondering why people are coming at you and it’s yes because because because he was in your home last that was the last place he was seeing yes so he was when we hear these things it’s like okay let’s just clear it up and and see what happen because I’ll
(2:06:40) tell you why because people I’m not saying me but I’ve seen people say hey he was hitting his child he uh he reported it to his teacher did something happen was there an explosive incident that happen no absolutely nothing of that nature and for people to not understand when you discipline a child there’s a difference in discipline and abuse there truly is a difference I but I think hitting anybody with a belt is abuse I’m sorry I do and a lot of people agree with me and that’s the problem so
(2:07:12) that’s the great thing that’s the great thing about having your opinion yes that’s an opinion that’s not a fact that’s opinion okay I think a belt is abuse but that’s my again if I was leaving if I was leaving bruises and marks on a child that’s abuse that would be considered abuse okay yeah I so by definition that’s weird that’s what I’m trying to get yall to understand you you can say your opinion and that is fine but you have to back it up and say what I’m stating is
(2:07:49) just an opinion there’s no fact to it when you don’t say that you leave it open to interpretation for a lot of people to take it and run with it that was a lot of the problems with this and and there will be people I can get people from CPS that will say hitting a child with a belt is an abuse but here’s the thing you’re right that doesn’t have anything to do necessarily with Sebastian and his disappearance but what it does is it creates a narrative in people’s minds that we need to clear
(2:08:21) up and change Chris we need to clear it up and change it okay so let’s do that let’s did okay if if if now you did go on Nancy Grace and say that CPS has never been called and and no no no no no no no no nope okay that’s what I heard what what what did you say she asked she asked the question about a situation and she asked me if I had ever had CPS called on me I believe is what it the question was I’m going to tell you right now I don’t exactly know what the question was without hearing it again so
(2:09:02) I’m not going to answer you with something without having it in front of you okay that’s fair that’s very fair very fair and so let’s move on okay so nothing came of that from you hitting him with a belt has there ever been any and people are going to ask has there ever been any violence in your home as far as Sebastian is concerned no okay now you ask gray ask why is Seth being treated so different because because of how Chris came on and became so angry and and did what you did tonight Chris
(2:09:42) you’ve done this before and I think that’s why and Seth didn’t and I think that’s the difference right because I don’t feed out of people’s hands I don’t feed into to what people think I don’t and once again that’s the difference but how about just say thank you to the people that want to help you okay well that’s simple there’s a difference in me saying thank you to everyone which if you go back and listen to every single interview I have done I have told everybody thank you
(2:10:14) thank you thank you for everything that you have done there’s not enough thank you in this world I can’t we can’t begin to to describe how much we appreciate it I have said this mhm go back to one video and show me where I have it I’ve also said that our family prays for everybody else and we love you all regardless of what you think but you know what once again yeah I think when his first interview you got to admit his first few interviews were really come the one on uh uh can’t remember the names of their
(2:10:49) channels but like you know he was on multiple channels calmly talking both of them were and yet the public was already angry with him before he became angry on a show because he see that was definitely later you got to admit like his first three or four both of them and I can tell you why because of he said he hit Sebastian with a belt that made people interview which interview was that it was the very first one I heard with I can’t remember Smiley stories I pull up a transcript at some point um it was on the smiley story yes that one
(2:11:24) okay yeah me here’s the thing there is a perception see look it there you up I’m just gonna I just want to say this when I was growing up my mom spanked me with a belt wooden spoon everything and she’s the greatest Mom uh I’ve ever I mean like just awesome there was no I didn’t ever feel like it was abuse things have changed though over time like nowadays it’s considered abuse and maybe that sort of is affecting how our society has changed quite a bit but yes but the thing is is it used to be
(2:11:55) totally normal and it is still sort of normal in some families as long you know if you’re not sitting there just wailing away for hour you know like creating the bruises like Chris was saying it’s just sort of um I mean I think it’s sort of normal for a lot of people in society it might not be for some people but I think uh I don’t know I think if you took a poll and people were off you know not in this particular chat right here you would it wouldn’t be as high as you might think it’s not going to be 99% of
(2:12:24) the people it be like 5050 on whether or not I think that’s a little bit anecdotal um if but once again talk about could we talk about um the thud that Katie heard yes that’s a good one let’s talk about the thud and I apologize I had your name spelled wrong everybody that knows me Chris knows I’m the worst speller in the world and I thought ioud about sping so I apologize best speller either so so I do apologize for that sir I put proud food one time when I wrote oh I’ve been called Bradford broud food Brown foot all kinds
(2:13:02) of so Sor I thought I putot let’s talk about the thud let’s I want to know about that Chris please tell us okay what do you want to know well tell tell us the whole story what what did Katie tell you about the thud what’s what is the story behind behind that if Katie’s there maybe she could tell us does she want to come on no okay that’s fine right okay that’s absolutely fine because it’s like this people it’s it’s enough as it is I’m not putting her through this and I’m sure that right there is
(2:13:39) going to cause a big stir and say well I’m controlling no I’m not controlling I’m a husband who protects his wife well you will only get polite questions here let’s let’s go back to the Sebastian deal okay okay Katie reported she heard a thud that’s it but I’ve seen i’ SE I’ve seen different reports of she heard a thud she said I don’t know what you’re doing in there but you need to go to bed um I’ve seen other reports that Sebastian responded back to her um if he did respond back to
(2:14:17) her do you know what he said yeah he replied yes ma’am okay I me no I mean I’m just we’re clearing things up right that’s all this is let’s just let’s just clear it up you know there was a noise Katie heard it she responded Sebastian answered okay and see people out there they want to help and it it feels like that you just are like that that pissed you off that we even asked that you know no what pisses me off is when the statement is out there there was a thud she asked him what you know he responded back and
(2:15:03) moving on and around what time was that I’m not going to give you details as far as I mean Katie gave details but I want to I just well guess what that is Katie I’m not giving you those kind of details no she gave details publicly that is fine okay Katie can give you that I am not giving you that information I will tell you this it was between time we were on the phone to the time we got off the phone that’s what I’ll give you that’s it has this has Sebastian ever left the house Barefoot that you know
(2:15:40) of has Sebastian gone outside of the house barefooted yes before has he ran off no okay I’m not sure if that’s how you were asking it but no I’m glad answer it that that’s perfect no that’s great that’s and again I swear to you Chris we not trying to be hostile in fact I’ve spoken on this this live channel before and said if Chris ever came here we would treat him with total respect and honesty and and I really am trying to help because I want that I want people to get behind you and Katie
(2:16:14) Chris because I want people to help find Sebastian and it’s just such a bizarre thing I mean a a bizarre case yes it very much so is and and so Sebastian leaves but he’s not on anybody’s camera is that what the police have have said or are you allowed to say I’m not I can’t go into details on that but here’s what I will tell you that’s public uh our subdivision is very dark um it there’s no street lights in the subdivision whatsoever if you go go online Google It Whatever uh you’ll see
(2:16:54) that there’s absolutely no street lights in the subdivision none right if um is there a possibility that some cameras may not pick up somebody walking in front of them because how dark it is yes okay that would be the only thing that would make sense really right he even told me I remember when he told told me that like even some detectives didn’t show up on the cameras correct yeah you go that makes perfect sense then because that’s been driving everybody crazy but if it’s so dark and I know and it’s hard for it it trust me
(2:17:38) for everyone out there that you know cameras will pick up and all this no I promise you not all cameras have the best quality as you know I mean the stuff that you see on TV and you know you you you see a demo of a of a camera in a store it’s different when you put it on a house and different elements so you know okay so it was so dark that it is logical to conclude that the cameras that Sebastian would have gone by would have walked by did not pick him up and that’s something that is logical that we can that people can accept
(2:18:20) absolutely uh I think this is a good question did Sebastian ever have nightmares could he have had one that scared him so badly that he took off has he ever had bad nightmares um he’s had sleeping issues I mean like he doesn’t really sleep a lot that’s why he’s been um you know but that’s been his whole life that’s not just been like a segment I’m pretty sure I believe said has even mentioned this before as well um you know I mean the only like I’ve seen a couple times where he slept really well
(2:18:59) but I mean that’s when after a hard day of playing um if he’s helped with outside work but for the most part he’s had issues sleeping that that’s a that’s a big help in understanding this has he ever done anything like hit under a neighbor’s car or or anything like that well I’m going to say we have never seen anything like that there’s been somebody that has said something to that effect but I’m not going to sit here and say for a fact yes he has okay like I said we don’t I don’t have an answer for
(2:19:37) that I got a question I got one for do you think it’s possible that he could have left in the evenings on other nights like at one in the morning and came back through the front door and nobody would have known like on other like let’s say a dry run for example like you got up in the middle of the night at 1 went out the front door and then came back in and nobody would have known right CU you don’t have a camera not not that I’m aware of uh not that Katie is aware of I mean I I I will say this and this is for the record I’m
(2:20:08) not going to tell you what he does and doesn’t do at his father’s house those are two separate households okay you know Sebastian is one way at our house he’s a different way at his father’s house okay that is something that we’ve all had mut respect on all the parents together can you can you answer was he planning to go live with Seth yes okay and was he excited about it um no okay uh at one point he was but no do you know why he changed why he wasn’t excited yes because he was informed that
(2:20:52) he will be doing online schooling Vice uh inperson school okay was there a reason for that uh that’s personal matters in my family that will not be discussed with understood and I and I respect that thank you um he was on medication did he get his medication changed recently uh when you say recently can you define recently well I mean like I don’t know maybe within the last few months I’m trying to think of something that maybe would have changed his behavior for some reason um it’s really hard to say yes or no to
(2:21:34) that just because he goes and sees his doctors and then in there they will talk about his medication and things if they want to change or if it needs to change right but I mean as far as I know I’m not I’m I didn’t see any difference but and is it and again this is just something that people want to know is it common for you and Katie to talk as long as you did that night sure okay um Seth is here I’ve asked him to join us insightful one if Seth jumps on can you please put him on the screen because I I can’t because of my computer
(2:22:21) I got it thank you have you guys seen the the dog scent track that um because he you actually showed it to me right remember on the map Chris I don’t know if you’re interested in it was kind of an interesting route up um are you referring to the like day one through four dog tracks because some of those are had like a dog sent outside the front door and sort of around by where the fixed light was on the flashlight and then North and then around to like a retention Pond something like that just short of it uh Stacy I believe
(2:23:02) Seth is here yeah I got Seth I am so glad that you are here my dear thank you very much Seth what would you like to say now I got a few questions to ask R is okay can you hear me you can yes you can you hey Chris so why you texted me the other day about something I’d already sent Katie an email say it all right say it one more time all I heard was something about an email sent why did you text me about an email I sent on Monday to Katie because I didn’t see the information in in what you’re referring
(2:23:44) to as Tony mattis’s phone number I didn’t see it so that’s why I asked for it I mean come on Chris if we’re going to work together more than a week communication between the people that I’m sending stuff to you and Katie okay so hear me out I told you I told you okay okay okay okay I told you we will work together all right I explained to you I’m willing to work with you you asked me some questions in regard to this dog handler you asked me questions in regards to going on a social media platform you’ve
(2:24:23) asked me questions about hiring a PR person that will speak for all of us and keep everybody off of these platform it’s what you asked now if you think I’m not going to do my homework and dig into people and find out who they are first you’re crazy because I would expect you to do the exact same thing if I gave you a name I I don’t know what’s going on but did that solve it I hope SE Seth gone it looked like I think SE wait is this Seth did Seth jump off let’s see we’ve got me Stacy how about I’ll get off the panel
(2:25:15) I’m sure that’ll make a lot of people in the chat happy but I just want stop it I just wanted to say that you know I I I understand what I’ve seen what I’ve seen from the beginning is that there was sides chosen now I know that you’re said because of this and because of that but it was it was Seth good proud foot’s bad and everybody has been in that those camps and they never really got a chance to breathe and that’s probably why Katie went to be with him because she probably was scared to stay at home by herself
(2:25:41) given these lunatics like jlr Etc running around chanting and screaming it’s I agree it’s horrible that’s what I think yeah yeah so should not be that way that’s just kind of where I’m coming from I appreciate communicating with him we’ve had nothing but good conversations and that’s it I mean that’s all I that’s all I can do and I I’ve never seen anything that made me go God oh that’s you know it’s weird I mean I don’t know I’ve watched the same things you guys have
(2:26:08) but anyways yeah see you later guys out there okay see you take care see uh does anybody know where Seth went went um I’m working on it okay thanks I do I do know I think up in his area he doesn’t have like the greatest signal because a lot of times when we talk his youone he will drop do you want to ask him if he wants to call me rather than go on the internet just call me on the phone and I can put him on and to be a really really strong uh signal I mean it’ll sound really good well I that’s I don’t I think it’s
(2:26:44) just like his Sal signal up there is not the greatest oh it’s a sale okay but if he wants it If he if he’s on his cell phone let me Heather if you want to give him uh my number and Chloe has it feel free and he can if it’s better for him to call me rather than to jump onine I’m texting him okay we can do that so hey guys I don’t want to talk about other creators in chat so let’s not do that okay yeah so agree yeah let’s let’s just I mean I don’t want to give them any any right so
(2:27:21) let let’s get to our next question okay next question um let me take a look at my notes here because I just wrote some things down um have you had and I may have asked this and I forgot Chris my my mind is is sometimes mush um have you had search dogs inside the house and outside yes and what did they did the dogs hit outside so as you know if anybody has followed Mr Gray’s what he was talking about the dog and the trail and the scent and the overlay on the picture so they’re anywhere from 13 to 18 different dogs
(2:28:06) have been involved in this search now on day one there was five dogs five there’s an audio dispatch tape that’s been released I don’t know who released it whatever I don’t have it but you’d have to dig it and find find it in that v in that audio tape you actually hear that the deputy sheriff does state that the dog hints toward a scent and takes over off to the retention Pond and the construction site next door okay now other dogs did the exact same thing now am I going to say every single dog no
(2:28:47) but I do know of at least three dogs that went on the same scent Trail same path the rest of the dogs I’m not going to tell you that they are 100% honest and perfect and accurate because honestly dogs are only probably 25% reliable when it comes to a scent okay um now eight days I’ve had dogs in my house the first eight days in my house outside my house around my house around the neighborhood so yeah so they’ve been there and yeah so they did you’re saying they did hit and they all went to that pond no I didn’t
(2:29:30) say all that I just told you I’ve had 13 to 18 dogs in my house and around my house I told you three different dogs hit on the same path that go to that retention P right I’m going say to every other dog not every dog but some dogs hit okay right so but I want this to be Crystal clear okay so when people say every dog that is not the case three dogs went on the same path okay that is all that we have on that the rest of these dogs go in different directions but it’s all unreliable understood uh we do have a
(2:30:10) question from Michelle Chris was Ellie able to go in and search the cave they said had collapsed about 10 feet in I haven’t heard this um Okay so Ken W uh Widner is the EMA director for suer County uh they called in all kinds of stuff got layouts with every like where these caves were um I don’t believe and I’m not telling you by the gospel I don’t believe they were able to get into certain caves because they were not safe to enter uh the one that she is referring to that collapsed um honestly I we know that the one
(2:30:54) collapsed but we don’t believe they had anything to it got it got it okay uh let’s see here let me get my notes I was taking notes while we while we were talking uh let’s see here hold on hold on so people have been asking and this may I don’t mean to sound insulting but people are asking are are you searching are you putting up Flyers that’s what they’re asking we are okay yes and here’s why they’re asking that question no you’re not going to find pictures of us out there doing this
(2:31:32) because it’s real simple we all three parents initially were told in the beginning not to go out and search that we needed to be available to talk to law enforcement right yeah Seth has been out there searching and doing his thing he’s had a bunch of people following him whether or not he chose that or these these people decided to do it on their own accord that’s not for me to say but we Katie and I are not going to have some big massive search party following us around with a bunch of people that
(2:32:10) were already threatened death threats by the way to us you know I I’m not doing that if you were in my shoes you’d do the same thing you listen to law enforcement you do what they tell you to do yes we’re out there putting up signs yes we’re out there putting up Flyers yes we are surging Chris I’m sorry did you just say you guys are getting death threats yes we’ve been getting death threats and they have been reported to the TBI everything gets boarded screenshot and sent straight to them wow okay
(2:32:52) okay everyone I have Seth on my phone on my JVL speaker uh Seth I want to give you a chance to talk uninterrupted so please go ahead all right uh mainly Chris the communication needs to be a little bit more prompt um uh if I send you an email on Monday and Tuesday I I’m not I’m not willing to wait a week to get a response back I mean that’s unacceptable when we’re trying to find some B somebody I understand what you’re saying I’ll respect that but when it comes to you asking people to come into my house
(2:33:47) on my property who I don’t know Adam from Eve and I really don’t care what certification who can vouch for these people I don’t care I’m going to do exactly what I have always been doing you send that to me okay we’re going to review it and then we’re going to send it to law let law enforcement go that route and then when law enforcement comes to be on your property hold on Chris hold on one second hold on Seth what did you say said the person to be our spokesman to speak for all three of us doesn’t
(2:34:25) need to be on your property okay very correct to him I have spoken to him when and I’m going to make this public I am back working and I have work hours I also have to sleep and unfortunately I’m on the opposite schedule of you so respect that I will do what I can as I can when I can I’m sorry Seth go ahead when did you speak with him Chris what does that got to do with finding Sebastian if he’s going to be our spokesperson I was just asking when you spoke with him I haven’t come up with an answer yet
(2:35:20) we’ve spoke with him we told him we’ll get back with him after we’ve done some consideration and talk with law enforcement we’ll get back to him and we’ll let him know our our decision so um I know you’re on board with that I do I mean I know you’re a th% on board with Mr matys I got that I’m not taking that away from you so Chris um I understand understand like every marriage is different in um husband wife aspect um you you seem very protective of Katie and um her having conversations
(2:36:00) with or without you um but like I said before you came on I do believe that Katie is the one who and I’m not saying it’s because she knows what happened to Sebastian but she was the last person that was with him and so she does hold the most information at least up until the point that he went missing what information do you think she holds well I’m going to get to that well then do me a favor let’s just get to it okay um don’t pour gravy on the mashed potatoes just serve the stuff up Chris I’m I’m
(2:36:32) really trying to be respectful and this is a very I am too so please just get to it okay so we would really love to hear from Katie about his body language that day um you know we’ve heard from others who are are you know not necessarily good sources is about his body language at the bowling alley and his body Lang here and there and so we’re just really trying to pick up on Sebastian’s mood because it could help us understand what led to him walking away off the front porch out the front door well that is something that if she
(2:37:13) decides to answer that’s on her but what I know is even on video Sebastian was having a great Dave was in a great mood he got to go to BJs he had a colossal popcorn he hung out with family he went and played video games at at uh strik and spare after that he went and had dinner at Roadhouse Texas Roadhouse he ate his whole meal I mean it I mean everything in the video even the videos that Seth has seen he doesn’t show any negative signs of he’s upset or anything like that as far as we all know SE sebas had a great
(2:37:57) day no I mean it sounds like a really great day I mean they did a lot um I was just curious and um like I said I mean every relationship is different and you’re protective of Katie and who she communicates without you um think that has been Ault um but right hold on a second but for the record Katie can speak when she so chooses and she’s done interviews without me no I’m not talking about interviews but she spoke without me okay I want to clear up something that Chris said about Sebastian going to live
(2:38:46) with Seth and and Chris you may ask what does this have to do with with Sebastian missing it’s all part of the narrative it could mean he ran away and that is Chris did you not say that he was not looking forward to going to live with his father Yes I did state that Seth did you know this nope Chris do you want to elaborate I’ll tell you yes ma’am I will glad I GL to elaborate become a question hold on Chris hold on I’m sorry Seth start over start over and then Chris it’ll will go to you Seth go ahead I know why I was
(2:39:29) put him in online school he needed he needed his therapy that actually have been started with ABA so on and so forth before I put him back into the situation because he’s not ready for certain things okay so he was I’m not going to set my son up for failure I want my son to succeed he was going to homeschool until he was ready to go back to regular school is that what you’re saying correct and it’s not really home school I mean it’s is it online school okay online right online school that’s a
(2:40:11) better term I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said home school right online SCH totally different really quick Chris um the day that they had on Sunday with the spaghetti pancakes and bragging to family and BJs and Texas Roadhouse and bowling and all of these like sounds like The Best Day Ever Was that like a normal weekend for them or was like I just I don’t know was that like their normal weekend right well do me a favor let’s let’s pause that question because you just diverted away from what she
(2:40:43) asked and let’s clear this out okay okay go ahead we want the facts Let’s Get the facts straight okay so yes I did tell you Sebastian was not excited about going to his father’s house because online school online school SE was aware of this because Seth stood in my house with me Katie and Sebastian in my kitchen and had this conversation where Seth asked his son about you don’t want to go to online school and Sebastian’s report was no I don’t but okay I don’t really care about playing Tit for Tat I understand that
(2:41:18) this may be a reason why wanted to run away so to speak if that’s the case right but we’re not going into this we’re not GNA play this Tit for Tat on social media we’re not doing this okay uh Seth go ahead Chris I’m boun you had already talked to Sebastian he knew this wouldn’t be a permanent thing and me and him had already spoke well that’s the that right there’s a conversation you should have had with Katie and myself about what your plans were I’m sorry do want say that one more
(2:41:58) time I’m sorry what Seth was saying is that if I had known the conversation that him and Sebastian had that I would know the whole thing but the downside is is that’s where Seth should had that same conversation with me and Katie and that didn’t happen but this goes right back to here’s the thing if you’re saying that because he didn’t want to go live with his Dad he potentially ran away is that a possibility sure we’ll put that out there okay but quite honestly what goes on between Seth me his mom in our
(2:42:38) households is none of the Public’s business if it had something to do with his disappearance I would understand that but it doesn’t well we don’t know that well I understand that that’s why we’re making this clear and that’s why I asked about his day because let go back to day okay go ahead know okay so Chris you don’t know me very well um I have two decades of experience working with autistic children um and and different capacities so I I do understand they are all different um I do understand that that
(2:43:13) day may have been very overstimulating for him so that’s why I was asking if that was a normal day for him and if it wasn’t that I mean that just gives me more information that maybe he was very overstimulated that day Chris say all right so one more time I’m so sorry I was I was just saying um in my experience with autistic children obviously they’re all different um but if this was not a normal day for Sebastian on Sunday when he went and did all of these things and it sounds like he was gone from home for a while um if
(2:43:54) this wasn’t a normal day for him would this have been an over stimulating day for him is this something normal does he normally go to BJ’s and bowling and all of these things on a weekend or was this kind of like a special thing and if it was a special thing what was what caused it to be special was there an occasion uh if it was a special thing a mother and a son bonding and just having a good time I’m not I’m not being ugly at all I’m not I’m not I’m just I’m making is this a normal day for them on
(2:44:26) a weekend very for them to do our days our days fluctuate Monday through Friday we’re a working family just like everybody else out there and when the weekend comes that’s when you get a lot of stuff done you go a lot of places you do a lot of things and a lot of times that’s where you know you go and spend time with your kids and do extra things Sebastian’s not in sports like most kids so we don’t spend ball time at uh at the Ballpark you know when Seth has Sebastian on the weekends he goes and
(2:44:58) does fishing and things like that with Sebastian just as well I mean Seth works long hours I work long hours and I’m not saying any of that as suspicious at all Chris I’m just asking if that was normal because if it wasn’t normal and he was overstimulated that could be a reason for him to have ran out of the house no he was not over stimula okay so that wasn’t one of the possible reasons for him to leave here’s here’s what I’ll say everything is on the table nothing has been taken off the
(2:45:37) table period that’s the same statement law enforcement has made that’s the same statement I’m going to tell you every single day in and day out gave my son to your mother brought it I’m sorry I shouldn’t say that say it one more time do you not want to say that well we can move on so no no no I want to hear it there’s a rumor out there Chris that you’re Mo and you’re how it’s been brought up to me Seth you know darn good well you got a question about I’m just asking you pick up the pH somewhere a boot camp or
(2:46:32) anything like that and K just thought I wouldn’t accepted I don’t think I don’t think being accusatory I think he’s just trying to clear up a bunch of BS that’s been online right and I’m trying and I’m I’m telling you if he’s had this suspicion he’s got my mother’s phone number he can pick up the phone and call her she is not afraid to answer any question you I don’t want to talk to your mom I want to talk to you and I want to talk to dating well it’s real
(2:46:59) simple SE to put it to the rest you have seen the video footage of Seth on Sunday don’t tell me you hadn’t I know you have you sat in the in the room with all the agents no they didn’t show me the video footage buddy so you didn’t see you you weren’t sitting in a room wait a minute law enforcement the district attorney when they showed you a video when you wanted Proof of Life saying that you hadn’t seen proof since Friday when you’ve been at my house the first three damn days bu Chris let Chris
(2:47:32) let Seth speak go ahead Seth Chris they showed me video Pro of him coming out of Texas Roadhouse on Sunday on it Sunday Sunday night you damn right just Chris Seth I got a problem with you sitting here making these accusations because if you got a problem with them guess what let’s watch it I think we’re just trying to talk things out and I don’t even know if this should be public honestly same okay here’s all the public knowledge you need on this deal law enforcement has talked to my parents my whole
(2:48:14) family once again the statement is true what law enforcement says just because you hear a rumor doesn’t make it true think he said it was true I think he’s just trying to clarify he said that’s not clarifying no stop no stop sitting here trying to defend his actions stop okay the fact is Chris is I’m trying to squash the rumor we’re both here squashing the rumor Seth there is no rumor you know my parents were not with Katie on Sunday all I’m doing Chris no you’re causing a problem because you know damn good and well
(2:48:57) where my parents were at their house on Sunday night they weren’t near Katie they weren’t near Sebastian and if you got a problem all you got to do is pick up the phone and call her be an adult be a responsible adult and just call her Chris can you hear me Chris oh I can hear you because all I’m hearing is anger and attitude from you what I’m trying you should Seth you should because what you’re doing is [ __ ] and you know it okay stop people are talking over each other enough Seth go and then Chris go
(2:49:33) please Seth and then Chris thank you Chris a unified brunt squashes rumors together that’s all I am stating okay Chris this is a rumor floating around and I would like us us to squash it yeah I think that is a great rumor to try to squash that one’s on Facebook and the rumor is actually that um about uh your mom her car being parked at like Wars and him getting okay so here’s here’s the answer the final answer to this not just an online rumor because people have driven up to me and personally spoken
(2:50:15) about this okay ladies and gentlemen can I make the statement I wish this is very simple this conversation has nothing to do on social media you want to have this conversation Seth you call me you get heather you get Chloe on the phone hell I’ll do you one better and I will get Bobby and Carter on the phone and we’ll all sit down and have this little [ __ ] powwow We’re not gonna have a powwow like that but I would well then guess what the situation and I would love for it to be private because I believe a lot
(2:50:47) of what is happening right now should not be public so explain to me why you don’t want Bobby and Carter involved I I didn’t say I didn’t want Bobby and Carter involved I said I was referring to your tone which is very angry oh I’m very pissed I I know that um I think we just all need to take a breath because no one is accusing anyone of anything we are trying to dispel dispelling these things will take some of the BS off of you w that was uncalled for I I and Chris I I mean I do understand your
(2:51:28) anger but I know these ladies I don’t know Seth I just know what I’ve seen but these ladies are not full of [ __ ] I didn’t say they’re full of [ __ ] I was referring to Seth being full of [ __ ] with his comment well that doesn’t help matters no it doesn’t so when you brought him on the show and he wants to start this [ __ ] that isn’t going to answer questions it’s going to spiral into the [ __ ] that’s in so we can set this [ __ ] aside and answer the questions that you
(2:51:59) got okay I would like to move on very quickly but I will say the public opinion is not going to improve unless we can take a deep breath that’s exactly right and I know you are frustrated you have no idea what I not saying I know how frustrated you are but I know you are frustrated and I am not saying that’s not valid but this is not helping if it’s not helping then you shouldn’t be talking about it on social media but as a pi you should have said you know what we’re not going to answer that question we’re going to do that
(2:52:42) privately that’s where that should I did say that actually several times and listen to that recording later so let’s move on to the next question I just got to say one thing you want the Public’s help you want them to be behind both of you and we need them to find Sebastian exactly and I that’s a it’s a very good chance that somebody in the public that’s my biggest frustration is that I we all collectively have to deal with all of this instead of focusing on Sebastian all right and it’s
(2:53:26) it’s a disadvantage to Sebastian um really it’s sad because we’re not any closer to finding him as long as we’re all arguing like those yeah uh and mods and chat uh you’re removing these comments I hope because I’ve been removing some too we’ve got extra people extra mods in chat uh anything rude that said they’re they’re banned they’re gone okay so we’ll get them out there as quickly as possible and let me go through chat really quickly here to get some uh some more questions here you’ve
(2:53:59) been on here for many hours and I so appreciate this I really really do so can you Chris hear me yes you can can can can you well you can’t put sit in the back room so me talk real quick I I wish I could I wish I had that but I don’t I can take you both off and you can call him do you want to let’s finish let’s finish this first and we’ll do that after the fact let’s get these questions out of the way listen you may not like my opinion but when we got rumors out there if you and I squash these
(2:54:42) rumors then they stop being rumors and everybody just looks at the people who are spreading them like they of a ship I was not trying to upset you I’m trying to squash these stupid rumors that are literally filling up my privatized email address their inbox with crap which is crap it’s not helping find Sebastian so if it get squashed then people will stop not everybody Lord knows there’s still going to be stupid people out out there but it will stop it will I mean literally it will stop my report is find sebas Chris and there are rumors
(2:55:37) out there that we have to put an into you may not like them but we have to put them into him publicly because right here we get in rumors so people know when I told them to [ __ ] off that they didn’t like it they they know that I meant [ __ ] off because they don’t like me so stop right there Seth stop let me help you with something real quick you want rumors to die you want to stop with all the stuff that’s coming up in flooding these P’s inbox how many terabytes do you want of videos where you have gone out there and
(2:56:20) you’ve said some very harsh things that should never have come out you never should have and now don’t take this the wrong way that is a conversation for later swing mud let me finish things that I put out there once again you can’t talk to a [ __ ] log okay what okay let me finish Chris that’s not productive it’s not so let me finish you are playing one-sided here here no we’re not I don’t think that’s fair so then tell Seth when I’m talking let me finish okay Seth let him finish
(2:56:58) yes Seth please let him finish there are conversations you’ve had that should have never been out in the public like and you know it and because you did that it started a lot of rumors own it accept it and move on from it I told you on Sunday I supported you I would be there for you no matter what how ugly this got but I’m not going to stand by and watch you disrespect me my family my wife or anybody for that matter a lot of rumors got started because you went on social media and you opened your mouth and said some things
(2:57:36) you shouldn’t have said accept it I’ll show you the videos you don’t hear now and hi sight that is a conversation you and I need to have offline away from everybody else in our own private conversation you and I we sit down and we can talk literally least you had people watch us doing it Sunday at that visual well they were snapping pictures because they were trying to get some juicy information Trish we move on to the question yes please yeah let’s there’s a question here in chat and I’ve heard
(2:58:22) this and Chris this is a good one I’d like to clear up is it true that Chris told Seth you will find your son at church no okay no that’s what he stated was if I went to church maybe I’d find my son so in other words if you went and went to church and talk to the Lord that is that what you were saying yes that is the what the whole conversation in reference was I you go to a church and you’ll find I’m sorry Chris finish I’m sorry it’s no I’m just I’m talking because why I understand I see where people got that
(2:59:05) right but that is a conversation that Seth and I had privately you know I’m sorry but we’re not going to sit here and drag certain things into this has nothing to do with it I told Seth you know basically we should all go to church we should pray that’s exactly what it was in referen to understood Seth I’m go ahead it’s your turn now there’s better way toet it Chris okay and that’s semantics that I don’t go to church Seth I didn’t say anything about you not going to church or going to
(2:59:39) church can we go to the next question no it’s not can we move to the next question all right thankk you okay uh how about this because you guys have been on here for almost three hours and I really appreciate it and I do think Chris and Seth need to talk off air um let’s talk about what we do know we do know and this is how we started out the live stream we do know that Sebastian uh was last seen publicly at Texas Roadhouse on Sunday we know he was seen on camera uh taking out the garbage at some point we
(3:00:16) we know that there is a possibility that the cameras did not pick up Seth leaving the house because it was so dark Sebastian actually Sebastian not I’m Sor what I say I’m sorry I’m SE I’m sorry you’re not missing Seth you’re right here Sebastian Sebastian I’d like to be missing I understand I hear you um Sebastian was not seen a possibility that Sebastian was not seen leaving the house because it was too dark okay there were certain scent dogs that hit on Bastian there were three of them that
(3:00:50) went down to the retaining pond according to Khloe that retaining pond has been searched it was actually been drained and it has been walked and searched okay so that’s that’s good I think that’s what we know about that night and the you know hours before he went missing I think that’s all we know for certain now I want to ask all of you what is the next step Chloe and Heather I’ll go to you two first and then I’ll go to the two uh the two gentlemen I’m sorry my dog was barking what did you say that’s okay I said what
(3:01:33) is the next step what is the next step for you what is the next step for the public what would you like us to do what do you think you guys are going to do well for us right now we are really focused on getting cute in um Chloe and I are working on a report and some maps to try to give them an idea of areas that need to be searched or researched um and I think I think really um the next big step is getting us all on the same page and working together and even though this is a mess right now I think this is a huge step in that
(3:02:13) direction um and I’m hoping that uh you know as I said Chris called me earlier and um just right before the show started and I messaged Chloe and was kind of talking to her about what you guys were going to talk about because I wanted to some of the things that he cleared up with me I wanted to make sure she was aware of but you know reaching out to me and then reaching out to you guys on the podcast tonight I think it’s a huge step in the right direction he’s angry but once we past that I think maybe we can
(3:02:45) all work together and start putting our heads together on on where we need to look for Sebastian thank you very good uh Chris what would you like to see us do what what do you think at this point keep spreading the Flyers keep keeping his name out there and of good graces not of in a negative light um the words if you know something say something don’t wait two weeks don’t wait three weeks I told her the same thing there’s so many tips that come in Weeks Later instead of the moment that they come in when you get these tips you
(3:03:27) call 911 you call TBI you don’t call these pis you don’t call Seth you don’t call us you just call the law enforcement agency keep spreading the Flyers spreading the word Prayers Trust Me keep the prayer Warriers out there we need them I agree and I think um you know because of all of the noise um people uh are have not been reminded to continuously search their properties um and like I said before everybody else came on here um there’s a lot of really large properties in the area and the terrain is treacherous in a
(3:04:11) lot of areas um and things get missed so I think it’s important to like Center it back to the local level first of all because this has become National and nationally people are giving their opinions um we need the community to come back together and search their acres and Acres of property um because I believe he could be very close to [Music] home there you I will say this much that everything she said is exactly the same thing law enforcement’s been pushing um if you’re not comfortable searching call law enforcement they I’m
(3:04:58) sure can work in getting a team out there to search the property you know please everybody to search in do not I can’t stress this enough please do not just walk on private property without having prior permission please H by the way there’s comments in chat and we’re removing them Chris has been searching okay he has been searching just because you don’t see him searching because you personally don’t see him doesn’t mean he’s not searching so that needs to stop okay that needs to
(3:05:31) stop right now um and Seth what what do you feel the final word should be I need people to keep the faith need people to keep faith that we will find Seb AC um I don’t know I don’t know what people’s mindset are right now but it doesn’t need to be about me it doesn’t need to be about Chris it needs to be about Sebastian Sebastian is the goal Sebastian is what is lost what needs to be found honey I’m sorry I’m so sorry do number 18 for me I am so sorry my son is missing I need people to continue with
(3:06:32) the Flyers as Chris said PBI has already stated that most of their tips do come in from flyers I have okay I have 100% faith that the humanity that still exists out here but we can come together heads up eyes open see something say something contact FBI contact TBI call 911 for your local tell them that you know you think you just saw the missing child from Hendersonville Tennessee get them on it mhm all right at the same point in time if you feel that they’re not doing it it just fix it well unforunately is
(3:07:32) shorthanded all it takes for evil things exist as good men do nothing and that’s good females do I’m not I’m not you know it’s just for evil to exist and continue if good people don’t do something don’t do they do nothing right don’t fall into the Simplicity on your way to work on your way to the corner store on your way to Walmart you might see my son absolutely might see him and I need you to say something I need you to call 911 immediately if you’re not in sh County I need you to call 911 after you call 911
(3:08:16) call TBI so that way know that 911 has already been called I have found that law enforcement groups do not communicate with each other and I don’t mean this as a negative but I mean this as a Facebook lead came through and I called Lebanon which is here in Tennessee and they didn’t even know that my son was missing oh jeeez all right I I will second that was said there’s a lot of people out there communicate that don’t know locally right they don’t communicate and they need to they absolutely need to well I’m
(3:08:58) not saying communicating I’m I’m just agreeing that he is saying that there’s a lot of folks get the information that is necessary somebody forgets to do a pass down and the next officer on dud he doesn’t get the information that he needs so he doesn’t even know not his go the officer before him could have been working a 16 or have even been working more than the 16 which is illegal but we still have to have law enforcement out there right I I just need everybody to work together the rumors are killing it the
(3:09:44) rumors are killing people’s time and that’s the one thing Sebastian doesn’t have right so if you’ve already called tvi with your information but you think it might be a rumor if you heard it from Joe blow down the [ __ ] road you’re not helping find my son you’re part of the problem people out there listen and doing the death threats I don’t see you at my door you’re GNA sit there and pick on people that you’re a coward you are a coward and if somebody has my son understand that I love
(3:10:35) him and I need him back I need him back not that I want him back it’s I need because my life has stopped because say my son is not here and I find it hard to function can you ladies get was help my son here I’m sorry Chris what did what did you say go ahead Chris right Seth I know what you’re doing and I understand the plea but hang tight man you and I need we need to get off his panel you me Katie pi need to get on a phone call absolutely not not on here our message is simple find Sebastian you see it you say
(3:11:26) something you call it in don’t wait don’t let’s don’t go down this track man don’t I’m looking out for you don’t can can I just say one thing I I don’t want to ever discourage people from reaching out with information that they think might be pertinent now getting the same tip a 100 times from everybody on social media just sending the screenshot did you you know did you see this and we’ve already seen it 500 times I mean that’s excessive but I don’t ever want people to think like oh
(3:12:01) this might not be important because that might be the one tip that actually was important so I have a different message to send you know I I don’t want anybody to feel discouraged please reach out to us please please reach out CBI do not do not keep anything silent because you don’t think it’s important absolutely and I wanted to reiterate like I I get a t a ton of messages um and even if I do not respond to you that doesn’t mean I haven’t looked at it and that doesn’t mean I’m not looking into
(3:12:33) it so please I mean I get them on Twitter I get them on Facebook I get them in my emails if I don’t respond it’s not because I’m ignoring you we are vetting things that we know are probably nothing right but we’re still vetting them I mean that that kind of goes back to what I was saying earlier you know it it’s regardless of how everybody out there feels about me personally regardless let me let me help everybody with something and this might help you understand where we’re all standing there are some folks out there
(3:13:16) that have children and I would like for you to take your step back and you can look go look at your children you get to look at them you get to hold them you get to hug them you get to give them kisses every night you get to say I love you and all the fun Jazz that you get to do right now there are three parents that cannot do that right now to one child one regardless of how you feel about me cuz I can tell you now I’m not the most like person in world and I’m perfectly okay to accept that but if your heart’s
(3:13:52) in the right place and you’re doing this for the right reasons it’s not about me it’s not about Seth this ain’t about Katie this is about 15-year-old Sebastian Rogers our son and all I’m asking for y’all is to please tone everything down focus on the positive keep pushing a message out there and trust me when we find Sebastian when he comes home let the party begin but that’s all we’re going to ask of y’all please just keep spreading the word and be supportive and just keep
(3:14:37) pushing Sebastian it’s all we’re going to ask thank you um Seth any final words no okay ladies and gentlemen I can’t thank you enough for coming tonight I apologize for the rude comments in chat our mods were deleting them as quickly as possible those people disgust me they’re not welcome here and um so much Trish if if this had to happen publicly as it did I’m I’m really glad it happened here well and again we’ll do anything we can to help and anything we can do to facilitate the
(3:15:17) talking we don’t need to do anything publicly we’ll help any way we can privately and we won’t say a word so anything you need we are here okay thank you everybody thank you so much thank you take care now thanks bye bye bye bye is it just us uh wait is the show over yes no no we’re no we’re still live we’re still live okay I was like okay yeah it’s just us okay yeah I don’t yeah we were trying to get rid of the um uh comments in chat as quickly as possible yeah yeah and people were
(3:16:05) saying do you want me to be a mod you want me to be I just I didn’t have time to make anybody a mod or anything but you know I got you know ping in and then uh 8675309 okay good good good good good because um yeah the comments the bad comments were coming Fast and Furious and it was so frustrating I’ve never seen anything so disgusting before I know and it’s like really and we’ve been doing this for what four years now I mean you know in some form or another and yeah it’s terrific been doing True
(3:16:36) Crime social media for 20 years I’ve never seen as many rude horrible comments as I have on both on both sides you know but I do and we’re talking about chat comments just to clear up for everybody chat yeah not here but I do want to say something people were accusing me of of favoring Seth over Chris I was because Chris was so angry and so aggressive and I was trying to calm him down and I wanted to let but he was just kept exploding and that’s just not going to help and I was trying to get that message across to him and I
(3:17:12) don’t know if I did you know so it was trying to make sure Seth got a chance to speak that they both got a chance to speak you know and Chris had been on there longer than Seth so anyway um it was just it it was very frustrating so I I will admit that I was helping Seth Moore for two reasons Chris was so angry and was just exploding and I was trying to give Seth time to respond so that’s why that’s why anyway yeah I um I I do Elizabeth I I feel like Chris Is His Own Worst Enemy and I don’t know how to get through to
(3:17:55) him but he’s just making it worse by getting angry like that it doesn’t help because here’s the thing you’re not going to change the idiots out there that come in and say these horrible things you’re not you’re just not and by yelling at them calling them names was not going to help it’s just going to make you look like an angry person so it’s hard but as we know you’ve got to ignore those people it is hard that’s so hard to do yeah it’s hard but you need to I mean but these here’s the thing
(3:18:29) these two families like I said they didn’t know one day they’re going along all of a sudden they’re boom in the middle of social media and unless you’ve been in it it’s almost impossible to ignore these things and you want to respond because you because you think okay if I get out there and respond and tell the truth then everybody will see well it doesn’t matter because the trolls will be the trolls you know and um if anybody found that upsetting to listen to you could have left at any time and I offered to
(3:19:00) end it so these two could talk and Chris said no Chris said no so I tried you know and if they want to talk on this platform I am more than happy to let them talk but um anything that can maybe help you know exactly exactly and again nobody is forced to sit into this chat or into this you know to listen to this so um and here I am getting all defensive about people making comments about me and I’m saying oh don’t listen and I’m doing just not even taking my own advice but anyway okay I think that’s it I think I
(3:19:36) need a break yeah but but please everybody get the word out about Sebastian we’ll put links in the description where you can get flyers and and do all of that okay so um and there’s a petition that needs signed yes yeah a petition and there’s the GoFundMe to help with search what is gray saying is he in here causing problems again what is he saying I didn’t see him whatever he wants whatever he wants yep whatever he wants well people are getting mad at him and people are agreeing with him so I
(3:20:11) know he’s he’s just being gray yeah that’s what he’s doing okay very good very good okay now I want to bring up there’s a comment that just Lily D I need my blood pressure meds too um somebody just said Chris wants money I’ve never heard that I’ve never heard anything about Chris wanting money have you um no I haven’t and so I think that’s a terrible thing to say to here’s the thing people your words have power for God’s sakes remember that you know I know Chris Works um they have a
(3:20:46) house they have these things so they have money to pay for them so I don’t understand what the GoFundMe is for the search Chris have not put up a GoFundMe you know so you know just um when don’t say stuff like that and just act like it’s no big deal that’s a horrible thing to say about somebody without proof you know because your words have power now people will read that and think oh that’s true so yeah anyway okay uh poor ping I think he was going to go um live tonight I certainly hope he
(3:21:24) does and thank you ping thank you for coming in I really appreciate it so he’s gonna go on and go you guys are not going to believe what I just saw oh my God I need some normaly here people yeah okay well we will be back Monday night at 10:30 Eastern uh ping the router is going to go live here in just a moment that is kns with ping and uh I think that’s it I want to thank Heather and Khloe for coming on and Chris and Seth that was quite a surprise we didn’t know and I’m glad they were here so I I hope that they will talk
(3:21:59) behind the scenes and get this straightened out all right okay everybody um I will uh we’ll see you Monday and thank you to the mods thank you I’m not even sure who was modding tonight just know I really appreciate it I know we got some extra people in here and I can’t thank you enough so thanks everybody we’ll talk soon soon see you Monday 10:30 Eastern on web SLO YouTube live bye bye bye